Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 220: The enthusiastic principal

"Really familiar..."

Wang Taihao is usually domineering and fearful, but he knows that although no one said anything openly, his face was completely rubbed to the ground on that day.

This matter has become a shadow. It is okay on weekdays, but when he sees Ye Yang, the feeling of fear comes out.

Deng Tianci's teeth creaked, but the Wang family is powerful after all, and the head of the family is the former richest man in China.

Even if it is not now, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. The company's market value is trillions. I am afraid that personal assets are more valuable than the assets owned by the entire Deng family.

So, he didn't dare to gamble.

"Haha, then I will give this face to the Wang family today."

Deng Tianci clasped his fists towards Wang Zaimin: "However, where the Wang family can't take care of, I, Deng Tianci, will still be there. At that time, this kid should be careful."

Like Wang Taihao, Deng Lun was also sent from other places.

Just for the noble title of Baoli.

The Deng family was originally a famous family in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Their influence in Jiangsu and Zhejiang is incomparable to that of the Wang family.

After all, a strong dragon cannot suppress a local snake.

"Haha, then you can do what you want!"

Wang Zaimin sneered, turned around and said to Ye Yang respectfully: "Mr. Ye, are you not scared?"

Ye Yang smiled lightly: "Just this kind of grasshopper's words are not qualified to scare me."

"That's right."

Wang Zaimin smiled. This is a strong man who can only bow his head and admit defeat to his eldest brother. How could he be scared by a small wealthy businessman in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

"Let's go."

Ye Yang shook his head indifferently. Today's matter was just a small grudge over parking. He also beat Deng Lun up. If he continued to be aggressive, it would seem that he was narrow-minded.

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Wang Zaimin waved his hands repeatedly.

Several people walked out of the parking lot.


Looking at Wang Zaimin's bowing and nodding, Deng Tianci suddenly felt that things were not as simple as he imagined.

"This Ye guy can actually make Wang Zaimin so polite..."

While he was thinking.

Deng Lun rolled over and wailed: "Dad, you can't watch me get beaten! Revenge for your son!"

Deng Tianci snorted coldly: "I told you not to get into trouble with me!"

When there were only two fathers and sons, he still kept his superficial severity to Deng Lun.

"But don't worry, a young man dared to hit my son, I will make him pay the price!"

Deng Tianci looked at the direction where Ye Yang disappeared and sneered.

To fight with an old man like him, a young man is too naive after all...

"Before, my son was unreliable, I hope Mr. Ye will not be offended!"

After leaving the parking lot, Wang Zaimin kept apologizing to Ye Yang.

"Isn't this matter over?"

Ye Yang glanced at Wang Taihao calmly. The arrogant young master turned pale and laughed awkwardly. He didn't dare to look at Ye Yang and lowered his head. It was obvious that the shadow of being beaten up that day made him unable to forget for a long time.


Ye Yang turned back. This was the effect he wanted.

Otherwise, if anyone wanted to hit his sister in the future, wouldn't he have to beat everyone up?

Set an example and kill the 'monkey' to warn the 'chicken'.

"Okay, let's go directly to the venue."

Ye Yang waved his hand.

"Okay, okay."

Seeing that Ye Yang really let this go, Wang Zaimin couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and followed Ye Yang to the school square.

The school square is where Baoli High School gathers whenever there is a major event for the whole school.

There are particularly many people gathered today.

Not only are there many students, but also many parents.

However, most of these parents who can be invited are wealthy, otherwise they would not be invited here.

Originally, an ordinary family like Ye Xiaozi would not invite her even if they held a parent-teacher meeting. In such an aristocratic high school, there would be no place for ordinary people.

The reason why they still want students like Ye Xiaozi is purely to make up for their grades.

After all, the children of rich people will go to foreign universities to get their diplomas after graduating from high school. If they really want to convince the outside world that Baoli’s school standards are high, they still have to have these poor students.

These students generally have little knowledge and will not cultivate any aristocratic specialties from childhood. They can only study. It just so happens that such people have good test scores.

With Baoli’s teaching resources, it is easy to get a 985 exam.

If there is no such strength, Baoli will not let a child from an ordinary family enter the campus.

But people like this don’t have to think about getting Baoli’s scholarships.

Baoli will always reject them from the scholarship threshold on the grounds of various comprehensive scores.

Last semester, they said that Ye Xiaozi had neither aristocratic etiquette nor a dozen messy reasons for not meeting the standards.

This semester, after Ye Yang beat Wang Taihao, Ye Xiaozi directly received the top president scholarship.

Some people's double standards, you can't understand it with a normal brain.

"Ah! Mr. Ye!"

Principal Li Lili didn't even dare to sit down today, so he waited at the entrance of the first row of VIP area. When he saw the big guys, he bowed to greet them, then led them to their seats, and then came out to wait.

When he saw ordinary VIPs, he nodded and smiled and said hello.

When he saw the ones in the last row, he didn't even bother to look at them. When the other party was enthusiastic to get close to him, he just nodded slightly, with a majestic look.

The moment he saw Ye Yang, his whole face burst into laughter, and he immediately stepped forward to greet him: "Oh, I've been looking forward to the stars and the moon, and finally I've got you, Mr. Ye!"

"Mr. Ye, your visit to our Baoli really brings light to Mr. Li's face!"

"Mr. Ye, please slow down and don't touch me!"

Li Lili patted Ye Yang's stool to remove the dust before letting Ye Yang sit down.

Ye Yang's position is also the best in the entire venue and has the best chair.

He also raised his eyebrows at Li Lili's enthusiasm, knowing it in his heart, but he didn't say much.

Li Lili looked at Ye Yang and felt very nervous.

The reason why he was still sitting in the principal's seat after offending Wang Silin was purely because the school board felt that although he offended Wang Silin, it was also equivalent to wooing Ye Yang in disguise.

This is also the reason why the school board did not fire Li Lili in the end.

Therefore, the fact that he is still able to make money in this position is purely because of Ye Yang's gift.

When he saw Ye Yang again, his mentality and attitude were naturally very low.

Without saying a word, he directly arranged the most senior principal scholarship to Ye Xiaozi.

"sit down."

Ye Yang nodded, and Yu Mo Mo also sat next to him.

By this time, almost all the distinguished guests had arrived, and the entire venue was overcrowded.

After Li Lili settled Ye Yang, he looked at the time and trotted towards the high platform, preparing to start today's award ceremony...

(First update)

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