Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 227 Street Interview: How can we do without a 5 million betrothal gift?

The Maybach drove all the way to the pedestrian street in Shanghai.

After parking the car and telling Yu Momo that he would pick them up later, Ye Yang took his sister and Li Wanrou to the pedestrian street for a stroll.

And Yu Momo naturally contacted Fang Han, Wang Zaimin, and Li Lili to make a coordinated plan.

Although for Ye Yang, aiding the construction of the new campus is just a trivial matter, after all, 1 billion yuan is not really a big project for him now.

But for the construction workers, this is indeed a huge project.

It is very necessary to do a good job of advance coordination and construction supervision.

Girls are always amazing. Usually, those with weak physical strength will be out of breath after going up to the fifth floor, but if they walk on the pedestrian street, they will not feel tired even if they walk for several hours.

It seems that this is their innate superpower.

If Ye Yang had not reached the peak of national martial arts and had abundant physical strength, it would be a physical job to accompany these two energetic girls in adolescence to go shopping.

"So happy!"

"Although I didn't buy anything, the process was really enjoyable, and the pressure of the college entrance examination was instantly dissipated."

Both girls looked happy.

Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He had been shopping for more than two hours, and he didn't look tired at all!

"Why would the eldest lady feel any pressure from the college entrance examination?"

Li Wanrou smiled: "Actually, there is a little bit..."

Nobles don't really have any pressure from the college entrance examination.

If you do well in the exam, you can go to a famous university in China.

If you don't do well in the exam, you can go to an Ivy League school abroad.

It's a perfect route.

As for why you still consider going to a famous university in China, it's because famous universities in China are close to home. During college, you can go to the family-managed enterprises to familiarize yourself with the project business, and prepare to join the company as president directly after graduation.

This is the world of rich children. There are many choices, so there is rarely any pressure.

"Hey, what is going on in front?"

Ye Xiaozi pointed to the front with some confusion.

"Street interviews?"

Li Wanrou scratched her head and said uncertainly.

Hearing this, Ye Yang also looked over curiously.

I saw an interview team with cameras and microphones, randomly looking for interviewees in the pedestrian street.

According to Ye Yang's observation, the interview team usually only interviews girls.

But this is in line with common sense.

After all, beautiful girls are always the killer to increase ratings.

Especially this kind of street interview program.

At this time, the interview team was interviewing a pair of girlfriends.

The girlfriends were one fat and one thin. The thin one was above the passing line and had good taste in clothes.

The fat one weighed about 200 pounds, so her appearance was naturally out of the question.

Standing next to her, the thin girlfriend looked even more beautiful.

Both of them held the first cup of milk tea since the beginning of autumn, and they were not surprised to face the camera.

Obviously, there are many people doing this kind of random interviews on the streets of Shanghai, and they are used to it.

"Excuse me, if a boy wants to marry you, how much do you think is normal for a betrothal gift? That is the standard for you to find him as your husband."

The interviewer was a young man who was dressed very fashionably and dressed quite energetically.

The thin girlfriend took a sip of milk tea and thought for a while: "As for the betrothal gift... it must be at least 500,000, right?"


The interviewer raised his eyebrows and said, not knowing whether he was mocking or amazed: "What a considerate lady. Those I interviewed before said that at least 1 million is needed!"

"Ah, really!"

The thin girlfriend was complacent: "I can't help it, I am so considerate!"

"Oh! Xiaoyue, you are too wronged. Do you really think 500,000 is enough for the betrothal gift?"

The fat girl who weighed more than 200 pounds at the side said: "If you ask me, it must be at least more than 3 million! And you have to be handsome and have a good family!"

"3 million! Are you serious!"

The interviewer looked the fat girl up and down, and the words were on the tip of his tongue, but he was embarrassed to say them.

"Of course! Three million is easy these days! A man who can't even afford three million is no different from a loser!?"

The fat girl said confidently: "And you have to be my husband, my requirements are very high! Otherwise, why do you think I have been chaste for more than 20 years! Three million, that's too little! No, I have to change the condition to five million! Well, this is barely enough..."


The interviewer took a look at the barrage in the mobile phone live broadcast room, and sure enough, as he expected, it exploded.

Although it is common for girls to be ambitious but incompetent, it is rare to be so confident when your conditions are so poor.

"Damn it, his father didn't make 3 million even though he was hoeing in the field, and he's still asking for 5 million!"

"Haha, I'm afraid it's 10,000 per pound."

"I'm so tired of it! If I had 5 million, I would have bought a villa with champagne and a wild horse. I'm afraid I'm crazy to marry a humanoid Titan like you!"

"Are girls' requirements for dowry so high now?"

The interviewer pondered and asked, "But now that the new marriage law has been introduced, it is not allowed to ask for sky-high dowry..."

"Haha, if he doesn't give me, then I won't marry him. Why should I be a free child-bearing machine!"

The big fat man sneered, his face trembling: "This new marriage law is useless, no one can stop me from asking for a gift!"


The interviewer nodded with a smile.

He happened to see Ye Yang and the other two walking by.

The looks and clothes of these three people made even someone like him who has been hanging out on the pedestrian street for many years brighten his eyes.


Whether it is the appearance, temperament or clothes, they are too eye-catching!

With the effect just now, if these beautiful boys and girls are added, the traffic in the live broadcast room will definitely explode!

The interviewer was extremely excited and did it as soon as he thought of it. He also walked up and called Ye Yang and the others repeatedly.


Ye Yang had been watching this side all the time, and he even heard the fat girl's words just now clearly. When he was secretly trying to hold back his laughter, he saw the interviewer coming over.

"Excuse me, can I interview a few of you?"

The interviewer said repeatedly.


Ye Yang spread his hands.


The interviewer asked repeatedly: "I wonder what you think of the lady's asking for three, no, five million betrothal gifts?"

Ye Yang said without hesitation: "I think it is completely reasonable! But I don't recommend her to marry an Earthling, because with the IQ of Earthlings, they should not be able to do this!"

(Second update)

Thanks to book friends Shadow's Fear, Chongchong Xia Buzhi for using love to generate electricity~

Thanks to book friends 2400/9724 for the likes~

Thanks to book friends Ye Fan for using love to generate electricity~

Thanks to book friends Ye Xiu for the likes, and the four likes of Seven Deadly Sins Lust!

Thanks to book friends Be Your Own Hell's Update Talisman!

Thanks to book friends 6417/2986, 3755/5430 for the mountain climbing invitation!

Thanks to book friends Yuan Meng who loves to eat dried vegetable ribs soup, 1257/4518 for the likes~

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