Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 230 Lightning Whip! Hunyuan Xingyi Ma Lao Ba?

Although Fang Sijin has seen many scenes, this is the first time he has seen someone so unreasonable and bullying. What's more, those who can afford to come to this restaurant are either rich or noble, so he was frightened for a while.

"What? Now you know you're afraid. If you're afraid, get out of here!"

The Eighth Master obviously saw Fang Sijin's fear, and waved his hand impatiently: "If this were at the time of my great ancestor, you would have been dragged out and beheaded long ago for being so disrespectful to the royal family."

Ye Yang sneered: "It's the 21st century now, why do you still think of yourself as a prince? I think you are more like a bastard."

"What did you say?!"

Ba Ye's anger was instantly ignited by Ye Yang, and his face turned red: "How dare you talk to this prince like a mere pariah!"

Ye Yang smiled: "Holy crap, I traveled through time? I've only heard of princess disease, prince disease, and here's a prince's disease!"

The surrounding diners also gathered around and burst into laughter after hearing Ye Yang's taunt.

Although the architectural style here does resemble the style of an ancient palace, the sense of immersion is too strong. If you find a few people to carry you in, you will directly treat yourself as a prince!

"And you think she is afraid of you because you are majestic and domineering?"

Ye Yang looked at the furious Ba Ye and continued to mock mercilessly: "It's just because I've never seen an ugly guy like you before, so I was frightened."


Master Ba was so angry that he jumped up on the spot and pointed at Ye Yang's nose: "You are looking for death!"

The four thugs in palace eunuch uniforms who were carrying the sedan behind Mr. Eight also came up with evil eyes.

And everyone around them was laughing and bending over. Although this person's ugliness is indeed a bit abstract, but to say it in person...

I can only say one thing from my heart: Well done!

"court death?"

A dangerous glint flashed in Ye Yang's eyes: "I think you are looking for death!"


A trace of shock flashed in Ba Ye's eyes: "Today, do you want to give me your private room or not?"

"There is absolutely no possibility of negotiation."

Ye Yang shook his head lightly: "Moreover, you have to compensate for the mental damage caused by scaring my companion. After all, you are so ugly that you have enough mental pollution."

"Ahhh! Kill him!"

Master Ba was so angry that he flicked the long braid on his back and pointed it at Ye Yang.


The four sedan bearers rushed forward, ready to join forces to beat Ye Yang.

The surrounding guests were also shocked. How dare you hit someone in broad daylight!

Although this young man's words are very sharp, after all, it is difficult for him to fight with two fists, and he is afraid that he will suffer a loss!


Ye Yang looked at Fang Sijin's worried face and couldn't help but pinch him gently: "It's just a bunch of little shrimps."

The Xiao sisters did not follow this time, so they had to do it themselves.

Ye Yang's figure was like lightning, he grabbed the stool on the side and threw it out directly.

The first two people were frightened by the oncoming stool and could only raise their hands to block it.

The stools in the imperial dining room are all made of mahogany and are very heavy. They can be thrown out casually with one hand. The force is too scary!

It is naturally impossible to block such a heavy thing with only bones.

The first two men suddenly screamed and fell to the ground wailing. It was obvious that their arms were broken.

Ye Yang also kicked the remaining two people away, one by one.

"You, don't come here! I am the Eighth Prince! You are a pariah! If I say anything, you will have to kill the nine tribes!"

Ba Ye threatened with a pale face.

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head. This eighth master might have watched too many Qing palace dramas and got too involved in them, and he really thought he was a prince.

"I know court martial arts! Hunyuan Xingyi Tai Chi! Don't come over, otherwise I will punch you, and you will not know whether you will live or die!"

Ba Ye put on a good posture.

"Hey! Ha!"

He was shaking his fists randomly, as if he was suffering from hysteria.

"You're such a bastard of punches?"

Ye Yang was amused by the other party's random beatings.

"You young man, you don't know what's good and what's good. This is the five consecutive whips that are loose and flexible, which is secretly taught by the palace! The ultimate move of Hunyuan Xingyi Tai Chi!"

Ba Ye threatened in a serious manner.


Ye Yang looked at the opponent's monkey fist and tried to hold back his smile. He couldn't even stand firmly on his horse's stance. It looked like he didn't put any effort into his body, and he was trying to put gold on his face.

"Oh, I recognize it. Isn't this the guy who went viral on the Internet recently?"

"Ah! He said that he was a descendant of the nobles and inherited the palace boxing skills. He also said that he had knocked down the British marble... um, no, it was a strong man!"

"This old man is very popular recently! He was so fierce just now, I didn't even recognize him, Ri."

"When you said that, I also remembered that he is said to be a kung fu master!"

Ye Yang frowned. Recently, he and Xiao Qingxuan teamed up to defeat boxing champions from all sides at the Hongfeng Martial Arts Hall, sparking a craze in Chinese Kung Fu.

But then many fake masters followed the trend and began to show off themselves.

It seems that Ma Laoba is one of them.

In the name of Chinese culture, it is simply too sinful to deceive and smear the essence of Chinese culture!

Ye Yang doesn't resent others taking advantage of him. If he is a true martial arts master, he would be eager for others to take advantage of him. After all, his original intention of doing this is to promote martial arts.

But the appearance of these fake masters clearly ran counter to my original intention.

Because the things promoted by these masters are often exaggerated, and they also use professional marketing, saying some attractive titles of "quick fix in one month", and writing some "legendary experiences".

The public still buys into this. Although it is outrageous, it is more attractive than a real master.

In this era, at certain times, masters often starve to death and clowns die of gluttony.

After knowing the other party's origin and purpose, Ye Yang also sneered: "You are out there swindling, but you don't know who I am? You set up a prince persona for yourself, and you are really deep into the role!"

"Who are you? How do I know who you are! I am a descendant of the prince of the Qing Dynasty! I have pure Ma family kung fu! If you dare to mess with me, don't even think about leaving this door today!"

Although he said this, Ma Laoba's face clearly showed a trace of fear.

The scene of Ye Yang throwing a mahogany chair with one hand and kicking a big man several meters away is still vivid, and it is obvious that he is also a martial artist.

"But God is merciful. I am a master of my generation, so I naturally don't bother to argue with a junior like you."

After weighing the pros and cons of how he could never beat Ye Yang, Ma Laoba began to retreat: "I'll let you go today! When you see me, Master Ma, again in the future, be careful!"


Not knowing the origins of Ma Laoba would be fine, but now that he knows that he is the kind of fake martial arts master that he hates, it is really not in line with Ye Yang's temper not to beat him up.

"Young man, I advise you to take care of yourself and don't be impulsive!"

Seeing that Ye Yang had no intention of stopping, Ma Laoba was completely panicked and warned sharply: "My lightning five-whip is blind! A British strongman weighing more than 200 pounds can't break a finger of mine!"

(First update)

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