Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 210 Is there any unexpected gain?

"Hello, Director Zhang, it's me... Xiao Wang..."

Captain Wang was trembling with fear at this moment.

"Huh? Who are you?"

Director Zhang's question confused Captain Wang, but thinking about it carefully, Director Zhang is such a well-known person, how could he remember a small civil affairs team leader like him?

I haven't even met Director Zhang for a few times...

At this time, I had to introduce my police number and position.

"Oh... How did Director Ye's phone get into your hands? Tell me everything, or you will be in trouble."

Director Zhang's voice was intimidating. With his years of experience, even if Captain Wang didn't speak, he would have guessed about 70% of the matter.

I just wanted to hear the details.

He and Ye Yang met at the second security scene of the fight.

With his identity, the most news he received on the chopping board recently was about Ye Yang.

This big guy is incredible.

As the highest official of the Magic City Police Department, his information channels are naturally not comparable to those of ordinary merchants, not to mention that he has been paying attention to news about Ye Yang since that time.

Even Qian Boyan had to be respectful when he saw him, Wang Silin had to apologize to him, and Xu Yuanhong had to flatter him and beg him to marry his daughter.

This super boss is really one of the top business figures in China.

One sentence can determine a large part of the direction of the Magic City business community!

As long as this big man abides by the law, even he has to respect him.


After listening to the story, Zhang Chao was so angry that his nose was crooked: "What kind of thing did you do! Did you put your professional ethics in your ass? Do you still have any consciousness as a public servant!"

Captain Wang was extremely terrified, knowing that he was really in big trouble.

"Don't say that a grandson of the Li family, even if that old man Li committed a crime here today, you, as a public servant, must handle it impartially!"

Zhang Chao said righteously.

Captain Wang knew that Zhang Chao was speaking in official language. A big shot of this level would definitely not say what he meant.

But he could understand what he meant. The meaning of this was that if Li Zhong, the master of the capital, offended Ye Yang today, he would suffer.

Not to mention that Li Zhong had a grandson who was born to some unknown son and ranked several grandsons!

He was crying out in pain and was about to collapse.

The young man in front of him was a man who knew everything!

Director Zhang Chao even said this...

After a series of apologies and assurances, he returned the phone to Ye Yang.

"Yes, I am Ye Yang."

Ye Yang nodded slightly.

"Don't worry, Mr. Ye, I have already warned that young comrade. After this incident, I will definitely let him do a deep self-examination and make him pay the price he deserves! Today's matter, we have to do it! If you want to handle it impartially, I will pay your lawyer's fees for this matter from the smuggling account, just as compensation for the police's improper handling of your matter this time!"

Zhang Chao promised repeatedly.

Ye Yang said, "I have my own team of lawyers, so Director Zhang doesn't need to spend money."


After a few more polite words, he hung up the phone.

"What? Are you going to send me to jail?"

Ye Yang looked at Captain Wang and said with a smile.

"No, no, no, what are you talking about!"

Captain Wang was extremely respectful at this time. He stood up and bowed to Ye Yang to apologize: "Mr. Ye, I was really confused just now. I'm really sorry!"

"Okay, okay, quickly deal with this disgusting guy for me, and my indictment will be here soon."

Ye Yang sneered and turned to look at Li Yuan: "Don't worry, I'm not as kind as you. If you kowtow to me, you will have to go to jail for at least ten years."


Li Yuan was stunned.

Just one phone call, the two levels were reversed?

What's going on?

Just now he was in control of the overall situation!

He had already thought about how to torture these girls to relieve the resentment of being beaten up today.

The result was that the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed?

"What are you going to do! Don't mess around!"

Looking at the policemen who came up with handcuffs, Li Yuan crawled back trembling on the ground.

"I warn you, I am the grandson of the old man Li Zhong of the Li family in Beijing, who dares to touch me!?"

"Today, don't say you are his grandson. Even if you are Li Zhong himself, we have to deal with you as we should. Don't struggle. Give up, you disgusting fat pig!"

Captain Wang became more and more angry, so angry that he wanted to kick Li Yuan himself.

This time, if I go back and offend Boss Ye, I am afraid that I will inevitably have to bear a serious offense, and I may even be punished! The evaluation and year-end bonus in the past few years are completely goodbye to me.

All this is because of this stupid, obscene and indecent offender?


Li Yuan's brain went blank. Although he is bad and likes to pretend, it doesn't mean that he is really as stupid as a pig.

He heard clearly what Captain Wang meant, and felt like the sky was falling.

"Impossible! Impossible! Didn't you say this kid doesn't have a big background? How could even my grandfather not dare to offend him!?"

He looked at Wang Nan, who was hiding and pretending to be dead, with resentment.

"Master Li, I said at the beginning that he had some status. You thought you were higher than him and went up to pretend to be indecent and molest him. It has nothing to do with me!"

Wang Nan shirked the responsibility again and again, fearing that he would be arrested as well.

"Damn it, you still want to get yourself out! Dream on!"

Li Yuan was shocked and angry at this time. He was betrayed again and his brain completely collapsed: "Which of the women I fucked in the past few years was not built by you? All those coercion and inducement were done by you! Now you want me to go in alone? Dream on!"

"Huh? There is an unexpected gain!?"

Captain Wang's eyes lit up.

Ye Yang was not surprised by this. After all, Li Yuan was a repeat offender at first glance, but he saved a lot of effort by confessing himself.

With these words, if they were put to Fang Han, it would be enough to add a few more years to his sentence.

"Did you record this?"

Ye Yang looked at Captain Wang.

"Our recorders are all on, hehe."

Captain Wang smiled flatteringly.

Ling Shishi and others looked at Wang Nan angrily: "I didn't expect you to be such an ugly and disgusting person! Fortunately, Shishi was not bewitched by you! You disgusting garbage!"

Wang Nan lowered his head, extremely ashamed, and even his excuses seemed pale and powerless at this time.

"And you, you dared to hide the evidence just now, you are an accomplice, come with us!"

Captain Wang was venting his anger, and suddenly saw the person in charge of the meeting shivering in the corner and dared not say a word. His face turned cold and he shouted angrily, "Damn it, I almost forgot about this bastard."

He just lost face in front of the adults in the General Administration, at least half of it was the credit of this stupid manager.

"I didn't know anything about Li Yuan's coercion, bribery, kidnapping and intimidation of those girls, even underage girls, and I didn't do anything for him! Don't arrest me!"

The person in charge was so scared that he sat down and directly revealed the matter "there is no silver here, three hundred taels"...

(First update)

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