Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 203: Being a handsome guy is really hard


Xu Yuanhong looked at Ye Yang at this time, and didn't know what identity to talk to Ye Yang in.

“From what you said just now, Yida is going to have a cooperation contract with Haiqi?”

Ye Yang looked at Wang Silin.

“Yes, President Xu wants to discuss automobile cooperation with our company and become the only direct supplier of shared cars for our company. By the way, promote the market of domestic cars.”

“For this project, the capital flow is about 150 billion after the whole cooperation.”

Wang Silin asked: “I originally wanted to come here today to talk things out and report to you for the final decision. I didn’t expect you to be here.”

“What do you think about this matter…”

Ye Yang nodded slightly: “This is a good thing! Since it’s a good thing, let’s talk about it.”


Wang Silin was stunned for a moment, and then nodded with a wry smile. For a 150 billion project, even he had to think hard for many days and nights before he dared to make a decision.

Boss Ye is indeed a madman, and his thinking is really different from that of ordinary people.

He dared to decide on a super large order of more than 100 billion with a snap of his forehead.

Who dares to match this kind of heroic spirit! ?

"Damn, awesome! When can I decide on a 100 billion order with just one sentence!?"

"Oh, I'm so envious, this is life!"

"He will be my idol in the business world from now on! No one can compete with me! I'm the most loyal disciple!"

"Go, go, go, I am!"

Everyone present was also extremely envious.

"Okay, boss, I know what's going on."

Wang Silin nodded: "We'll discuss the details later..."

Ye Yang waved his hand: "Such a small matter, do I have to go in person?"

"Ahem, of course... I won't use it, I won't use it."

Wang Silin wiped his sweat, 150 billion!

In the past, when he was at his most glorious, he didn't dare to say that this was a small matter...

This new boss is really unfathomable...

"Ahem, Mr. Xu, let's go in first."

Wang Silin also waved his hand, and his tone and demeanor were obviously much softer than when he first came in.

"Okay, okay, okay."

Xu Yuanhong didn't know whether to laugh or cry. If she had known that her daughter had such a big backer, why would she hold a salon to show her strength...

It was so funny.

Even after Xu Yuanhong and Wang Silin walked into the inner hall for a long time, the envy and fluctuations in the scene continued, with no intention of letting up.

Ye Yang glanced at the distraught Shi Xiaojing and waved to the security guard beside him.

Those who can work as security guards here are all well-mannered people. At this time, they understood directly. Two people came up and drove Shi Xiaojing, who seemed to have lost her soul and was left with only a body, out.

Dropped directly on the avenue.

The guests present all looked at Ye Yang secretly. The young masters were extremely envious, and the celebrities' eyes were shining.

The famous bigwigs all weighed their own worth to see if they were qualified to go up and toast Ye Yang a glass of wine.

In the world of fame and fortune, all eyes are now looking at this most dazzling person intentionally or unintentionally.

Ye Yang shook his head. He came here today just to be a substitute, a temporary boyfriend, to fool Xu Xiaoxin's mother.

Who knew that so many things would be involved.

Shi Xiaojing jumped out to commit suicide, and Wang Silin came to recognize the boss.

Now it's good. I can't even quietly accompany the little beauty to eat some cake and drink some wine.

Being stared at by so many people is boring.

Xu Xiaoxin obviously saw Ye Yang's mood and suggested: "Hehe, now my mother should not force me to go on a blind date anymore. I think we should go out for a walk... I guess you don't like the atmosphere here."

"Huh? How did you see that?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"You said that, you like to keep a low profile!"

Xu Xiaoxin said seriously.

Ye Yang stared, thinking that he was really a confidant!

Others present must think that he was pretending to say this, but only Xiao Xu, a good comrade, knew that he was expressing his feelings from the bottom of his heart!


He nodded.

Before the two of them walked out of the salon venue, Li Youwei also smiled and greeted them.

"Ahem, I didn't expect Ye Yang to be so promising at such a young age. I've been in the business world for so many years and I was wrong."

Li Youwei apologized.

"It's okay. Auntie is also concerned about her daughter! I understand."

Ye Yang smiled and nodded.


Li Youwei nodded repeatedly. Before, she was examining Ye Yang. In less than an hour, she became worried about whether Ye Yang would like her daughter and whether her family was worthy of him.

This change in mentality made her laugh and cry.

"What are you going to do?"

"Everyone here is staring at my Ye Yang with bad intentions, so naturally we should take him away quickly. Otherwise, he will be seduced by some rich girl again."

Xu Xiaoxin laughed.


Li Youwei actually took this joke seriously. She was very relieved. Her daughter finally became smart!

In his heart, he gave Xu Xiaoxin a thumbs up.

He smiled and said, "Then you guys can have fun as much as you want. If it's too late or the road is too far, you don't have to go home."


Xu Xiaoxin looked at Li Youwei in great surprise. Is this still her mother?!

If I come home late, I will be blamed for a long time. If I talk to a boy for a few more words, I will want to dig out his family tree, for fear that some pig will take my cabbage.

Why do I suddenly want to give my cabbage away for money!

This contrast made her confused.


Li Youwei smiled awkwardly, knowing that she had changed too much and made her daughter stupid, so she simply stopped talking.

It was really too shocking, and now her mind was in a mess. The more she said, the more mistakes she made.

It's better not to say anything.

"Then we'll leave first."

Xu Xiaoxin waved to Li Youwei, took Ye Yang's arm, and left the venue.

Bentley Mulsanne started and sped under the night view of the Magic City.

"Where are we going?"

Ye Yang asked with a smile.

"Whatever you say."

Xu Xiaoxin took Ye Yang's arm.

"Hey, the banquet is over, and I've passed the aunt's level. Do I complete my mission?"

Ye Yang looked at Xu Xiaoxin with a smirk.


Xu Xiaoxin nodded: "What's wrong?"

"Well, I've finished my work as a laborer, shouldn't you pay me as a boss?"

Ye Yang smiled and said: "You don't want to be a black-hearted boss and owe me wages!"


Xu Xiaoxin thought of the agreement with Ye Yang, and her face flushed.

The salary of a temporary boyfriend, one kiss per hour!

Ye Yang turned his face away and raised his chin.

"Hmph, big bad guy!"

Xu Xiaoxin didn't know where she got the courage, and turned Ye Yang's head, leaned forward, and pressed her lips against Ye Yang's...

"Alas... Being a handsome guy is so hard, I have to be kissed by force every day..."

Ye Yang sighed in his heart, but responded honestly...

(Second update)

Thanks to book friends 1662/0989, 1931/1297, Nanli, Wuwu for the praise~

Thanks to book friends 2063/1986 for the urging talisman!

Thanks to book friends 2321/7933 for the praise~

Thanks to book friends SR, 1037/5359 for the urging talisman!

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