Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 204 The only drawback is that it is too cheap


After they separated, Xu Xiaoxin also blushed. She blinked. Even herself was extremely surprised by what she had just done: "Huh, I don't owe you anything this time!"

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head: "Come on, I only ate some small cakes just now, I will take you to have a big meal."


That night, Ye Yang and Xu Xiaoxin also ate many special snacks on the street. According to Li Youwei's management plan, Xu Xiaoxin naturally did not eat these snacks.

At this time, Xu Xiaoxin, who had eaten at a roadside stall for the first time, was extremely satisfied.

After all, no one can resist grilled cold noodles and oden, fried chicken collarbone and small barbecue.

After having enough wine and food, Ye Yang sent Xu Xiaoxin back to Huazhou Junting.

Then we returned to Yundingshan Villa.

I took a comfortable bath in the hot spring with the maids, and then played some games. I sat casually on the big bed in my bathrobe and scrolled through my phone.

"Are you here? Mr. Handsome/Doubtful"

While chatting, I suddenly received a WeChat message.

"Huh? Ling a bit familiar."

Ye Yang thought for a while and then remembered.

This Ling Shishi was the little girl in cosplay that she met when she was buying clothes for herself for the first time.

She looked very innocent and cute, so Ye Yang also remembered her.

After adding him, the other party chatted with him several times.

She is a very kawaii and energetic girl.

But since she went back to make up her homework, she hasn't contacted him again.

"Have you finished your homework?/Smile"

A smile flashed across the corner of Ye Yang's mouth and he replied casually.

"Hey! I've been back to school for a few days! Forget about homework, my head is already big!"

Ling Shishi replied with an emoticon saying 'Life is not easy, the orange cat sighs'.

"Haha, that's so miserable for you. Why, are you looking for me so late? Is there something wrong with you?"

Ye Yang asked.

"Hmm, there is a comic exhibition for the beginning of the school year in Magic City, and I want to invite you to participate!"

Ling Shishi laughed.

"Comic expo? Watch the long-legged lady?"

Ye Yang thought, it seemed like this was a good thing.

"Ahem, I actually want you and I to form a CPcoser and compete together!"

"What CPcoser?"

Ye Yang also doesn't understand much about these terms in the cos circle.

"Uh-huh, Comic Expo is also a selection competition for cosplayers. I plan to apply for a group stage. When the time comes, our talents and looks will definitely kill everyone! The final prize will definitely be ours!"

Ling Shishi said continuously.


Ye Yang blinked: "Is it possible that you want me to wear cosplay costumes? Although he likes to watch young ladies playing cosplayers, it does not mean that he also likes cosplayers. After all, he is a big man who wears a hood and a plastic one. No matter how you think about it, it’s shameful to use props as a poss, and it’s too cheesy!”

"No, no, no, when we cosplay the student couple in Japanese comics, we just need to simply change into student clothes!"

Ling Shishi also knew what Ye Yang was thinking, but after finally meeting such a handsome young brother, it would be a pity not to bring him over to compete together!


Ye Yang touched his chin and agreed.

Now there is nothing to worry about in his life anyway. The only thing left is to try new things.

He originally wanted to go to the Comic Con.

When it comes to being a cosplayer, it doesn’t hurt to experience it.

Anyway, just wearing a Japanese high school uniform...

In Ye Yang's impression, the Japanese-style high school uniforms are quite handsome. Although the second-year junior high school students in the hot-blooded high schools have a bit more hair-shape, the uniforms are indeed much better-looking than the Chinese blue, white and green onion uniforms.

"Hehe, it's settled then! Emmm, in return, I'll give you half of the notebook I've treasured for so many years~/smile."

"Book? Is it what I think? I'm not thinking..."

Ye Yang twitched the corner of his mouth and confirmed.

"Aha, that's right! There are fanfics of all kinds of comics and anime! Everything you need! Some of them are out of print, and I got them with great difficulty!"

Ling Shishi said continuously.


Ye Yang rolled his eyes. Sure enough, girls in the comic industry tend to be a bit of a pervert. Thinking about it, it would be a bit dangerous to accompany her to the comic exhibition!

After all, handsome guys are out there and must learn to protect themselves.

If she uses force...then I'll just go along with it!

"Hey, how's it going? Deal?"

Ling Shishi sent a begging emoticon.

"Forget it, I still won't win people's love, haha..."

Ye Yang shook his head in confusion: "But I will still accompany you to the comic exhibition."

"Wow! Little brother, you are great! Just give me someone tomorrow, and I will prepare everything else for you!"

Ling Shishi sent a very grateful emoticon.

After chatting for a while, Ling Shishi happily went to prepare clothes for the comic exhibition tomorrow.

I checked my phone for a while.

I discovered that Lin Xueer was back on air again.

He happened to have something to do when his father went to see a doctor, so he didn't go with him. But after all, he asked Director Li Qing to do it, so he would naturally do his best.

Now that Lin Xueer has resumed live broadcasting, it seems that her father's surgery was quite successful.

After casually scattering more than a million gifts, Ye Yang turned over and hugged Yu Momo and went to sleep...

the next day.

Ye Yang woke up from the cherry wood bed and rubbed his eyes. Yu Momo was still asleep.

After breakfast, he was about to go out when he was stunned.

"What's going on with you two?"

Ye Yang was confused.

Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu were both wearing pirate costumes.

Together, they looked like a pair of pirate sisters.

"Isn't the boss going to the comic exhibition? We disguised ourselves and sneaked in to protect the boss's safety!"

Xiao Qingxuan said as a matter of course.

"...Can you call this a disguise?"

Ye Yang rolled his eyes, but then he thought that it would be a bit strange to follow him in normal clothes at the comic exhibition...

"Hehe, boss, how about this outfit? We placed an urgent order last night. Jingxi Logistics is really fast."

Xiao Qingxuan waved the corner of her clothes and turned around in front of Ye Yang.

"Very wild!"

Ye Yang gave a thumbs up.


Xiao Qingxuan was depressed. What kind of evaluation is very wild!

Xiao Xiaozhu covered her mouth and laughed secretly.

"If you want to go out and play, just say so. Let's go!"

Ye Yang waved his hand and took the two girls to the garage to choose a car.

"Hey? The Rolls-Royce Cullinan I bought online two days ago has arrived. Let's drive it today."

Ye Yang looked at the new car in the garage.

Now he is the supreme VIP of Rolls-Royce. He can pick up the car by placing an order directly on the official website.

"This car is quite good-looking and looks quite domineering. The only drawback is that it is a little cheap."

Ye Yang shook his head: "Let's go to Longxiang Community first and pick someone up."


Xiao Qingxuan stepped on the accelerator, and with a bang, the Rolls-Royce Cullinan rushed out of the Yundingshan Villa District like an arrow...

(First update)

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