Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 224: Too many black cards, this one is for pocket money

Ye Yang waved his hand, and Li Lili immediately trotted over, smiling bitterly in his heart. Now it was difficult to offend the big bosses on both sides, so he could only act according to circumstances.

Ye Yang casually said a few words in Li Lili's ear.

Li Lili immediately understood and lowered the electronic projection screen in the auditorium.

The wealthy businessmen present were all a little surprised and looked around, and the sound of discussion was endless.

"What is this for?"

"I don't know, let's wait and see, this super boss's style of behavior is not something we can guess at all."


The parents present were generally looking forward to the hand of Ye Yang, the super boss.

Some wealthy businessmen from other places who didn't know the reason were watching and watching, watching this scene with a sneer.

They also didn't think Ye Yang had any ability.

After all, Ye Yang was too young.

Deng Tianci just looked down on Ye Yang.

Even if the family behind Ye Yang was powerful, there were not many things that a junior could decide.

For example, Deng Tianci would be wary of Wang Zaimin, but he would never be wary of Wang Taihao or anything like that.

Even if the Wang family is powerful, he would not have any psychological pressure if only one junior came out.

This is also the reason why he has been so unscrupulous.

Even if Ye Yang really has some big forces behind him, according to the rules of the underworld, it is not too late to admit defeat after the people of the same generation as his own status appear.

Admitting defeat to a junior, no matter what, makes him lose face.

"You also saw that this old bastard thinks that I don't have the financial resources to call out the price just now. Although I don't need to prove it at all, for this kind of garbage that maliciously speculates about others, I can only use facts to slap him in the face."

Ye Yang no longer spared any face in his words, and directly called Deng Tianci an old bastard, making everyone present not know whether to cry or laugh.

Deng Tianci's face turned pale and blue. With his status, it was the first time that he was humiliated in public like this, but he was not in a hurry, and watched everything happening in the field leisurely.

"You jump now! If you can't prove your financial strength later, the humiliation you are facing now will be returned to you twice!"

Deng Tianci sneered. Obviously, a young man in the family is just holding on.

Even Wang Xiaocong, the son of Wang Silin, is said to have a net worth of billions.

But most of the capital flow is on the company's books, and the cash flow at his disposal is probably no more than 1 billion.

Ye Yang just shouted out a high price of more than 1 billion.

Could it be that he has more money than the son of the richest man?

However, this kind of sarcastic mentality suddenly shrank when Ye Yang took out the card from his arms in a very calm manner.

"This is..."

He was tense all over, and the whole person was a little confused: "I'm dazzled!? The king of cards, the centurion!? And it seems to be black gold!!!"

The more you understand what this card means, the more shocked you will be when you see this card!

Ordinary people may only know that it is very powerful and has a high upper limit for throwing.

But for those of them who are in that circle, Deng Tianci knows too well how difficult it is to get a Centurion Black Gold Card!

This is not only a symbol of wealth, but also a symbol of status!

Even he himself is still applying for it. He has applied several times and was rejected!

And he is a super rich businessman with a family asset of 100 billion and a personal asset of more than 10 billion!

There are not too many such people in the business circle of China!

And how could this kid have his own Centurion Black Gold Card! ?

"Could it be that it was borrowed..."

At this point, the arrow is on the string, and he can only comfort himself.

"I believe everyone knows this card."

Ye Yang casually threw the black card that caused surprise and envy to Li Lili.

Li Lili took it over, fearing that the black card would be damaged, and held it in both hands, and walked to the front desk cautiously.

The appearance of the Centurion Black Gold Card instantly dispelled the doubts of the wealthy businessmen who were watching.

The overdraft limit of this card is 10 billion Chinese Yuan!

The number Ye Yang mentioned just now is only one tenth of the overdraft limit!

Li Lili respectfully took the advanced payment machine and asked Ye Yang to swipe his fingerprint and card.

Everyone present seemed to realize something, staring at the big screen in front of them.

How much deposit would such a super young rich man holding a black gold card have in his black card! ?

On the screen, the light flickered and the balance number appeared.

Everyone stared at the screen in disbelief.

"One hundred thousand million... one hundred million, one billion, one hundred billion..."

It would take a long time to check how many digits there are in this string of numbers...

"Oh my god... this is... 30 billion?"

An ordinary VIP wiped his sweat and pushed his glasses. For him, a bank balance of 30 billion was already an unimaginable horror.

However, although this number is terrifying, it is not too outrageous. People with a personal net worth of hundreds of billions have bank card balances of this number.

"I didn't expect that Mr. Ye, at such a young age, has already reached the top among us old guys!"

All the VIPs sighed with emotion.

Ye Yang's bank card balance is definitely one of the best in the place!

Deng Tianci's face turned dark. In terms of bank card balance, Ye Yang completely crushed him. The card that someone unlocked with his own fingerprint could not be someone else's card.

He felt completely humiliated and wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

However, things didn't end here.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "Damn it! I took it by mistake! This is a card for storing pocket money. There is no money."


"You have other black cards for love!"

"Thirty billion means no money! Why don't you go to heaven!"

Everyone present knew that this sentence must be Ye Yang's joke.

However, Ye Yang took out a few more bank cards from his arms. They were all black cards. Eggs cannot be put in one basket.

Yu Mo took some time off to apply for many black cards for Ye Yang.

The system also immediately distributed Ye Yang's personal wealth to these bank accounts under his name.

As the bank card balances were wiped out one after another.

The scene went from being horrified at the beginning, to silence, to numbness and becoming accustomed to it...

Balance figures worth at least tens of billions passed their eyes one after another.

The card in Ye Yang's hand has only been swiped half way, and the total balance displayed is already over 100 billion!

"Enough, enough! Ye Shenhao, please collect your magical powers!"

"I feel like I'm going to have a heart just...unbelievable!"

"I used to be pretty good at math, but now I can't do it..."

"Now the total amount is almost over 200 billion, right!?"

As Ye Yang casually brushed one picture after another, several wealthy businessmen from other places in the front row stood up in shock. They looked at the screen for a while and Ye Yang for a while, not knowing what to say.

(First update)

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