Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 229 The more arrogant you are, the less capable you are

With today's demand for home purchases, dozens of houses were quickly rented out.

Two days later, Fang Sijin drove to Yundingshan Villa, and Ye Yang was quite surprised when he received the call.

"Hey, did you buy a new car?"

Ye Yang smiled and looked at Fang Sijin's new car.

"Hey, I've gotten tens of millions just from the withdrawals recently. My hands cramped when I counted the money. The car I had before was a little worn out, so I naturally thought about changing it to another one. After all, when meeting customers, I still have to have a good car. Only a decent car will do.”

Fang Sijin smiled and twirled the black hair on his forehead: "Besides, this is all thanks to you, Brother Ye!"

Ye Yang smiled and nodded: "You're welcome. Then I won't be polite today. Why don't I ride in your car?"

"As long as you don't dislike it~"

Fang Sijin scratched her head. Although her new car was much better than the Hyundai she bought for 100,000 yuan, it was just an ordinary Audi A6.

The landing price is only over 600,000 yuan.

She knew very well that a rich man like Ye Yang would actually lose his value by riding in such a car. Ye Yang would not hesitate to ride in his own such a cheap car, but also let himself experience the addiction of buying a new car, which made her quite satisfied. To be moved.

"Let's go!"

Fang Sijin stepped on the accelerator.

Although she earned a lot of money as a gold medal salesperson, she knew that making money was not easy as she had been working since she was a child.

I rarely spend the money I make, I save it all to buy a house.

This Audi A6 is her biggest self-expense in recent years.

The sense of accomplishment is natural.

As a mature working woman, Fang Sijin does not have the shopping mall spirit of Ye Xiaozi and Li Wanrou.

He said he wanted to have a meal and drove directly to the restaurant.

"I recently found a private restaurant that tastes very good."

Fang Sijin recommended to Ye Yang: "Let me tell you in advance, I am not trying to save money!"

Ye Yang nodded in confusion: "I understand!"

The car drove into the old city, turned left and right for a long time, and then drove into an alley. A rather ancient Tan's cuisine plaque was hung at the entrance of the courtyard.

"You are so good. How did you find a small restaurant in such a remote place?"

Ye Yang said with a tongue-tied tongue.


Fang Sijin chuckled: "Although this place looks small, it has a great reputation! It is very famous in the food circle of Shanghai! The consumption is not low!"

" that so..."

Obviously, Ye Yang was skeptical about this.

"I promise you won't be disappointed!"

Fang Sijin waved his hand confidently.

She naturally knew that if Ye Yang went out for a meal, it would start at hundreds of thousands or even millions.

She couldn't afford this kind of meal, so after racking her brains for a long time, she found this private restaurant.

It is said that all of them are real palace dishes, and the ancestors were the royal chefs who cooked for the emperor.

The taste is very good.

After entering the restaurant, Ye Yang discovered how extraordinary this restaurant was.

From the outside, it looks like just an ordinary, gray and dilapidated wall. But when you come in, you find that there is another world. The architectural style inside is like an ancient palace.

People come and go and it’s very popular.

"Be careful when you walk, don't block our eighth master's way!"

After walking a few steps, I heard an angry shout from behind.


Ye Yang frowned and saw a group of people behind him, driving a four-person cane chair. On top of the cane chair, an old man was smoking a pipe and fanning himself, leisurely and contentedly.

"It's the 21st century, and you're still acting like an old man from the Qing Dynasty."

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head.

"Get out of my way!"

Even if the people carrying the wicker chairs are just laborers from other people's families, they still look at others with arrogance: "You can't afford to delay our eighth master's meal!"

Fang Sijin saw that Ye Yang was about to rush to argue: "Boss, the people who come here to eat are not just rich people, but also many people with special status. Let's not cause more trouble."

Ye Yang sneered and gave way. He was not a primary school student, so naturally he would not become angry because of this, but the other party's attitude was really unpleasant.

Ba Ye's wicker chair was quickly carried in.

"Boss, don't pay attention to people like this. Let's go in too."

The room is like a brocade.


Ye Yang nodded slightly and took Fang Sijin into the 'imperial dining room'.

"The name seems a bit royal!"

Ye Yang smiled faintly and saw the quarrel in front of the hall. Apparently it was the 'Eighth Master' who was carrying the wicker chair just now and his attitude was extremely arrogant.

"What did you say? The royal box was booked? Who booked it?"

Master Ba’s men were arguing with the store owner.

This Tan's restaurant has the same rules as the ancient imperial cuisine. It is divided into many private rooms. Each level of private rooms will provide fixed set meals of different grades.

Among them, the imperial box is the most exclusive in Tan's restaurant. The price of a box for one night is more than 200,000 yuan.

This is also the highest level Fang Sijin can afford.

It took her a lot of effort to find this super restaurant that had a good reputation and was not that expensive in comparison.

" the person behind you."

The waiter also looked embarrassed and had no choice but to tell the truth.


Master Ba turned around.

Only then did Ye Yang see his face clearly. His nostrils were piercing the sky just now, and he couldn't even see what his face looked like.

"I'll go, this ugly one is quite distinctive..."

Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

This Eighth Master was as ugly as a twisted gourd, his facial features were extremely uncoordinated, and his face was shaped like an 8.

No wonder he was called Eighth Master.

Is it because his face looks like an 8?

"What's that expression on your face!"

Eighth Master was very unhappy, and he obviously recognized that this was the boy who dared to block his way just now.

"Hmph, boy, come back tomorrow to eat, I want this Huangzi box tonight."

"Why are you like this? You don't even understand the principle of first come first served!"

Fang Sijin bit her lip. Just now it was just a matter of courtesy when walking. Now the other party was so arrogant and unreasonable that she couldn't stand it.

"Hehe, little girl, do you know who I am! How dare you talk to me like that!"

Eighth Master sneered: "I'm giving you face by saying I'm going to change with you. If I didn't give you face, I would have let you go."


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. His experience during this period of time taught him a truth. The more trashy people are, the more they like to show off their status.

Such an arrogant person actually has no ability...

(Second update)

Thanks to book friend Yingzi for his fear, and tomorrow for his love~

Thanks to book friend Xiaoge for his two update reminders!

Thanks to book friend 1931/1297 for the likes~

Thanks to book friends Shuaidaomeibian and Lan'an for the mountain climbing invitation!

Thanks to book friend Yemofengshen for the likes~

Thanks to book friend 2590/0770 for the update reminders!

Thanks to book friend Tongyuan who loves Ricole for the likes~

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