Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 225: Billionaire tycoon faints online


"Fake... fake!"

"This... this adds up to 3... 300 billion!!!"

You know, this is pure bank deposits! Not assets!

What does this mean?

His personal assets will far exceed this number!

Even if he really put all his money in the bank card, it would still be 300 billion!

This wealth value exceeds anyone present!

Moreover, even if the second-ranked Kyoto businessman, with all his wealth, is far behind this number!

And this number is not even the entirety of Ye Yang's bank balance...

Every time these wealthy businessmen thought of this, they felt cold sweats running down their spines.

This unknown young man seemed a little too scary...

Ye Yang shrugged, looked back at the pale faces of the wealthy businessmen, and sympathetically collected the remaining black cards that had not been swiped: "Ahem, let's stop here first. Don't show off your wealth. I'd better keep a low profile."

Although he said so, his main worry was that if his balance was really revealed, he would be scared to have a cerebral hemorrhage on the spot, and he would have to pay for the medical expenses.

His actual book wealth, after his hard work of swiping money these days, has exceeded 300 billion.

"Ye Shenhao... please be a decent person!"

"Low-key, you are so damn low-key!"

"I cried... After doing business for so many years, the balance of my account is not even one digit of his!!!"

"Super super boss! What does it mean? He just swiped his own fingerprints. These are his own cards and his own wealth!"

"Haha, this amount of funds is beyond our imagination. It's ridiculous that someone just doubted whether Mr. Ye could afford the 1 billion?"

If they just suspected that Ye Yang was maliciously raising the price to disgust Deng Tianci.

Then now, the image of Ye Yang in their hearts has suddenly become a 'positive energy super entrepreneur' who is kind and generous and is really ready to spend 1 billion for charity!

"I am so guilty that I actually doubted Mr. Ye just now! Alas..."

"It seems that I am still too poor and cannot understand the generosity of Mr. Ye!"

"That Deng Tianci is so abominable. He actually wanted to maliciously raise the price just now! Fortunately, Mr. Ye saw through his trick in advance! He didn't succeed!"

"That's right!"

The public opinion on the stage began to be one-sided.

For the wealthy businessmen present, a book balance of 300 billion is absolute justice!

The three views follow the balance...

At this time, Deng Tianci was completely paralyzed in his seat. He would never have thought that he looked like a junior, but his own savings could be so high...

He was completely stunned.

On the one hand, the possibility of humiliating Ye Yang was directly crushed by the legendary balance that was simply dazzling.

On the other hand, he also realized that he had offended a super boss!

For such a super boss, it is possible that the family will directly kick him out in order to protect themselves!

For a business family, profit is more important than anything else. In order to protect the family business, it is possible to kick him out of the family as a sacrifice!

And all his pride and sense of accomplishment now come from the family business worth hundreds of billions behind him!

Once the family is gone, he is nothing.

There is no point in talking about pride.

Thinking of this, he was trembling all over.

If the other party hadn't beaten his son and made him angry, he wouldn't have come to this point.

Thinking of this, he regretted and wanted to slap himself.

"Ye, Mr. Ye... I was confused just now, I... I dare not compete with you for this project. I will pay the 1.2 billion, but the project will be on your head!"

Deng Tianci trembled and showed goodwill to Ye Yang again and again.

"I lack that little money?"

Ye Yang asked with a faint smile.

This old bastard came out to provoke him again and again. He is not a good man himself, so it is impossible for him to let him go easily.

"Ye... Mr. Ye, I am willing to give you 20% of my shares in the Deng Group... No, no, no, 30%, all to you!"

Deng Tianci was frightened by Ye Yang's unfriendly eyes and couldn't speak clearly.

"30%? How much money can it be?"

Ye Yang asked lightly.

Seeing that there seemed to be hope, Deng Tianci's eyes burst into an endless desire to survive, and he said repeatedly: "The entire Deng Group is worth about 100 billion, and I hold 10% of the shares in it. 30% is about 3 billion!"


Ye Yang's eyes turned cold: "Do you think that offending me, a mere 3 billion, can quench my anger!?"

Deng Tianci stuttered and wanted to say something, but under the coercion of Ye Yang's eyes that represented a bank balance of 300 billion, he almost knelt down, and there was no resistance.


He lowered his head like he accepted his fate: "Mr. Ye, you say... I will listen to you, whatever you say is what you say..."

Ye Yang stretched out a finger.

"Mr. Ye, you..."

Deng Tianci was a little confused, not knowing what Ye Yang meant.

"One hundred percent."

Ye Yang said his final verdict calmly: "One hundred percent, if you pay less, you'd better think about the consequences of my anger!"


The wealthy businessmen around were dumbfounded.

How cruel!

Just take all the shares in his hands!

However, what kind of punishment is this for offending such a super boss?

His bank balance alone is more than 300 billion!

He is willing to take your 1.8 billion to settle the matter, which is already a solution for you to be grateful for!

Otherwise, just do something and the family will directly remove Deng Tianci from the family.

That would be the end of everything!

Deng Tianci obviously understood the key interests and struggles. After a painful struggle like a tear in his heart, his head was completely down to the bottom...

He completely accepted his fate.

"Mr. Ye, everything will be as you wish..."


Ye Yang nodded lightly, patted Deng Tianci on the shoulder, and smiled lightly: "I am not an unreasonable person. It is a great virtue to correct mistakes when you know them."


Deng Tianci looked at Ye Yang's hypocritical sarcasm that he didn't even bother to cover up, and his expression was full of regret. His face turned pale and his eyes turned black!

I was filled with shame and anger, and countless complex emotions came together. I couldn't catch my breath, and fell on my back, hitting the back of my head on the ground, and passed out...

(Second update)

Thanks to book friends Tang Chen, Feng Lin, and Xu Wuque of the Zhatian Gang for inviting me to climb the mountain!

Thanks to book friends Ai Ni, 1931/1297 for the likes~

Thanks to book friend Nanyang for the two likes~

Thanks to book friends Qi Deadly Sins~ Lust for the three likes~

Thanks to book friends 1556/5407, Yeying Lan Huangyue for the likes~

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