Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 196: Market value of hundreds of billions? Not bad, right?


Yu Momo, who was driving in front, hummed, a little jealous.

"It's okay. I feel a little tired of driving the same car all the time, so I bought a few more."

Ye Yang said honestly.


Xu Xiaoxin chuckled: "This is your reason for buying a luxury car. This is the first time I've heard of it."


The extended Bentley Mulsanne sped along the way and soon arrived at the Tianyi Club where the salon was located.

This is an exclusive club for those with a net worth of more than 100 million.

The annual membership fee is several million.

This business salon was also held here.

Today's Tianyi Club is full of luxury cars, socialites, wealthy businessmen, and celebrities.

Any brick thrown down can knock down a group of super bosses with a net worth of tens of billions.

This business salon is different from the charity gala held by Dongfa Bank.

The initiator of this event was Xu Yuanhong, the number one boss in the business world of Magic City.

As long as he invites them, if they don't come, it means they don't give them face!

As long as there are business people in Shanghai, how many dare not give face to Xu Yuanhong?

This time, almost all the top celebrities in Shanghai came.

You have to spend money to do charity, but coming here may make many of these super bosses with a net worth of hundreds of billions.

Therefore, those small characters with a net worth of only a few hundred million are trying their best to squeeze in.

Both the enthusiasm and the number of participants are much higher than before.

"It's really an unprecedented event."

Ye Yang took a look and saw several business leaders who sat in the front seats at the charity dinner that day.

At this time, it seems quite ordinary here.

Not far away, Bai Fujiu got out of a Mercedes-Benz S900-Emperor with a few people.

Behind him, his son Bai Bei followed, and next to Bai Bei was Shi Xiaojing's plastic girlfriend Li Licha.

Seeing Ye Yang coming, his eyes suddenly became wrong.

On the one hand, he was secretly happy in his heart, and on the other hand, he felt that something bad had happened.

After all, Shi Xiaojing is here today...

"I guess there will be something interesting to watch."

Li Licha's eyes turned, and she smiled with an unknown feeling in her heart.

"That one at the door is my mother."

Xu Xiaoxin hugged Ye Yang's arm nervously.

Feeling Xu Xiaoxin's nervousness, Ye Yang smiled faintly and looked over.

Li Youwei's appearance is first-class.

Her figure is even more exquisite.

Such a beautiful CEO has her own aura. If ordinary people see her, they may be weak before they even walk in to chat.

But for him, all this seems to be no problem at all.

After all, he is a person who has seen big scenes.

Li Youwei obviously also found Ye Yang and Xu Xiaoxin, and her face suddenly became solemn.

"Sure enough, he is a pretty boy, and he is quite handsome..."

Even if the first definition of Ye Yang in his heart is that he is a romantic scum who deceives his daughter, but he has to admit that Ye Yang is very handsome.

If she was fascinated by such a handsome guy, it seems understandable...

This business salon is very important to Xu Yuanhong and Haiqi Group, otherwise they would not let her, the wife of the group, be the face of the group.

Testing Ye Yang was just a small matter.

After all, he was just a social gangster who cheated money and sex, and he was sent away with a few words.

But when she saw Ye Yang's expression and momentum, her inner stereotype was shaken.

Is this really the temperament that an ordinary social gangster can pretend?

The confidence in his eyes and the transcendence in his steps are not like ordinary people...

With that handsome face, he is simply the most perfect young man in the world!

Even if he is a professional actor, if he wants to perform to this level, he can probably be rated as a national first-class actor.

However, she is a veteran who has been in the business world for more than 20 years, and it is impossible for her to be fooled by appearance alone.

Her face regained a trace of seriousness.

"Mommy, this is the Ye Yang I told you about."

Xu Xiaoxin shook Ye Yang's arm, and then said: "This is my mother, Li Youwei. She is also the senior executive president of Haiqi Group."

"Hello, aunt."

Ye Yang smiled and bowed to shake hands. His etiquette and temperament were just right, so Li Youwei couldn't find any faults.

Xu Xiaoxin breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Ye Yang with a strange look in her eyes.

I didn't expect that this guy was usually sloppy, like a careless playboy, but now he pretended to be quite serious!

If I hadn't been teased by him every day, I might have believed that he was a serious person!


Li Youwei nodded slightly, and her image of Ye Yang in her heart changed greatly: "Xiaoxin said, you said that you and her father are in the same industry?"

"If you have to say it, you can count it this way."

Ye Yang smiled and nodded.

"So that means this statement is far-fetched?"

Li Youwei sneered inwardly, he was indeed a little liar, and he was exposed in one sentence.

"After all, Uncle Xu only has one group, and I have more than one company group under my name. I don't know what my profession is."

Ye Yang spread his hands and smiled.


Li Youwei was stunned. Why didn't this kid play by the rules? !

Then, he was also angry and laughed: "You don't think that the number of companies can represent a person's achievements? It only takes 100,000 yuan to invest in a company. If you take 1 million, you can invest in more than a dozen companies. Do you know the assets of Haiqi Group?"

"I know."

Ye Yang nodded seriously: "I think it's pretty good."


Li Youwei was choked and couldn't even speak.

The routines that were originally prepared are all useless at this time. This kid is too unconventional!

This honest look! If what you said was not so outrageous, I would have believed it!

However, Ye Yang's words also completely shattered Li Youwei's good impression of him. At such a young age, he spoke wildly and was not steady at all.

The Haiqi Group with a market value of hundreds of billions is called "okay"!

In China, there are only a handful of people who are qualified to say this, such as Wang Silin and Mark King.

Now she is sure that Ye Yang is a slick-tongued villain who deceives her innocent daughter with lies.


Li Youwei sneered: "Then I wonder what level of company in China can be better than your "not bad" level?"

Ye Yang frowned and thought about it, and finally shook his head: "In China, there should be no such company."

Now his own assets are several trillion, and the most powerful companies, Yida Group and Tengxun Group, are already his.

It can be said that in his eyes, all the companies and groups in China are at most not bad...

This is really not pretentious, but seeking truth from facts!

"Haha, you are really slick-tongued."

Li Youwei was completely disappointed and shook her head: "Just tell me, how much money do you want to let my daughter go?"

(First update)

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