Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 221 Who will win the President's Scholarship?

This scene was also seen by Deng Tianci who followed, and he was a little unhappy.

Deng Tianci was extremely angry. He was a person with a net worth of hundreds of billions. In order to welcome Ye Yang, the principal directly left him aside? !


He snorted coldly and sat in the VIP seat.

If it were in the previous parent-teacher meetings, wealthy businessmen with too high net worth would rarely attend.

He was considered one of the top big shots.

Principal Li Lili must have flattered him in every way, but now he was even ignored because of Ye Yang.

He could even feel that it was not because the principal did it intentionally, but because Ye Yang was too important in the principal's heart, so he subconsciously gave up other people.

"Damn, is this kid really that awesome?"

Deng Tianci frowned, feeling that something was wrong.

Not every rich person is educated. In the chaotic era a few years ago, there were many who became rich by relying on bloody primitive accumulation. Many rich people may be uneducated and rough, but at least they have one common characteristic, that is, ruthlessness and intelligence.

Deng Tianci can't be a fool to be able to get to this level.

He lost some of his reason because his son was beaten just now. Now, after combining everything he saw and heard along the way, he felt that Ye Yang was really unpredictable.


After the VIP seats were all present, the principal didn't bother to care whether the students and others were present.

After all, this award ceremony was actually a performance show for these rich parents. As long as the audience he cared about were all present, it would be OK.

Who would care whether outsiders were present?

That's right, students were actually outsiders in this school's scholarship award ceremony.

"Baoli High School's high-quality teaching and noble teaching have achieved great success in recent years. I believe we have all witnessed this achievement!"

"Today's award ceremony is also to reward students with excellent performance and excellent grades last semester! They are the hope of Baoli High School and the embodiment of teaching quality!"

"First, we will award the third prize..."

"The list of third prize winners is as follows:..."

As expected, the students who won the third prize were all parents and children sitting in the ordinary VIP seats.

After these students came on stage, they also received a bonus of 10,000 yuan, bowed collectively, and hurriedly left the stage.

"Next, let's witness the list of second prize winners!"

When mentioning the second prize, Li Lili's voice was obviously much more enthusiastic.

This time these students are the children of senior VIPs, and finally there are student representatives to speak, and then bow and leave.

"Okay, next is the first prize! We all know that in addition to the principal's scholarship, the first prize students are the best! You are all the best children in the world!"

When mentioning the first prize, Li Lili's eyes lit up, and his tone was extremely respectful.

The children who received the first-class scholarship were naturally the children of top VIPs.


Ye Yang noticed that Deng Lun was on the list of first-class winners?

He just casually learned from Wang Zaimin and Wang Taihao that this kid spent the entire semester playing with Mao girls in Maozi Country. He didn't study at all, wasn't in school, and didn't even take the final exam.

God damn it, he got a first-class scholarship...

But Deng Tianci obviously felt proud, and his whole back was straightened as if he was very proud.

But Deng Lun himself obviously couldn't go on stage to receive the award, after all, he was beaten and couldn't stand up.

Every student who won the first prize had his own speech, which was extremely solemn.

But when it came to Deng Lun, it was off the chain.

"Where is Deng Lun?"

The principal blinked: "What's the situation?"

"Ahem, it seems that Mr. Ye beat him up in the garage just now, and he is receiving first aid."

The principal's secretary next to him reminded repeatedly.

Li Lili looked at Deng Tianci in surprise, and almost gave him a thumbs up, exclaiming in his heart: God! You dare to offend Mr. Ye, a god! I'm afraid you're not far from death...

"Ahem, classmate Deng Lun has some personal matters, we will hand over the scholarship letter directly to his father!"

Li Lili said casually and took a deep breath.

All the VIPs also stared at him.

The most eye-catching point of the scholarship session is who will get the highest-level president's scholarship!

As wealthy nobles, they naturally know the rules.

It's said that they are awarding scholarships, but in fact they are competing for families.

Whoever has the most powerful family can get the president's scholarship!

In previous years, it was occupied by Wang Taihao.

Now Wang Taihao only got a first-class scholarship. Obviously, this year's president's scholarship has someone else!

"Who is more powerful than Wang Taihao?"

Many of these out-of-town noble parents didn't know about Wang Silin's apology before.

They are busy with business and work on weekdays, and they may not chat with their children once every ten days or half a month, let alone browse this kind of gossip-like news.

As for some local wealthy businessmen and celebrities in Shanghai, they smiled calmly, without any ripples in their hearts.

The charity dinner of Dongfa Bank and the business salon of Haiqi Group have made almost most of the prominent people in Shanghai's business community know Ye Yang.

This super boss who even Wang Silin has to call boss has appeared, so how can he escape the chance of the principal's scholarship?

It must be a student of the Ye family at Baoli High School!

Looking at the confused foreign businessmen, the local celebrities in Shanghai naturally felt a sense of superiority as if they knew the answer in advance, and smiled with pride.

"Even Wang Silin's nephew was squeezed out this year. Could it be that his son also came to study?"

"It could also be the princess of the Ma family..."

"There are not many rich second-generations in China who are more powerful than Wang Silin's nephew. When the result is announced, we must try to curry favor with him... Oh, no, make friends with him."

"That's right!"

Listening to the discussions around him.

Deng Tianci was also moved. Indeed.

In previous years, Wang Taihao won the president's scholarship.

What kind of big man is the one who won the president's scholarship this year?

I'm afraid his brilliance has overshadowed the former richest man in China.

Could it be the current richest man in China? !

Such a person will definitely not come to the scene in person. I'm afraid I don't even have the qualifications to meet him!

While thinking.

Li Lili on the stage has announced the result: "The student who won the 1,000,000 yuan special scholarship from the president is Ye Xiaozi from Class 9 of Senior 3!"

"Surname Ye?"

The whole audience suddenly became noisy.

In their impression, the famous super entrepreneurs in China, who took turns to be the richest man, were either surnamed Ma or Wang, but they had never heard of anyone surnamed Ye!

Only Deng Tianci was shocked and looked at Ye Yang, who was smiling indifferently not far away, in disbelief.

"Wang Zaimin seemed to call him...Mr. Ye just now!?"

(Second update)

Thanks to book friend Brother Long who loves spicy chicken neck, 9364/2918, 1931/1297 for the likes~

Thanks to book friend 4028/2261 for the inspiration capsule!

Thanks to book friend 6569/31982, Dad. , for the likes~

Thanks to book friend 1371/7917 for the invitation to climb the mountain!

Thanks to book friend woc for the likes~

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