Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 222 New Campus Investment! Ye Shenhao's Bid

"She has won this honor with her absolute aristocratic temperament and excellent learning talent. Her class teacher once said this..."

Next, there was a long flattering speech written by the principal specifically for Ye Xiaozi.

When I patted Ye Xiaozi, I also patted Ye Yang.

Ye Yang didn't care about this. Even if he was a saint, he would certainly be happy if he was flattered.

However, Deng Tianci obviously did not have the leisure to appreciate this flattery, and his whole heart was filled with a feeling of disbelief: "Is it possible that Ye Xiaozi, who won the principal's scholarship this year, is really related to this kid?"

He frowned, a little distracted.

But although it is said that the principal's scholarship will be awarded to the children of the most powerful families.

But there are no exceptions. If the parent is of great help to the school this year, the principal will also sell the favor.

"Maybe it's just because he invested in some school project this year."

Deng Tianci pondered, it made no sense that a family more powerful than Wang Silin would suddenly appear in China, and he didn't even know his last name.


It took a long time for the principal to finish reading the award speech specially prepared for Ye Xiaozi.

Afterwards, the students were dismissed, and the awarding of awards was over.

There is no use having these audiences anymore.

"Dear guests, please follow me."

The beautiful dean smiled sweetly at Ye Yang and others in the VIP seats, and walked in front, highlighting her graceful figure.

Obviously, she also knew very well that the Baoli parents who were invited to sit in the VIP seats were all wealthy, and no matter who took their fancy, it was an opportunity for her.

However, although she has a good figure, the VIPs who are used to seeing beautiful women are obviously not interested in her with less than outstanding appearance.

In the next session, there is no need for a group of students to show off as a backdrop.

Ye Yang and others were also invited into the school's spire auditorium.

This auditorium is built in pure European style. It is said that professional designers were hired and a lot of money was spent.

It is said to be modeled one-to-one on the auditorium of Trinity College, Cambridge.

However, compared with the auditorium at Cambridge University, this place obviously lacks a lot of time and a little more money.

The principal had already arrived in the auditorium early.

He smiled and looked at the VIP parents in the audience.

According to the seating arrangements, Ye Yang still sat in the front row of VIP seats with the best position.

But this time, there were students holding scholarship certificates in their hands, accompanying all the parents.

Next to Ye Yang, Ye Xiaozi naturally sat.

Ye Xiaozi smiled at him: "Brother, you are so handsome today!"

"Go and stop flattering!"

Ye Yang rolled his eyes and pinched the little girl's face.

"It's indeed him."

There was a hint of gloom in Deng Tianci's eyes. If he could replace Wang Taihao, this boy might not be as simple as he thought...

"I'll have to find a chance to test it out later..."

He was not a fool. If Ye Yang's status really exceeded him, he would not dare to offend him too much.

"Ahem, welcome to Baoli High School. The development of the school depends not only on the efforts of our school, but also on the support of parents..."

The principal began to talk again.

Some of these VIP parents look at their watches from time to time.

"Hey, principal, if there's anything you want my dad to pay for, just tell me! Don't waste my time picking up girls!"

I don't know which second-generation rich man was there, heckled.

"That's right! Our parents are very busy!"


One person takes the lead, and a group of people joins in.

Li Lili, who was giving an impassioned speech, became embarrassed when he realized that these parents cherish their time like gold and may make a lot of money in one second.

My speech was indeed a bit cumbersome.

So he also speeded up, and to make a long story short: "Because our teaching effect is very good, and the superiors are very satisfied, they have approved an extra piece of land for us, and there is some gap in the funds required for the expanded building, so I would like to ask Please lend a helping hand and if you contribute enough, the new building will be named after you.”


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, this was interesting.

To expand a new campus, even the buildings inside will come to parents to pay for it?

I just made some blood and got some scholarships.

Fortunately, he thought the principal was generous, so he was waiting here.

Li Lili clapped his hands, and the architectural drawings of the new campus were brought out, listing the names of the new buildings to be built.

For example, there are six fountains.

One teaching building.

Garden, two.

The parents present were obviously used to it, and their expressions showed no change at all. The so-called commendation meeting was actually just to find a reason to ask them for money.

"I'll just donate 100,000 to that fountain~"

"I have thirty thousand."

"Fifty thousand~"

These parents obviously lack interest and have no interest in participating at all.

Li Lili looked very embarrassed, and his heart was itching with hatred. These guys obviously have so much money, but they are so picky!

Ye Yang understands that these guys obviously think this is meaningless.

Businessmen talk about profits. For them, this kind of investment obviously has no return, so for them, it is already a big deal to pay tens of thousands of dollars.

But it was different for Ye Yang.

His system determines that the more you spend, the more you earn.

"Alas, it's been a long time since I've made money by working hard. This opportunity is not bad."

Ye Yang's heart moved.

It just so happened that the parents present didn't seem to be interested in investing in school construction, so why not...

After almost all the guests present reported the figures.

A total of only about 10 million was raised.

It was too far from the target of 100 million.

Li Lili's face was also extremely embarrassed and a little pale.

If he couldn't raise the money, I'm afraid the school board, which was already dissatisfied with him, would be even more dissatisfied with him.

He looked at several platinum guests for help.

These platinum guests were quite powerful.

At least each of them contributed several million.

After all, for them, a few million is as casual as eating.


Even so, the total was only 20 million.

He scratched his head, his face turned pale, and he looked at Ye Yang for help.

Ye Yang smiled faintly: "Tell me how much money is still missing for these projects."


Li Lili's whole body was full of energy. Report the project directly?

Doesn't that mean Mr. Ye wants to contract a project that he is interested in! ?

This is at least a project worth tens of millions!

He was excited.

He introduced it like a lackey: "This new library has a preparation of 30 million investment, and there is still a shortfall of 28 million. This main teaching building, together with teaching equipment, requires an investment of 50 million. This garden requires..."

"In short, it requires an investment of about 300 million..."

After saying that, he also looked at Ye Yang expectantly. Which project did Mr. Ye want to contract?

The other wealthy businessmen also looked at Ye Yang with a hint of doubt in their eyes.

(First update)

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