Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 197 Bai Fujiu's apology, Li Youwei is stunned


Xu Xiaoxin opened her eyes wide, and there was already a look of sullenness on her face: "Even if you have a problem with Ye Yang, you can't say that!"

"So what? He's just a smooth-talking, eloquent kid. He doesn't even have a clue what he's saying! He's just talking nonsense! A company with a market value of hundreds of billions, and it sounds pretty good, but at first glance, he's bragging!"

Li Youwei shook her head: "This kind of man is not reliable at all. How can I watch you jump into the fire pit yourself!"

Ye Yang smiled lightly and shook his head: "So Auntie thinks that I am approaching Xiaoxin because of your money?"

"if not?"

Li Youwei sneered: "I've seen people like you a lot! Stop pretending in front of me. Let me tell you how much you want. Just tell me, don't continue to harm my daughter."


Xu Xiaoxin bit her lip, she believed Ye Yang was not that kind of person.

Ye Yang shook his head and said with a smile: "In that case, that's good."


Xu Xiaoxin was stunned.

"Look! I'll just say it!"

Li Youwei sneered.

"Ye Yang..."

Xu Xiaoxin looked at Ye Yang, wondering what bad idea he was planning.

"One trillion, can you afford it?"

Ye Yang replied with a faint smile.

"Are you kidding? Have you ever seen what one hundred million looks like!? One trillion!? China's annual GDP is only a few hundred billion less! I think you are absolutely crazy!"

Li Youwei was completely confused.

"Yeah, I made a price that you can't possibly give, which means it's impossible for you to let me leave Xiaoxin."

Ye Yang spread his hands and fought back desperately.


Li Youwei was once again criticized for her doubts about life: "You... please think carefully, this is the chance for me to talk to you with nice words! After this time, no matter how you charm my daughter, you can't even think about it from the sea." Take away a penny!”

Ye Yang shrugged and said helplessly: "I don't even want you to give Haiqi Group to me, and I don't lack the money."


Li Youwei opened her mouth. When Ye Yang said this, there was no acting at all, as if he really meant it.

Even though Li Youwei had been in the shopping mall for twenty years, dealing with people every day, and surviving intrigues, she couldn't catch any flaws in this young man's face.

"...Perhaps, when approaching Xiaoxin, he really isn't just after Haiqi's money?"

Li Youwei also murmured in her heart.

But Li Youwei didn't believe it when it came to Haiqi's suggestion that he didn't want it as a gift to him.

This is a super company with a market value of hundreds of billions, ranking first in the private sector in Shanghai!

There are not many such groups in the whole of China.

Unless the family saves tens of billions, who dares to say that there is no shortage of tens of billions...

"Isn't he the glib-tongued young girl type, but the pure passionate ideal young man type?"

Li Youwei frowned and spoke again, but this time her tone was obviously much better: "It's good to have ideals, but you haven't experienced the training of society, and you don't know the status gap between you and Xiaoxin at all! It’s impossible for you!”

"When you have graduated more than ten years ago and are still struggling to pay for a down payment for a suburban house in Shanghai. Xiaoxin can even live in a villa in any villa area in Shanghai just because she is not used to it. This gap , have you ever thought about it?”

"Buy a house? I have thousands of houses in Magic City! If you can't live in it, just change it!"

Ye Yang said he didn't understand what Li Youwei was worried about at all.


Li Youwei rolled her eyes in her heart and almost rolled her eyes to the sky. She couldn't do this even if she was daydreaming!

Just when Li Youwei opened her mouth to educate this young man who was eloquent, boasted without drafting, and was full of daydreams.

However, an old acquaintance came into view.

"Bai Fujiu?"

Li Youwei was a little surprised in her heart.

Bai Fujiu's wealth has exceeded 100 billion, and he is ranked in China Forbes. He belongs to the top business tycoon in Shanghai since Xu Yuanhong.

Li Youwei usually respected Bai Fujiu very much. Seeing that he was still carrying a gift box, she couldn't help but misunderstood: "Mr. Bai, come as soon as you come. Do you want to bring any gifts..."

Bai Fujiu waved his hand with a smile, but ignored Li Youwei and looked directly at Ye Yang.

"Mr. Ye."

When Bai Fujiu saw Ye Yang, he bowed and saluted.

"I was blind before, and I had a little unpleasantness with you, Mr. Ye. Please don't take it off. I brought some Wushan Dahongpao this time as an apology."

As he said that, he also winked at Bai Bei.

Bai Bei smiled repeatedly and handed the tea gift bag to Yu Momo beside Ye Yang.

"I hope Mr. Ye can forget the previous unpleasantness. Bai and Mr. Ye have never known each other without fighting! In the future, whenever Mr. Ye can use Bai, Bai will never say no!"

Bai Fujiu said with a smile.


Ye Yang was stunned, why did this old boy's attitude suddenly change 180 degrees?

Bai Fujiu studied Ye Yang's expression. During the last charity auction, the other party cut off his purple clay pot for 70 million yuan, which made him very unhappy.

Therefore, I felt a little grudge when I went back, and reluctantly checked Ye Yang's background.

I also learned about it from Qian Boyan.

Now that Ye Yang's wealth has caught up, in addition to keeping the system confidential, Lawyer Fang Han and the others also protect Ye Yang's information online.

It is almost impossible to easily find Ye Yang's information.

But with Bai Fujiu's status as a billionaire, if he is determined to investigate, he can still find some clues.

If he doesn't investigate, he won't know. Once he investigates, Bai Fujiu almost suffocates.

The billion-dollar bet that was very popular a while ago, the former richest man in China, Wang Silin, apologized. It turns out that the real owner is this person!

In addition, the information obtained from Qian Boyan said that Ye Yang is likely to be a core senior executive of Hurricane.

Combining these information, the power hidden behind this young man is simply immeasurable...

At least, he is not a simple small wealthy businessman with hundreds of billions of assets that he can afford to offend!

So, he specially sent an invitation to Ye Yang.

Today, he specially brought a gift to apologize to Ye Yang.

"Okay, okay."

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head: "If you don't mention it, I will forget what happened that day..."

Although he didn't know the details, Ye Yang also guessed the reason. There was no grudge between him and Bai Fujiu. The other party was willing to lower his status and apologize, so it was natural for him to give him face.


Bai Fujiu almost spit out blood. He spent 70 million to buy a purple clay teapot, and he forgot it right away?

If someone else said this, it would definitely be pretentious.

But when Ye Yang said it now, Bai Fujiu was very convinced.

The old and the young sang in unison, and Li Youwei was dumbfounded...

"What is going on..."

(Second update)

Thanks to the book friends who are often inexplicably stuck for two likes~

Thanks to the book friends woc, Mo, 1931/1297, for the likes~

Thanks to Xiaolou's Dongfeng 77 for the great god certification and the completion of the book! ! ! ! Thank you very much!

Thanks to Naruto for being awesome, Canghai (in the book shortage), and the praise for standing on the grave and commanding ghosts~

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