Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 195 Then you are my boyfriend now


Seeing that her daughter's stubborn temper was rising again, Li Youwei knew that she couldn't be harsh and could only breathe a sigh of relief: "Okay, didn't you say that he and your father are in the same business? In two days, Haiqi will host a business salon. When the time comes, you invite that kid over, and I’ll weigh it up to see how much he weighs!”

Xu Xiaoxin rolled her eyes: "Then if he passes your review standards, will he not arrange blind dates for me in the future?"

"talk later."

Li Youwei waved her hand: "It's too early to say this now. I bet that kid will reveal his secrets in just a few words when he comes to the commercial salon."

"Okay, let's see!"

Inexplicably, Xu Xiaoxin was full of confidence in Ye Yang.


Seeing her daughter running upstairs in a hurry, Li Youwei rubbed her forehead helplessly: "It's only a few days. Then I will see the true face of that kid. I hope you won't be too sad."


That night, Ye Yang was taking a hot spring bath with his maid when he received a call from Xu Xiaoxin.

"Hello? What's wrong?"

Ye Yang scratched his head. He and this little rich woman only separated at eight o'clock. In less than two hours, he missed himself? damn charm!

"Ahem... Ye Yang, there is something I want to ask you to help me with..."

Although Xu Xiaoxin had made a good calculation just now, she was a little embarrassed when she actually spoke.

After all, she and Ye Yang had only officially known each other for one night.

Although I have a good impression of him.

But if the other party doesn't think they are that familiar at all, wouldn't I be being sentimental...

"Oh? You said."

Ye Yang was a little confused when he heard the other party's tone, and he didn't want to joke, so he replied seriously.

"Ahem, I want to invite you to a business salon with me... If you agree, I owe you a favor!"

Xu Xiaoxin said repeatedly.

"But you already owe me a meal tonight?"

Ye Yang thought it was a big deal, but it turned out to be such a small matter, so he couldn't help but joked deliberately.


Xu Xiaoxin thought for a while: "Then I'll treat you to two meals. No, I've done this for me. I can treat you to as many meals as you want!"

"Haha, just kidding."

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "I can help you with this, but as a condition, you have to tell me the reason, right?"


Xu Xiaoxin blushed and rubbed the ground with her toes: "When you sent me home tonight, my mother mistakenly thought you were my boyfriend..."

"My mother-in-law is so wise!"

Ye Yang joked.

"Go! Go! Go!"

Xu Xiaoxin rolled her eyes: "Didn't I tell you tonight that my family always likes to arrange my life, arranging blind dates for me every three days, so I thought..."

"So you want me to be a substitute, a temporary boyfriend?"

Ye Yang smiled.

"Ah, don't misunderstand..."

Xu Xiaoxin pursed her lips, her face flushed with anxiety...

"It's easy to talk about, but you'll be charged by the hour."

Ye Yang said seriously: "It's very expensive."

"Harm! I'm not afraid of expensive things. I'm very rich!"

Xu Xiaoxin's little rich woman's face was exposed.

"How about one kiss an hour?"

Ye Yang said with a evil smile.


Xu Xiaoxin was so amused that her face turned even redder.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. I'll send you the time and location via WeChat. I promise to arrive on time and make my mother-in-law very satisfied!"

Ye Yang didn't wait for Xu Xiaoxin to say anything else, he just hung up the phone with a bad smile.

"Hmph, bad guy!"

Xu Xiaoxin gritted her teeth and pointed at the phone fiercely, but she felt an unprecedented sense of relief in her heart.


She threw her head up and fell on the bed. Maybe she was really moved...

Yundingshan Hot Spring.

"Commercial salon?"

Ye Yang looked up at the stars in the sky.

The hot spring is located at the top of Yunding Mountain. You can see the stars when you look up at night without turning on too many lights.

A business salon is actually a gathering of business leaders.

It was similar in nature to the charity dinner that night.

It's a more advanced party.

A gathering of the upper class.

Originally, he wasn't too interested in these things, but being a temporary boyfriend was such an exciting, novel, and challenging thing. It would be a shame not to participate in it.

Let Yu Momo put participating in the business salon behind his schedule.

Ye Yang continued to enjoy the hot spring bath.

A few days later.

Ye Yang rubbed his chin.

Now that I have decided to play the role of temporary boyfriend, I naturally have to put some thought into it.

In the past few days, he asked Yu Mo to check the relevant information of this salon.

Xu Yuanhong, the CEO of the organizer HIC, started his business with millions of dollars in the 1980s. In a few decades, it has grown to a market value of 500 billion, making it the largest private enterprise in Shanghai today.

The company is ranked among the top 500 companies in the world.

"I didn't expect that she is really a little rich woman."

After all this calculation, Xu Xiaoxin is the daughter of the biggest businessman in Shanghai.

The little Phoenix who may inherit hundreds of billions of assets in the future.

No wonder I recognized my Porsche 918 at a glance that day. You know, many girls don’t understand cars. Even if there is a luxury car in front of them, they can’t name it.

But Xu Xiaoxin saw it at a glance.

It turns out that my family was originally in the automotive business.

Ye Yang smiled and flipped through his mailbox.

These few days, he has received many invitations.

They are all invitations to this salon.

The ones who invited him were naturally the bosses who saw his fame at the charity dinner that day and wanted to make friends with him.

Among them, there was even the name of Bai Fujiu.

"I don't know what this old man is thinking."

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

I didn't give him face that day and directly snatched the purple clay pot from him for 70 million.

This old man should hate me, why did he suddenly send me an invitation.

"Maybe it's the Hongmen Feast."

Yu Momo said firmly.

"Haha, he is not qualified to give me the Hongmen Feast."

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head.

Anyway, he will accompany Xu Xiaoxin to this salon, and these other minor details can be dealt with together.

"For a business salon, let's drive this land first-class cabin."

Ye Yang walked around the garage.

There are super sports cars worth tens of millions of yuan inside, which seems a bit undignified.

I'd rather drive a commercial vehicle to look more mature.

Sitting in a land first-class cabin worth more than 60 million: a top-of-the-line commercial Bentley Mulsanne, drinking juice.

Soon we drove to the restaurant where Xu Xiaoxin "experiences life".

At six o'clock, Xu Xiaoxin got off work.

He sat in.

"Huh? The extended version of Bentley Mulsanne, this configuration, one car costs 50 or 60 million, right? You are really a luxury car enthusiast!"

After Xu Xiaoxin looked around in surprise, she smiled at Ye Yang and took Ye Yang's arm: "Then you are my boyfriend now!"

(Second update)

Thanks to book friend Little Gray Wolf, 6681/1161, for the likes~

Thanks to book friend 1022 for the mountain climbing invitation!

Thanks to book friend 1931/1297 for the reminder!

Thanks to book friend 4168/9633, Wuqing Hara Shao, 666 for the likes~

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