Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 214: Redemption voucher of a 100 billion company?


Guo Baokun looked at the numbers on the total reward list and felt that he had difficulty breathing.

In total, he had spent almost 100 million yuan on rewards.

Even he couldn't afford such a big deal.

Just like Wang Xiaocong, Wang Silin had only given him 1 billion yuan in start-up funds at most.

Wang Xiaocong had achieved a market value of several billion yuan at most.

It was still used for starting a business.

His family was not as prominent as Wang Silin's. In fact, he only had 200 to 300 million yuan in funds after all these years of tossing and turning.

He felt very painful to take out nearly 100 million yuan in rewards.

If he bet another 100 million yuan and still couldn't win, he would really vomit blood.


His face was green and white, very complicated. He raised the sign to report the number, and then put it down.

He was very entangled.

Since he knew that his family was extremely rich, this was the first time he worried about money.

He felt that the eyes of the whole audience were focused on him.

Including the counting girl, who was also looking at him in confusion.

This made his face more red with every passing second.

He only had that much money, and most of it was used to run the cash flow. Taking out 100 million just to save face was already his limit.

No, in fact, it was beyond his limit...

When he was overwhelmed with shame, he finally put down the sign in his hand helplessly, indicating that he could only give up the right to participate in this battle of the rich.

At the same time, this action was equivalent to directly declaring that Ye Yang won.

"Finally there is a result!"

"Oh my... I thought that guy was going to continue to add rewards, haha, as expected, no one can beat me, Ye Shenhao!"

"Ye Shenhao, China's well-deserved number one rich man!"

Everyone on the field cheered.

This battle of rewards worth hundreds of millions was really too exciting.

Although it had nothing to do with them, the feeling of watching this battle of the rich on the spot was so exciting that they couldn't help but cheer.

At this moment, no one even cared about who won in the end.

What's the point of who won the championship?

In the champion reward column, the two words "Ye Yang" at the top were the MVP of the whole game! ! !

This was a game that had already decided the final result before Guo Meimei even played.

However, even if there was no battle of the rich.

According to Guo Meimei's innate conditions as a coser, no one would vote for her, and it would be impossible for her to compete with top cosplayers like Ling Shishi in the end.

Some guys who were originally planning to swipe their votes saved money tonight.

When Ye Yang threw out the 10 million, they had already shut themselves up collectively.

It was just a comic exhibition champion, and they were originally prepared to swipe hundreds of thousands, and they were full of confidence, feeling that the world belonged to them!

However, others casually threw out 10 million, and then 20 million, 30 million, 50 million, and 100 million!

Is this what a human being does! ?

I thought he was voting for the president of the United States, and he spent so much money...

"It's terrible."


The cheers from the audience didn't subside for a long time.

Ye Yang, the instigator of all this, shook his head in boredom: "What's going on? This kid is too cowardly. What is the name of the Four Young Masters of Beijing? He dares to call himself such a name, but he can't even take out 100 million. It's really disappointing..."


"If Guo Baokun heard this, he would be angry to death."

Xiao Qiong and Xiao Hong looked at Ye Yang with admiration.

While talking and laughing, he spent billions of dollars, which was really cool! ! !

"Ding! It was detected that you spent 140 million Chinese yuan to reward the song and dance competition, and the reward limit was a voucher for the controlling rights of a company with a market value of 100 billion US dollars."


Ye Yang was stunned. The meaning of this voucher is that you can use this voucher to exchange for any company you want?

"Any company in the world?"

Ye Yang confirmed with the system.

"That's right, any company in the world can do it. As long as the system's actual valuation is not higher than 100 billion US dollars, you can use the exchange voucher to exchange for the absolute controlling rights of its company."


Ye Yang nodded slightly. This is quite good, but there is no company he wants for the time being. Let's wait and see.

When I have an idea, I will use it to exchange.

Pulling back to reality from the joy of obtaining the exchange voucher.

Ye Yang also noticed that Guo Meimei coser, who was supposed to appear last, did not appear at all and directly announced her withdrawal.

After all, Guo Baokun could no longer brush enough for her to win. She knew her own appearance and conditions, and it was impossible for her to win.

She could only withdraw from the competition.

Otherwise, it would only increase the meaningless ridicule.


Guo Baokun angrily hammered the stool: "I must find out where this kid came from. In the whole Magic City, I have never heard of such a powerful person!"

"Da Da..."

Just when he was so angry that his nose and face were swollen and he didn't know where to put his hands.

Finally, a chubby figure slowly squeezed over from the aisle.

"Hey! Why did you come back just now!"

Guo Baokun complained.

"Ahem, Brother Kun, you also know that for a fat man like me, it's inconvenient to get into the large size. It takes a long time to squat down."

The little fat man joked with a smile and sat down: "What's wrong? Brother Kun, does it look like you don't look right?"

"It's weird to be satisfied! Look at the reward list!"

Guo Baokun pointed at the reward list angrily.

"Huh? What's wrong with the reward list? With you in charge, our girl is the first in the rankings, so that's not a 100% chance... Damn it!"

Halfway through the words, the little fat man screamed: "Nearly two million votes? My eyes are broken? Brother Bao Kun, are you crazy!"

"That's not me!"

Guo Baokun was so angry that the fat man almost vomited blood because of the little fat man's unintentional last-ditch attack.

"oh oh……"

The little fat man looked at the name of the first person on the reward list and sat down calmly.

"Don't you have anything to say?"

Guo Baokun felt bad when he saw that the little fat man was so calm.

"What are you talking about? Isn't that Ye Yang? For him, let alone more than one million votes, I don't think it's unusual even if there are more than ten million votes."

The little fat man spread his hands and said matter-of-factly.


Guo Baokun was speechless. He suddenly felt the strangeness of the matter: "Is he famous in the Magic City?"

"It's more than just being famous! The title of the number one businessman in the Magic City was transferred from Xu Yuanhong to him a few days ago. Do you think he's famous?"

The little fat man danced happily: "I didn't expect that Mr. Ye would also participate in the comic exhibition today! If I had known, I would have tried to make some friends."


Guo Baokun's face instantly turned purple, and his lips trembled: "You...what are you talking about!?"

(First update)

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