Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 205 Comic Exhibition, Brother, you are very rich, right?

Longxiang Community is a high-end community in Shanghai. Obviously, Ling Shishi is not short of money.

Although it cannot be compared with Huazhou Junting where Xu Xiaoxin lives, it is also a high-end residence, with an average price of more than 300,000 per square meter.

The decoration of a building with a better location and floor will cost 400 to 500 million yuan.

Obviously, Ling Shishi's family is very rich, otherwise she would not be able to get so many limited edition books.

Some rare books are not cheap in the market.

If you really count, they are more expensive than some famous watches.

Therefore, in order to invite Ye Yang to participate in this comic exhibition, Ling Shishi has spent a lot of money.


The Rolls-Royce Cullinan stopped at the entrance of Longxiang Community.

"Wow, which resident has changed to a luxury car again?"

"Is this Cullinan? The minimum price of one car is 100 to 200 million, and the high-end one is 300 to 400 million. Alas... these rich people are really living a fairy life."

The security guards in the security booth were envious.


After the door card was swiped.

Ling Shishi, dressed as a cute Japanese high school student, appeared in Ye Yang's sight.

"You're on time!"

Ling Shishi smiled sweetly at Ye Yang and got on the car.

"Wow! The cosplay costumes of these two sisters are so amazing!"

Ling Shishi saw Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu in pirate costumes at a glance and was surprised.

In fact, Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu were not professionals, they just found some clothes temporarily.


As long as the person is beautiful, no matter what clothes they wear, they can be stunning.

Ye Yang smiled and nodded. After introducing the three girls to each other, the car drove towards the comic exhibition area.

"By the way, where is my hot-blooded boy suit?"

Ye Yang asked.


Ling Shishi blinked and didn't react.

"It's the Japanese comic school uniform."

Ye Yang explained that his impression of high school students in the island country, the image of girls mostly came from porn movies, and the image of boys mostly came from the TV series Hot-blooded High School.

"Pfft... little brother, you are so funny."

Ling Shishi took out a carefully packed clothes box: "Here it is."

"...Where do I change?"

Ye Yang opened the clothes box, and the style and color were similar to what he thought.

"Hey, if you don't mind, change in the car! I want to see your eight-pack abs, little brother!"

Ling Shishi said lewdly.


Ye Yang's heart trembled. Sure enough, handsome guys still have to protect themselves outside. I don't know how many women are greedy for his body!

"Hey, I'm just kidding. After entering the venue, there is a special area for changing clothes."

Ling Shishi explained.


Ye Yang nodded slightly, his expression eased a little. He had been teasing girls for so many years, but today he was teased in return...

"By the way, little brother, you are very rich!"

Ling Shishi nodded her chin: "The last time we met, you didn't seem to be driving this car!"

Not every girl is like Xu Xiaoxin, who can call out the model of a luxury car with just one look.

Ling Shishi is just a normal girl. Although she can tell that this car is not cheap, she has no idea what it is called, and can't even guess the basic price.

"No, these are cheap cars."

Ye Yang said honestly.

"Ah? Really? I don't know much about cars, and I thought this car would be worth at least a few million."

Ling Shishi scratched her head and said a little confusedly.


Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu on the side couldn't help laughing: "Boss, don't fool a cute girl. You obviously spent more than 30 million to order this car online."

"Ah! More than 30 million! It's almost as expensive as my house!"

Ling Shishi opened her mouth and looked surprised: "Then you said it was an ordinary cheap car! Sure enough, handsome guys' mouths are deceiving!"

"I'm not lying!"

Ye Yang shrugged. This is indeed a relatively cheap ordinary car in his garage: "You saw that Lamborghini Venom before, which cost more than 70 million."


Ling Shishi was really surprised: "Boss! I want to hug your thigh!"

Ye Yang smiled and flicked Ling Shishi's forehead. This girl is really interesting.

In front of the comic exhibition venue in the Binhai Special Zone of Magic City.

A group of four also got out of the car.

"Boss, take your time to walk around. The two of us will go around to check for dangers first."

Xiao Xiaozhu is still on duty.


Although Ye Yang wanted to remind the two that there must be a special team at the comic exhibition venue to do fire inspections, according to the stubborn habits of the two sisters who have been killers for many years, they might not listen.

Thinking about it, he simply did not remind them.

"Let's go."

Ye Yang said with a smile.


Ling Shishi nodded and followed Ye Yang into the venue.

After entering the dress-up area and changing clothes.

Ye Yang looked in the mirror with satisfaction, as handsome as ever!

His handsomeness also made many girls admire him.

There were also many male cosplayers in women's clothing who gave him a wink, which scared Ye Yang and Ling Shishi and fled in a hurry.

"My friends should be here too, let's go find them first."

Ling Shishi bought Ye Yang two glasses of juice drinks and suggested.


Ye Yang nodded slightly.

He and Ling Shishi were both outstanding in appearance. Walking in the comic exhibition area, they were also a talented couple, attracting the attention of countless passers-by.

Many people wanted to take a photo with the two of them.

So, it took a long time to reach the short road.

"Hey? Shishi! You are finally here! Over here!"

A beautiful girl cosplaying as Qiong Mei waved to Ye Yang and Ling Shishi.

"This is Xiao Qiong, my best friend."

Ling Shishi introduced with a smile.

"Is this the handsome boy you seduced? He is so handsome!"

Xiao Qiong looked at Ye Yang in surprise and swallowed secretly.


Ye Yang's mouth trembled, and suddenly felt that these girls in the comic circle were a bit dangerous.

"Xiao Hong and the others are here too, but Wang Nan is here too."

Xiao Qiong looked at Ye Yang with an ambiguous look.

"What is he doing here?"

Ling Shishi's face turned bad when she heard the name.

"What else can I do? I came to find you. He invited you to form a team, but you rejected him directly. He couldn't hold his face, haha..."

Xiao Qiong said with a smile.

"Huh, who wants to form a team with a greasy guy like him, huh..."


Xiaohong and the others had already walked over with Wang Nan from the side...

When the leading man saw Ye Yang beside Ling Shishi, his eyes changed slightly, and he looked embarrassed and a little angry.

(Second update)

Thanks to the book friend Bald Cape Man for the mountain climbing invitation, and thank you to the book friend 1311/6404

for the update reminder!

Thanks to the book friend Li Xuanchao who loves malt oil for the four likes and two mountain climbing invitations!

Thanks to Xiu'er Benxiu, 1931/1297, and Li Da'e Zhao for the likes~

Thanks to the book friend 47459440 for the likes and update reminder!

Thanks to the book friend Lonely and Sword Immortal Li Xiaobai for the likes~

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