Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 209 Can’t Afford to Offend?


The girls next to them were initially scared when they were interviewed by the police uncle for the first time, but when they heard Ye Yang's words, they couldn't help but laugh.

"Be serious, be serious, you young man is quite naughty!"

Captain Wang shook his head and said in a cold and authoritative voice: "This is not a playground!"

After saying that, he also looked at the girls: "Is everything he said true?"

"That's right, this person came up and touched our Shishi. It's really disgusting! Isn't there surveillance? Just tune it out and take a look!"

Several girls nodded repeatedly to testify.


Captain Wang looked at the person in charge of the comic exhibition: "Please cooperate with us and adjust the monitoring."

"The surveillance is broken."

The person in charge said directly.

"You didn't even ask, how did you know it was broken?"

Captain Wang asked with a frown.

The person in charge looked around, then ran to Captain Wang and whispered: "Captain Wang, Mr. Li who was beaten has a very deep background. We can't afford to offend him."


Captain Wang's expression changed and he asked carefully: "Tell me carefully."

"This Mr. Li is the grandson of Mr. Li from the capital city. Something happened in the capital city, and the Li family wants to accuse him. You and I can't handle it."

The person in charge kept saying.

Li Yuan basically comes to the Comic Expo every year. When fishing for girls in the exhibition area, he naturally has to say hello to the person in charge. Therefore, the person in charge obviously knows the details of Li Yuan.

"The Li family in Beijing?"

Captain Wang's expression changed. After seeing the person in charge nodding in recognition, he coughed and changed his tone of voice: "Ahem, but after all, it was you who beat the person. You said it was a righteous act, but there is no evidence, so it can only be regarded as intentional. After the damage is dealt with, come back to the station with me to sober up for a few days."

"Young man, you are so impulsive!"

The Li family in the capital has deep roots and has investments all over the country. Many industries in the Magic City are owned by them. If Mr. Li is really unhappy and the superiors blame him, he, a little captain, may not be able to secure his position at this time. I had no choice but to deal with it this way.

This is reality and there is nothing he can do about it.

If someone feels that they are out of touch with reality, just find someone with some background to have a fight and see how the police deal with it.

After all, reality is the intersection of various factors, and society is made up of people, which is far more than a few positive slogans can explain.

Although he is a policeman, he is also an individual. He does not dare to offend big shots for fear of losing his hat. Although he is selfish, he believes that most others sitting in his position will do the same.

Captain Wang comforted himself like this.

Ye Yang frowned. He had seen a piece of news before. It was clear that a young man acted bravely, but in the end he had to compensate the beaten obscene criminal, and was eventually taken to jail.

However, Ye Yang is not a character who can be bullied!

When Ye Yang was offended, all he could say was that these people were stupid enough to open the door for a stupid person.

"Hahaha, have you seen it? Boy, doesn't it feel great to act bravely for a just cause? Do you think you are awesome when you are a hero saving a beauty?"

Li Yuan's face twisted with hatred: "Don't worry, when you go in, these girls will all belong to me! When you come out, these girls are all leftover by this young master! Now! Kneel down and beg me, maybe I’ll give you some leftovers?”


Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu couldn't hold themselves back and wanted to rush up and beat him up.

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head. It would be too embarrassing if someone else beat such a scumbag on his behalf.

When Li Yuan saw Ye Yang acting like this, he thought he was cowarded, so he kicked his nose even more: "Haha, with my background, I can just ask the hospital to give me a certificate of serious injury!"

"Once this proof is issued, I will directly ask the court to sentence you to more than ten years and ruin your life!"

"If you kneel down and kowtow to me now to apologize, maybe, when I am happy, I will show mercy and only issue a certificate of minor injuries, and let you spend a few less years in jail?"


Before he could feel proud, Ye Yang lifted him up by his collar.

"You, what are you going to do!?"

Ye Yang's speed was so fast that not even the kings could react.

When they stood up in surprise, Ye Yang had already exerted force, slamming Li Yuan from mid-air to the floor with a bang, and stepped on his head with a kick, even the tiles below were damaged by this. My feet were split open by the shock!

"How dare you hit someone in front of the police!"

"Too arrogant!"

"You're done, boy! Young man, you are too impulsive!"

Captain Wang was so angry that this boy simply didn't take him seriously: "Do you still have laws in your eyes!!?"


Ye Yang turned around with a sneer, and instead of letting go of his feet, he stamped them again. Li Yuanzhi screamed in pain: "Do I still have laws in my eyes? When this bastard just ignored the law and threatened others, Are you deaf? You didn’t talk about the law at that time?”

"Whether the mall surveillance is broken or not? You didn't even do the basic evidence collection. Are you lame? Didn't you talk about the law at that time?"

"Ignoring the facts, after hearing his identity, he immediately wanted to arrest me and put me in jail. Did you get kicked in the head by a donkey? Didn't you talk about the law at that time?"

"For a moron like you, being a police officer is simply an insult to these two words and an insult to this profession!"

Ye Yang pointed at Captain Wang's nose: "You are so sanctimonious and self-righteous. Do you deserve the clothes on your body?"

" are looking for death!"

Captain Wang stood up and stared at Ye Yang: "You are a young man. I am afraid that you have not been beaten by the society yet! I warn you to stop and surrender quickly. Otherwise, if you continue to do it, even the king of heaven can't save you!"

They are just civil mediation police officers. They are not equipped with guns. The strength of Ye Yang's kick that cracked the tiles just now is not like that of a normal person. They dare not go up and do it easily.


Ye Yang dialed a number casually and threw the phone to Captain Wang.

Captain Wang was a little confused, but he still answered the phone subconsciously. /

"Hello? Mr. Ye? What happened... Just tell me, I'll be there soon"

As soon as the voice came out, Captain Wang's legs softened.

The person who answered the phone was none other than the director of the Magic City Police Department!

The first seat in the entire Magic City police community!

You know, Magic City is the second largest city in China after Kyoto. The status of the chief of the police station in Magic City is even higher than that of many provincial and department heads.

How could this kid have Chief Zhang's phone number...

He was completely confused.

With his slippery temperament, he immediately figured it out. The young man in front of him was not young and energetic at all, but his own status was also high enough, so he acted so recklessly!

He has the capital!

(Second update)

Thanks to book friends 1931/1297, Little Gray Wolf, Beige for sending ten great god certifications, Xiami's praise~

Thanks to book friends 1060/7066 for the urging talisman!

Thank you to book friend Jiutian Leidong for the praise, mountain climbing invitation, urging talisman, inspiration capsule, thank you very much!

Thank you to book friend 73237590 for the praise~

Thanks to book friend Mo Du for the mountain climbing invitation~

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