Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 216: The senior is a straight man, and he has lots of girls

Seeing Guo Baokun's frightened look, Ye Yang didn't know that he thought he looked like a devil.

After comforting the other person for a few more words, he said that he didn't care.

The other party was hesitant and wanted to leave with a grateful expression of kowtow.

"Hahaha, boss, you are too strong!"

Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu both smiled: "Now they are rushing to give you money!"

Ye Yang rolled his eyes, and he didn't understand what was going on.

Why did your attitude suddenly change 180 degrees?

Didn't he just compete with me and insist on competing for superiority?

At this moment, one billion was sent directly...

But he didn't bother to think about it. After all, it was only one billion.

Come to think of it, I am afraid that I am really born with a powerful physique. No matter what, I will not lose money! If not, you will make a lot of money.

"Ye Yang, you really scared me to death just now!"

After Ling Shishi came off the stage, she patted her chest and her face was still flushed. That was 100 million or tens of millions!

Her family's total assets total only one billion.

This is just a cosplay competition.

The money really made her wonder what she should do to repay Ye Yang: "After the cosplay competition, you can get 70% of the rewards. I will pay you back as soon as the money arrives!"

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head: "Money is nothing more than an external possession to me, just be happy."


Ling Shishi blinked her eyes, and then waved her hands: "No, no, no! Absolutely not! I will never ask for this money!"

"If you don't want it, I will never go out to play with you again."

Ye Yang tapped the other person's smooth forehead and said with a smile.


Ling Shishi had a bitter look on her face. If she and the handsome guy didn't play with her in the future, which would have terrible consequences, then she might as well accept the reward... At worst, she would have to pay for shopping in the future and buy something expensive. Things, pay off your debt bit by bit!

"Today the comic exhibition has come to an end. Let's go shopping and fill our stomachs."

Ye Yang suggested with a smile.


Ling Shishi nodded happily. Just as she was thinking about repaying Ye Yang, she got the chance!

Rolls-Royce and Mercedes-Benz, Ye Yang was not in a hurry to change back to his original clothes.

In the shopping street.


The ice cream in the hands of passers-by fell to the ground unconsciously: "Holy crap! Am I dazzled?"

"No, maybe my brain is broken..."

Several passers-by, A, B, B, and D, looked at each other and after confirming that the other party saw the same scene as themselves, they all collapsed.

In the middle of the road, I saw a young man wearing a hot-blooded college uniform, surrounded by five super beauties. The beauties were carrying things and the beauties were rushing to pay.

"Have I come to heaven!?"

Just looking at this scene, the otakus who came to the shopping street to stock up on Coke drooled with dissatisfaction.


Damn white silk!

Damn super beauty!

How could there be such a fairy-like life?

His eyes moved to his side, and his beautiful fantasy was immediately shattered. He was still the fat and fat nerd he was before, without any change...

Ye Yang looked at the shocked eyes of the people around him and smiled. Whoever it was would have been so angry if he suddenly saw a guy surrounded by beauties and being grabbed by them to pay for the bills and carry things. , or suspect that you have traveled through time...

"I'll take it."

Ye Yang suggested.

The passers-by around him nodded, looking a bit like a boy.

"No! Let's hold it! How can we let Brother Ye carry something! That would be so rude of us!"

Several girls were holding shopping bags in their hands and speaking righteously, as if they were taking it for granted. The passers-by around them almost lost their balance and got stuck on the curb.

"Oh my God! What's happening to this world!!!"

"Why is my goddess not as beautiful as these people? I can't even lick it, but this guy is chased by five beauties!!!! Oh my god, please strike me to death with a thunder! I've had enough of the cruelty in this world! "

"This big brother is so awesome! If I learn even a little bit from him, I can become Super Aquaman!"

Passers-by were envious.

Some licking dogs were even slapped aside by the goddess next to them because of their envious looks, causing them to burst into tears...

"Oh, what a sin..."

Ye Yang looked at what was happening around him and shrugged, enjoying this feeling with some schadenfreude.

Who asked you to be a bitch?

Just like my senior brother, he should be a straight man, but there are so many beauties! ?

We did a lot of shopping that night.

Because Ling Shishi wanted to repay Ye Yang, she didn't care about money at all. She spent as much money as she wanted. She probably spent more than three million yuan on Ye Yang in one night.

"Well, luckily my house is big enough, otherwise I wouldn't know where to put these things."

Ye Yang suddenly felt the sadness unique to handsome men again.

After the pleasant shopping night, several happy little girls accompanied Ye Yang to sing in KTV for a while. Ye Yang's magnetic and beautiful voice naturally fascinated several girls.

Exclaiming that there is such a perfect man as Ye Yang in this world!

Even the most daring Xiaohong, after drinking a few bottles of wine, would rush up to him and execute him on the spot.

However, this sinister intention was obviously discovered by Xiao Qingxuan and nipped it in the bud.

Ye Yang sighed secretly, and could only helplessly give Xiao Qingxuan a well done gesture.

Xiao Qingxuan thought that this was really a compliment to her, and waved her hand complacently: "It's all my job! No need to thank me!"


Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and his eyes were almost rolling up to the sky.

After having fun, he drove the girls back to his home.

Then, he returned to the Yundingshan Villa District.

A pleasant day made Ye Yang, who was now full of energy, more energetic at night, and he couldn't sleep at all, while Yu Momo suffered a little.

Damn master, his endurance is getting more and more terrible.

And the experience is getting richer and richer.

In a short period of time, there are more and more tricks, and now they have learned to use tools!

However, Yu Momo also enjoys it.

After adapting, you will feel that the rich and beautiful content now is more deeply happy and exciting than the relatively monotonous and ordinary mode before.


It was not until the second half of the night that it was quiet and went to bed.

The next day, Ye Yang got up refreshed, had breakfast, and took a short morning run around his Yunding Mountain. Then he received a WeChat message from Ye Xiaozi.

"Huh? This little girl."

Ye Yang opened WeChat. His sister had not contacted him for the past few days. It was said that it was because of the first simulation test.

Ye Xiaozi's academic performance has always been very good. She has no pressure to get into a 985 university that ranks high in China in the college entrance examination.

"Did this little girl finish the exam?"

Ye Yang just glanced at the message and his face became a little strange...

(First update)

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