Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 215: Rushing to give money, can't you refuse it?

"Don't you have good hearing?"

The little fat man looked at Guo Baokun's face and realized something was wrong: "Damn it, don't tell me that you had a conflict with Mr. Ye! If that's what I thought..."

"'s what you think."

Guo Baokun nodded and admitted.

"Oh my God! What the hell did you do!"

The little fat man was so frightened that he jumped up and wanted to run away quickly. Stay away from Guo Baokun. Ye Yang was recently a top figure in the Magic City.

Whether it's financial resources or mystery, everything is stretched to the extreme!

Who dares to mess with such a super boss?

It’s too late to pay homage!

"All I can say is, just ask for your blessings!"

The little fat man couldn't laugh or cry, his eyes looking at Guo Baokun were full of pity.

"Is it as mysterious as you said?"

Guo Baokun was so frightened by the little fat man's reaction that he lost all confidence for a moment.

"Haha, I will only tell you three things."

The little fat man stretched out three fleshy fingers: "Donfa Bank held a charity party a few days ago. Qian Boyan, do you know?"


Guo Baokun nodded: "How could you not have heard of Lord Qian of Magic City Tan?"

After all, Qian Boyan is one of the few surviving descendants of the Qinghong Gang in the modern era. Even in China, he is also a very famous gangster.

"At that charity party, Mr. Qian brought all the underworld bosses in the entire Magic City to say hello to Ye Yang in public! The scene was like a little brother meeting the boss! I was also there at the time. It's really outrageous!"

The little fat man was speechless.

"How can this be……"

Guo Baokun couldn't believe that that kind of existence was already transcendent. Although his money might only be in the billions, his status and reputation were far-reaching. Even if he met the richest man, he would at most respect him, but he would never be like a younger brother. Be as respectful as a boss!

"Don't rush to be surprised yet. Things will surprise you later!"

"What finally made his reputation famous in the business world of Shanghai today is Mr. Xu Yuanhong's business salon."

The little fat man said.

Guo Baokun pricked up his ears, obviously frightened.

"To this day, when I think about that scene, I feel like my whole body is boiling!"

The little fat man said extremely excitedly.

"What the hell is it? Don't keep it secret, just tell me quickly!"

Guo Baokun's face turned red in anxiety.

"In the middle of the banquet, the former richest man in China, Wang Silin, came in person!"

The little fat man kept saying: "And, Wang Silin, call this Mr. Ye Yang... boss!!!"


Guo Baokun was confused and pressed his ears: "Am I hallucinating?"

"That's right, haha, it's normal if you don't believe it. I even suspected that I was blind at the time. I watched Wang Silin bow to Mr. Ye and call him boss. He was so energetic. He was so majestic. I was so jealous! "

The little fat man shook his head, recalling the shock of that day.


Guo Baokun was completely confused.

Among the four young men in the capital, he was considered the weakest. Wang Xiaocong, the strongest, was actually dragged in to make up the numbers.

The other three companies actually have a market value of only one to two hundred billion.

However, because they all like to have fun, they were labeled as the four young masters of Kyoto.

Even Wang Xiaocong's father, Wang Silin, whose family background is one level higher than theirs, has to call Ye Yang boss.

This depends on seniority.

Young Master Ye Yang is said to be his grandfather.

What the hell...

When I see others, I don't treat them as grandsons, and I still challenge them! ?

Now he fully understands why he lost so miserably.

How dare a mere second-generation rich man dare to go head-to-head with a super rich man like Ye Yang?


Guo Baokun panicked: "Fat man, you can't help being a brother. Every time I go to the magic city, I look for you to have fun. You have to help me this time! If my father knows that I have caused such a big trouble outside, , I’m afraid you’re going to peel off my skin!”

"It's all because Ye Yang is so low-key. If I were as awesome as him, I would have pretended to be awesome to the sky! But in the end, they just gave me a little lesson, and I thought he was just a little local snake. "

Guo Baokun couldn't laugh or cry.

"You think all big shots are like you!"

The little fat man rolled his eyes: "When you get some power, you can bully others as much as you can!"

But if Ye Yang heard these words, he would definitely die of grievance.

I already have a watch worth hundreds of millions of dollars, so how can I be so high-profile?

All I have to do is hang a speaker on my chest and play it in a loop 24 hours a day: I'm awesome, don't mess with me anymore.

What provoked him was purely because the other party was blind!

"The only way to make amends now is for you to apologize to Mr. Ye Yang."

The little fat man gave some advice.


Guo Baokun lowered his head, as if that was all he could do.

He was led by the little fat man and touched Ye Yang's seat.

"What? A poor guy can't compete with money, so he wants to fight?"

Xiao Qingxuan did not save any face for Guo Baokun, and directly retorted with an unkind look.

"Ahem, how dare I..."

Guo Baokun looked at Ye Yang behind Xiao Qingxuan and bowed directly: "Mr. Ye, I really didn't know your identity before. I hope you can forgive me for offending me! It's me who is ignorant and a frog in the well. You must not Sorry!"

Ye Yang thought the other party was here to cause trouble, why didn't he follow the routine?

Shouldn't you lose in a money contest and then come over and use force? If you can't beat me with force, go home and find me, and then beat the younger one one after another, beating the old one?

Isn’t this how the novels about overbearing presidents are written?

This is great, I apologized to myself right away...

Seeing that Ye Yang was silent, Guo Baokun thought that Ye Yang was angry and ignored him. He was so frightened that Cen Cen immediately broke out in a cold sweat: "Mr. Ye, I offended you today. Xiao Guo has 600 million private assets in this card. Quan should be Compensation is not respectful, please accept it.”


Ye Yang looked confused, he didn't say anything just now?

He was just wondering why the other party suddenly came over to apologize. After all, in his opinion, it was just normal and the person with more money won.

Look at Ye Yang's confused expression.

Guo Baokun was so frightened that he lost his mind, and the big shot was angry. They all had this expression!

"I, I, I shouldn't hide it from you, Mr. Ye... In fact, I have one billion, one billion... I'll give it all to you. Boss, please don't worry about today's matter!"

Guo Baokun took out all the family's black cards with trembling hands.


"Well, I didn't take it to heart at first. You don't have to do that."

Ye Yang said casually.

"No, no, no, boss, this is all I really have! Please spare me, please accept this money!"

Guo Baokun almost cried.

what to do? The billionaire boss doesn’t even take it seriously! But I was really squeezed out. I didn’t have any more money... nothing at all.


Ye Yang nodded, a little confused.

I really didn’t think about anything, why is this guy so crazy about giving me money, even if I don’t want it...

(Second update)

Thanks to the book friend for killing Lu Bu Ri Diao Chan’s reminder talisman and mountain climbing invitation!

Thanks to the book friends for the reminder!

Thank you to book friends for your praise~

Thanks to book friend 3051/8504 for the update reminder!

Thanks to book friend 1931/1297 for the thumbs up~

Thanks to book friend Mengyuan for the mountain climbing invitation!

Thanks to book friend 1104/9663 for the like~

Thanks to book friend 1406/9967 for the update reminder!

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