Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 193 Is it possible that blind dates and I are not compatible?

"I explain? What explanation do I need?"

Shi Xiaojing felt baffled.

"You clearly made an appointment to meet with me at five o'clock, but it's almost seven o'clock now. Don't you need an explanation?"

Xu Xiaoxin on the side couldn't stand it anymore and said angrily.

"Heh, I was going to the movies with my best friend just now. I'm already giving you face by coming to see you, so what if I'm a little later?"

Shi Xiaojing frowned and said matter-of-factly.

"Why don't you respect others at all! Isn't other people's time time?"

Xu Xiaoxin was so angry when she saw that Shi Xiaojing not only did not apologize, but also acted like a matter of course.

"How can I behave as a human being and still have someone like you, a waiter with a monthly salary of three thousand, to judge me?"

Shi Xiaojing looked at Xu Xiaoxin, with a hint of disdain in her eyes, and looked at Ye Yang: "I'm just a small company employee, and my time is precious! Do you know who I am?"

Ye Yang smiled and spread his hands: "I would like to hear the details."

"Oh, I am the personal secretary of the boss of a listed company! The people who talk and laugh with me every day are the big shots that a poor guy like you will never be able to come into contact with in his life!"

Aunt Wang thought Ye Yang was an ordinary office worker in Shanghai with a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan, and she and Shi Xiaojing naturally said the same thing.

"Then how much is your monthly salary?"

Ye Yang asked with a faint smile.


Shi Xiaojing frowned: "Five thousand, what's wrong?"


Ye Yang almost spit out a mouthful of water: "It turns out it's only five thousand. Based on your tone, I thought the annual salary was several hundred million."

Xu Xiaoxin, who was on the side, burst out laughing as she listened to Ye Yang's insults.

In this high-consumption metropolis like Shanghai, a monthly salary of 5,000 yuan is not as good as a monthly salary of 3,000 yuan in other smaller cities.

This is a stupid person who, despite being paid a low salary, treats himself as superior because of his contact with a few high-status people. He really needs to see a psychiatrist.

Some women just can't figure out how much they weigh or what their status is.

With a monthly salary of 5,000 yuan, you dare to say that a man with a monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan is a poor man.

In Ye Yang's view, the word stupid is no longer enough to describe their IQ.

"What's wrong with a monthly salary of five thousand? Haha, my boss can control billions of cash flows with just one word! Alas, we are not in the same world as trash like you."

Shi Xiaojing rolled her eyes.

"But what does this have to do with you?"

Ye Yang looked at Shi Xiaojing, this woman was simply confusing.


Shi Xiaojing was speechless.

"Haha, it's just a clerk! You are such a stingy person! Originally, I thought you looked pretty good, so I was ready to give you a chance. Now, I have decided to completely eliminate you from my consideration!"

Ye Yang cupped his fists and said with excitement and surprise: "Thank you so much!"


,"Shi Xiaojing was so angry that she almost spat out a mouthful of blood: "I can't stay with a piece of trash like you for one more second. We'll never see each other again!"

With that said, she walked out of the restaurant on stiletto heels.

"Huh... finally left, there is a smell of perfume..."

Ye Yang waved the air in front of him, feeling disgusted.

He still prefers the light body fragrance of girls. This kind of irritating perfume makes him feel very uncomfortable even within three meters of him.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect you to be quite good at attacking people!"

Xu Xiaoxin was smiling from ear to ear.

"Just telling the truth."

Ye Yang shrugged, why did he meet such a weird girl? !

Could it be that I am not compatible with blind dates?

As long as you go on a blind date, you will definitely encounter weird things?

"It's almost time to eat, shall I take you home?"

Ye Yang shook his head, simply stopped thinking about that, and smiled at Xu Xiaoxin.


Xu Xiaoxin had a good impression of Ye Yang, and at this time, she nodded in agreement.

I came out to experience the life of ordinary people, but of course I didn’t drive my own luxury car.

Walking to the garage, Ye Yang pressed the car key.


The most beautiful sports car in the garage started suddenly.

"Huh? Porsche 918? It seems that your business is quite successful, handsome!"

Xu Xiaoxin was slightly surprised when she saw Ye Yang's car.

She still knew the price of this car. The low-end version cost only a few million, and her father only drove a Rolls-Royce Cullinan worth more than 20 million.


He stepped on the accelerator and soon arrived at the villa complex where Xu Xiaoxin lived.

"Huazhou Junting?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. It seemed that Xu Xiaoxin's family was quite powerful.

Huazhou Junting is considered one of the most high-end villa areas in the Magic City, and is only one level lower than his own Yundingshan Villa Area.

The level of luxury inside is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Because there are no townhouses in Huazhou Junting, they are all single-family houses!

The lowest price for a single-family home in Huazhou is 300 million.

Better villas cost seven to eight billion.

"We had a great time chatting. Can I treat you to dinner next time?"

Xu Xiaoxin jumped up and waved to Ye Yang.

"See you."

Ye Yang also had a smile on his lips, waved his hand, got in the car and went home directly.

Little did they know that this scene was noticed by the security guard of Huazhou Junting and they made a call directly.

"Oh, I see."

On the top of an office building, a female executive dressed in a capable outfit put down the phone and handed the documents in her hand to her secretary with worry: "Save these documents first. I have something to do and need to go home."

"Okay, I'll prepare a car for you."

The secretary quickly went to deal with the remaining problems.

Li Youwei tapped the office pen in her hand on the desk: "Why did Xiaoxin suddenly go home with a strange man? Don't be fooled by the bad guys with ulterior motives. You must ask clearly about this matter."

She is Xu Xiaoxin's mother, and Xu Xiaoxin's father Xu Yuanhong is the CEO of Haiqi Group, the largest listed company in the entire Magic City, and owns a company worth hundreds of billions.

There are too many people who have bad ideas about their family every day.

Xu Yuanhong arranged Xu Xiaoxin's life so that she would not be hurt.

Ye Yang's sudden appearance obviously made Li Youwei nervous.

After the car was ready, she left the office building and prepared to go home to ask questions...

(Second update)

Thanks to book friend Brumaire for the two likes~

Thanks to book friends 1931/1297 for the likes~

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