Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 228 Young man, take care of yourself

"Haha, this guy's words are too sharp!"

"Great! That's right, the people on Earth definitely can't do this!"

"Six six six six six six six six six..."

The live broadcast room suddenly boiled up, and everyone applauded Ye Yang's remarks. It was so refreshing!


The female Titan on the side was angry: "Why do you say that! You are a stinky loser who can't make money, so you slander us! You are really rubbish!"


Ye Yang sneered: "I can afford the five million betrothal gift, but why do you think you are worth this price? Because of your five hundred pounds of fat? Because you have no self-knowledge? Because you get what you want but take it for granted that you have a broken worldview?"


The humanoid Titan was so angry that his face turned red, and the red pig head was steaming: "You said If you can afford it, you can afford it! ? Haha, you stinky loser! Rich people don't care about appearance, they only care about the soul! "

"It's inexplicable, which poor guy told you that rich people don't care about appearance?"

Ye Yang suddenly became interested: "If they don't care about appearance, what do they make money for? What's more, your soul full of the smell of money and rottenness is nothing to see."


The fat woman was confused. Many girls with incorrect values ​​are not without their own judgment, but they just listen to what is beneficial to them.

Even if they feel something is wrong, they are deliberately ignored.

To put it bluntly, it is willful.

It is precisely this kind of willfulness that is spoiled by some spineless licking dogs, and finally it even becomes a trend.

When she really meets a real man like Ye Yang, her distorted and twisted values ​​will immediately fall apart, and she will be speechless with just a few words.

"It's so cool to watch!"

"Haha, this big brother is always telling the truth!"

"Hey, why do I think he looks familiar... It's rare to see someone this handsome... Let me think..."

"Don't think about it, this is Ye Shenhao!"

"Ye Shenhao? He sounds very rich... No wonder he is so arrogant, he can even afford a five million betrothal gift..."

"Five million? You look down on Ye Shenhao too much. If he really likes you, he can even afford five hundred million!"

"Oh my god, is this true?! Our anchor actually met such a super boss, how lucky he is!"


The anchor looked at the discussion in the live broadcast room, and his eyes changed when he looked at Ye Yang.

Such a real super rich boss came to speak out, which is much more important than picking a random passerby to criticize this phenomenon!

The fat woman, whose face was green and red, glared at Ye Yang angrily.

The thin best friend beside her was obviously smarter than her: "If you get married, how much dowry will you give to your girlfriend?"


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"Not bad!"

The thin best friend was extremely confident. According to Ye Yang's tone, she obviously didn't want to give a dowry. Then she would fight back with the powerful words that the other party wanted a free reproductive machine, and she would win!

Unfortunately, she met Ye Yang.

"If you like each other, I will just prepare a few hundred million for the dowry."

Ye Yang smiled lightly.


The fat and thin best friends were both confused.

"Haha, regardless of whether you are bragging or not, you are simply contradictory! You were unwilling to give five million just now..."


Ye Yang smiled: "Stupid pigs like you have really poor logical thinking."

"What did you say!"

The fat best friend pretended to be angry.

"I just said you don't deserve five million, not others."

Ye Yang shook his head: "People are different in this world. Some people don't feel bad about spending hundreds of millions to marry a wife. But for someone like you, I still feel sick when you ask me for money!"

"The biggest problem of some women who are making trouble is that they can't see their position clearly. They don't think about whether they deserve it or not."

Li Wanrou and Ye Xiaozi also nodded in agreement.

This fat girl looked at all kinds of poisonous chicken soup on the Internet, and saw two extreme examples. Which girl joined a wealthy family and got millions of betrothal gifts, and then she started dreaming that she could do the same.

But the girl who joined the wealthy family was beautiful, gentle and polite, and could manage the family and be independent. These additional conditions were thrown out of her mind.

The only thing left in her mind was the only common point between the two people-we are both women.

We are both women. She can get millions, so I can get millions too.

This unrealistic fantasy makes many people's positioning of themselves seriously inconsistent with reality, and finally they are dissatisfied with everyone, which is why so many social problems have emerged.

If you want a good life, make yourself better, instead of dreaming every day with your eyes closed and complaining when you open your eyes.

"See your position clearly, don't daydream every day, it's no good. Young people, take care of yourself!"

After Ye Yang left a faint sentence, he continued to go shopping with Ye Xiaozi and others.

Only the two girlfriends were left with a blank mind, and wanted to fight back against Ye Yang, but they couldn't say anything.

They could only wonder if they were really wrong.

"Brother, you just said that you would give tens of billions of betrothal gifts. Are you serious!"

Ye Xiaozi asked with a blink of his eyes.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "If you really like it, then give it."

"Haha, then I'm really looking forward to your marriage, brother."

Ye Xiaozi blinked: "When the time comes, keep your eyes open and see what tens of billions of betrothal gifts look like!"

Ye Yang rolled his eyes and tapped Ye Xiaozi's forehead: "You are really my good sister!"

After strolling for more than an hour, the two girls finally felt tired, and Ye Yang drove them home.

After returning to Yundingshan Villa and taking a good bath in the hot spring, Ye Yang received Fang Sijin's monthly report.

The report showed the rental status of Linjiang Community.

Although Ye Yang was very confident in Fang Sijin, he did not ask her to submit a report to him every month.

But Fang Sijin is a responsible gold medal sales after all.

"Wow, it's the start of the school season..."

It's been less than half a month since the start of school, and the demand for school district housing in Linjiang Community has increased greatly. In such a short time, it has almost been rented out...

I thought that the number of houses I had about 2,000 was already exaggerated enough.

But compared with the demand for rental housing, it's really a small matter.

The rent was also transferred to the card.

For the former Ye Yang, this was of course a huge sum of money.

But for him now, he just glanced at it casually and put it behind his mind.

"You have worked hard these days, I will treat you to a meal when the time comes."

Ye Yang replied with a smile.

Fang Sijin was busy for this matter, which was not easy.

"Brother Ye, you have obviously helped me a lot! Hehe, I can't wait to treat you to a meal~"

Fang Sijin quickly replied: "After I rent out the last few dozen houses, I will treat you to a meal!"

(First update)

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