Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 208: Recommendation for the Award of the Medal of Courage

"It's that guy Wang Nan again!"

Xiao Hong muttered.

"It's really a dog-skin plaster. You can't shake it off anywhere."

Xiaoqiong shook her head.

Ye Yang ignored the other party at all. Such garbage was not worthy of being remembered by him.

I saw a few Ye Yang.

Wang Nan directly asked the boy next to him dressed as an ancient prince to look over: "Master Li, look, how are these girls?"


Li Yuan looked over and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Manquan has a beautiful side, and naturally it also has a dark side.

Many rich second-generation people come to comic exhibitions when they have nothing to do. However, compared with those who just come to take a look and feast their eyes, their purpose is naturally not so pure.

I just came to pick out some good-looking cosplayers and see if I could buy them for a few nights.

After all, not everyone is as rich as Ling Shishi and these little rich ladies.

Many students don't have much money at home and want to play in the entertainment industry, so they either choose to play in copycats, or they find rich people to support them to satisfy their own consumption.

There are also some who simply want to join the rich second generation, and their intentions from the beginning are not pure.

Where there is a market, there are customers.

This Li Yuan is one of the customers. In recent years, he has visited several comic exhibitions every year and spent hundreds of thousands to support a few beautiful and lovely ladies.

If you encounter someone who is unwilling, use coercion and inducement.

In short, you can always get the beautiful woman you want.

Wang Nan fell in love with Li Yuan's thigh, and he also drank some oil and water in the past few years.

Now that Ye Yang had made him lose face, he also held a grudge. At this time, he also wanted Li Yuan to teach Ye Yang a lesson.

As for Ling Shishi?

There is nothing you can do to take her by yourself.

But Li Yuan has a high status and vicious methods, so he may not be able to get it!

Once Li Yuan gets it, even if he plays with the rest, it will be regarded as fulfilling his wish.

If you can't get it, then destroy her!

He looked at Ling Shishi and Ye Yang viciously: "If you offend me, let you see how serious the consequences will be!"

"It's not bad. There is such a high-quality product in the magic city. The prey you found for me this time is not bad. After this, the reward for you will not be small."

Li Yuan licked his tongue, his eyes full of evil intentions.

"Master Li, don't you trust me when I do things? However, the boy accompanying her seems to have some background. He doesn't give you Master Li any face, and he wants to dominate these girls!"

Wang Nan sneered and said Gong Huo.

"Haha, you have some background? Is it a big background? Is it bigger than me, Li Yuan?"

Li Yuan sneered and shook his head, not caring at all, and just walked up with Wang Nan.

"Beauty, let's have a drink together?"

Li Yuan waved his fan and sat next to Ling Shishi in an extremely pretentious manner, with a sullen face showing a smile that he thought was handsome but was actually extremely wretched.


Ling Shishi cursed angrily.

This man looked even more wretched than Wang Nan, and the ill-intentioned feeling of approaching him directly made her feel disgusted.

"Haha, little girl, it's just two drinks, don't you want to be so heartless?"

Li Yuan immediately started to touch Ling Shishi's white silk legs.

Unexpectedly, a pair of iron-like hands directly stopped the progress of his palms.


A hint of coldness flashed in his eyes, and he looked directly at Ye Yang: "You..."

Before he could say the harsh words, Ye Yang stood up directly, raised his leg and launched a flying kick!


Li Yuan was completely stunned by this kick, and his body flew backwards, knocking over a row of stools and chairs, and making the surrounding diners stand up in fright.


Li Yuan curled up, his face twisted, and he looked at Ye Yang bitterly.

He was completely confused.

I have been on the road for several years, and I have never seen anyone so unruly.

They didn't even report the situation, they just started taking action! ?

It was so fucking rough!

Ling Shishi and others were shocked by this kick.

Is this really human power?

This kick must have kicked that salty hand at least ten meters away!

They were all kicked from the VVVIP area to the VVIP area.


Wang Nan touched his head and sweatdropped. Fortunately, he didn't provoke this person to attack him. Otherwise, he would have been kicked to death.

"If you don't get out of here, I'll help you get out."

Ye Yang said calmly.

"You...ok, you're done, I'll tell you!"

Wang Nan ran up to help Li Yuan and warned Ye Yang fiercely: "Do you know the identity of Mr. Li?"

Seven or eight bodyguards who were wandering around to protect Li Yuan suddenly surrounded him.

"Give me...fuck him!"

Li Yuan was so angry that his eyes were red, and the pain made him feel angry.

However, the imagined scene of Ye Yang being beaten did not appear.

When he came to his senses, the seven or eight bodyguards were already lying there.

Some people's faces turned black and their lips turned white, obviously they were poisoned.

Someone fell to the ground in a strange shape.

In the crowd, two sisters in pirate costumes stood out. Xiao Xiaozhu turned the needle-blowing bamboo tube in his hand, while Xiao Qingxuan gestured with her small fists.

Ye Yang also nodded to the two of them, indicating that they did a good job.

He looked at Li Yuan coldly. This disgusting and wretched man who came up and touched the girl's thigh directly, kicking him was not enough to relieve his hatred.

"No matter who you are, I don't like you, so I'll kick you."

Ye Yang said lightly.

He now has the confidence to say this.

In the whole of China, with his current status, as long as what he does is reasonable, no one can forcibly distort right and wrong and do nothing to him.

Playing openly, Jincheng Law Firm is the top lawyer team in China. He has money and what he does is reasonable, so no one can sue him.

Playing secretly, Hurricane Security is the top international security company, and even some heads of state are guarded by them! If you want to wrestle with him in the dark, you have to see if you can bypass Hurricane Security first.

"Haha, the people who deal with this matter will come later. I wonder if you can still be so tough! I hope you won't be scared to death after you know my identity!"

Li Yuan also recovered a little at this time, but he still couldn't stand up, and he was twitching in pain.

As they were talking, several public security personnel came over and took them to the emergency handling department of the venue.

"You guys, you fought in public, tell me what happened?"

The square-faced uncle sat in the middle and said coldly with a sullen face.

This kind of young people fighting and causing trouble is especially common in comic exhibitions.

After all, it seems normal to fight for a beautiful girl.

"Fighting! It's obvious that I was beaten unilaterally!"

Li Yuan was so angry that his old injury relapsed and he almost vomited blood.

"He was the first to molest the girl. I acted bravely. I suggest that the police uncle give me a badge of bravery."

Ye Yang said seriously.

(First update)

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