Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 207 Jealousy Makes Me Unrecognizable

"Here I go, this boy is so lucky! He is surrounded by a group of beauties, and my cock is turning purple with envy!"

"Oh, when will I be able to reach the peak of my life like this?"

"Look at the clothes on those girls, the workmanship of the fabrics, it looks like they are genuine. A suit of clothes is worth at least hundreds of thousands, right? They are all really rich women!"

"Surrounded by young and beautiful little rich women, ahhhh!!! I can't hold it in anymore just thinking about it!"

"Look at your potential!"

"It's as if you're not envious..."

"Ahem, I'm not envious, how is that possible!"

Passers-by looked at Ye Yang surrounded by a group of young rich women including Ling Shishi, singing and dancing, and sighed with envy.

Isn’t the reason for coming to Comic Con just to see beautiful ladies?

This guy is good, he has become a magnet for beauties.

"Brother Ye, what on earth do you do! You seem very mysterious!"

"Brother Ye, are you married?"

Several girls asked with great gossip.

"Well, I just opened a few companies randomly. I didn't do anything, and I didn't get married."

Ye Yang explained casually.

"Hey, Brother Ye, please take some photos for me later!"

Ling Shishi handed the prepared 8k camera to Ye Yang's hand.

"Oh, this picture quality."

Ye Yang picked up the camera and tried it casually.

The best one on the market is still 4k, but this little girl actually got an 8k one. Looking at the clarity, processing algorithms and pixels, it should be among the best in the world.

Such a small camera may not look good, but it's probably not cheap.

“With this kind of camera, even a straight man can take super beautiful photos!”

Ye Yang was very happy because he was informal and not very good at taking pictures.

After all, I am so handsome, no matter how much I take photos, I will look handsome.

I don’t care about photography technology at all.

After several girlfriends helped Ling Shishi arrange the photo location, Ye Yang raised his camera to take photos.

Ling Shishi is dressed in a JK outfit, and every pose is extremely beautiful.

In the end, she simply took off her shoes, scraped her white silk stockings on the goose feathers on the ground, and struck a cute pose that would make all men's noses bleed.

Qiongmei lies down in classic white stockings!

Ye Yang's hand when taking pictures trembled slightly.

Ling Shishi's appearance is the best, and the white silk JK she is wearing today perfectly highlights her playful and cute temperament. She looks like a paper figurine wife who has really come to life from the second dimension. She is simply too exquisite. Perfect!

"Ah! Security guard, security guard! How unbecoming is this!"

Just as this perfect atmosphere was created, a sharp roar came from the side.

Ling Shishi and others were stunned and looked to the side with some confusion.

I saw a middle-aged woman in a black skirt shouting for security.

His whole face was twisted with jealousy.

"I'll go, isn't it...there really is such a weird thing..."

Ye Yang was speechless.

I have seen in the news before that a woman called the security guard at a comic show because she was jealous of the beauty of a cosplayer.

The name is also said to protect young people's three views and talk about other people's sexual implications.

In fact, it’s just jealousy!

"I'll go, what's going on!"

The tourists who were attracted by Ling Shishi's cuteness and beauty all looked at the woman who shouted for the security guard with puzzled faces.

It’s simply confusing!

Several security guards also ran over inexplicably.

"Hey, look at that woman, she's wearing white stockings lying on the ground, almost all her hair is leaking! You don't care, what if you kidnap the underage children present!?"

Several security guards hesitated on the spot, feeling that this woman was really being unreasonable.

"We think it's great, don't make excuses for other people who are jealous of us! We are not an excuse for you to be jealous of others! If you are afraid that your child will be spoiled, don't bring him to the Comic Con!"

"That's right! I don't even know why I'm here. It just ruins people's mood."

"I think you are the one who should be kicked out! Humph!"

Everyone present is a die-hard 2D fan. This is an event held by people who agree with this culture. You, an outsider, come over and explain your jealousy with your completely unreliable views. What are you doing? Well!


Seeing that she was being targeted, the woman knew that she was in the wrong, so she didn't dare to say anything more, so she had to run away in despair.

Several security guards shrugged, showed a few apologetic smiles to Ye Yang, and left.

"Oh, there are such inexplicable people in this world."

Ling Shishi was so noisy that she was not in the mood to take pictures, but seeing Ye Yang's uncontrollable laughter, her mood inexplicably became better: "Huh, you are a bad guy who takes pleasure in others' misfortune!"

"Haha, okay, let's stop making trouble."

Ye Yang shook his head: "I think it's almost time. Let's go have lunch."

"All right!"

Ling Shishi snorted: "I'm in a bad mood. I'll pay for lunch today. No one can steal it from me!"


Ye Yang was confused. He also liked to invite people to dinner when he was in a bad mood! ?

Miss Manquan's brain circuit is quite strange.

However, he likes it!

"Haha, if I miss you the next day, won't you get a free lunch every day?"

Ye Yang joked.

"Slightly, slightly! What a beautiful thought!"

Ling Shishi made a face to Ye Yang and strode off to lead the team to have lunch.

The lunch area of ​​the comic show is also divided into normal dining and VIP, as well as four exhibition areas: VVip and VVVIP.

Ling Shishi and the others are all VVVIP members, so they naturally have a special channel. Ye Yang naturally entered the VVVIP hall with Ling Shishi and the others in the eyes of the crowd.

"Damn, this little white face, I'm so jealous of him, being invited to dinner by several rich women!"

"Woo woo woo, God, please give me a little rich woman! If not, give me an old rich woman!"


The food is very high-end.

French pure pudding, and even some table wines from high-end production areas.

The beef is also 5A Wagyu beef, which tastes tender and delicious, juicy and chewy.

"Well, the food here is really delicious."

"This comic exhibition is so conscientious!"

The girls were all very happy to eat, and they were obviously satisfied with the service of the comic exhibition.

However, for Ye Yang, who is used to eating million-level state banquets, he can only give a good evaluation.

Just as the few people were eating happily,

Several figures also walked into the VVVIP area. The one in the lead was wearing an exaggerated ancient young master outfit and holding a fan in his hand. If he wasn't so ugly, one would really think he was an ancient young master who traveled through time.

Next to him was Wang Nan, who had just been scared away by Ye Yang's price.

Wang Nan obviously noticed Ye Yang and the others, and smiled maliciously...

(Second update)

Thanks to book friends 2172/2550 for the reminder!

Thank you book friends 1931/1297 for the likes~

Thanks to book friends A. Song Yuhang, love you Wen'er, 3553/2292 for the mountain climbing invitation!

Thank you book friend Ze Lin Ruofu for the likes~

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