Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 231: Manchu-Han Banquet

"Who is the young man with you?"

Ye Yang sneered, and punched him. Because the speed was too fast, the entire fist turned into a shadow, and directly punched Ma Laoba five meters away, hitting the counter.

"I haven't reacted yet!"

Ma Laoba was fuming with anger, but felt dizzy.

"Okay, I'll let you go first this time."

Ye Yang said coldly.

The surrounding crowd also burst out in shock and suspicion.

"Didn't I say that he is very good at fighting!?"

"Haha, I already knew he couldn't do it, haha."

"Even if the boxing champion comes, you have to stop eating when you meet this guy!"


"You can't help but recognize that this young man is the Ye Yang Ye Shenhao who started the kung fu craze recently, right?"

"Ye Shenhao?"

Although Ye Yang now has more than 20 million fans on Douyin.

But compared with the more than one billion people in China, only a small number of people know him.

It’s not surprising that I don’t know him.

"Boy, don't be too proud!"

Ma Laoba stood up with force.

This surprised Ye Yang. Although he didn't dare to use too much force due to his age, he was able to stand up after the punch, so his physical fitness was quite strong.

You should exercise regularly.

But it is definitely nonsense to say that it is a normal practice.

If your opponent is Mr. Wang Hongfeng, even if he is over 70, there is no problem if he can fight with you seven or eight times, and he will definitely not be knocked away with one punch.

He doesn't even have basic protective awareness, let alone practiced martial arts.

He's just an old fitness guy who uses bastard boxing.

"You are just an old bastard!"

Ye Yang sneered.


Ma Laoba was furious and punched him. Ye Yang's brain twisted and he dodged the punch. Then he swept his legs and knocked Ma Laoba down.

Ma Laoba fell so hard that he couldn't get up anymore.

Ye Yang's punches and kicks were hard to remember even for a normal young man. He was already in his fifties, so it was good that he didn't faint on the spot.

Ye Yang sneered: "If I see a person like you, I'll beat him up!"

"Nonsense! I am a descendant of the prince. If you dare to touch me, you are finished!"

Ye Yang shrugged helplessly. At this time, he really couldn't tell whether the other party was too involved in the drama or whether he was mentally ill.

"Did your dean allow you to be discharged from the hospital? You just ran out to eat and drink!"

Ye Yang shook his head, who could be fooled by such a fool...

"Ahem, our profession needs to...!"

Ma Laoba is still arrogant.

"Have you been beaten enough?"

Ye Yang glared.

Ma Laoba immediately trembled with fear: "Young hero, I was wrong. It is not easy for an old guy like me to make a living! Let me go this time! I will never dare to lie to others again!"

Ye Yang sneered and waved his hand: "Go away!"

As for the other party wanting to defraud online again?

I'm afraid that as soon as the hot search topic about me beating up Ma Laoba comes out tonight, those little ones will be shocked...

He will also start to correct those who want to continue to be a clown and deceive others.

Nowadays, the trend of spreading martial arts has just begun, and it can no longer be ruined in the hands of clowns...

Seeing Ma Laoba and his four followers running out of the yard in a mess, the remaining diners also clapped their hands and applauded.

They have long been dissatisfied with each other's arrogant look.

In addition, now that his true face has been exposed, he turns out to be a liar, and of course he will end up in a situation where everyone is shouting and beating him.

Amid the lively discussions around them, many beautiful girls plucked up the courage to come to Ye Yang to ask for autographs, and Ye Yang naturally accepted all comers.

After all, you can never have too many pretty girls.

As for those fanatical male fans, Ye Yang simply ignored them. After all, the other party's motives might not be pure, so wouldn't he be in danger?

After a lively chat in front, Ye Yang took Fang Sijin into the royal private room.

"By the way, I'll pay you the original price for anything broken outside."

Ye Yang smiled and said to the waiter who was guiding the way.

"No, no, no, Mr. Ye, our boss has specifically told you that not only will you not have to pay compensation, but we will also give you a table of the highest standard Manchu and Han banquets! Quan thinks it is his treat! In addition, we will also give you a gold medal for Tan's cuisine. From now on, you will be our most distinguished guest!”

The waitress respectfully handed over a sign that looked like the 'gold medal for immunity from death' in the TV series.

"Your boss is really interested."

Ye Yang smiled slightly, this boss was interesting, but was he so respectful because of his identity, or because he was also a traditional kung fu lover...

Or, both.

The highest standard of Manchu and Han banquet, there are many dishes, and every dish is the best among the best.

Tasting it, the taste was the best Ye Yang had ever tasted.

"The highest standard Manchu and Han banquet, our Tan Family Restaurant may not be able to make it again for several years."

"This dish is Golden Needle and Dragon Beard. Its production process..."

The waiter dressed as a palace maid on the side also introduced carefully.

"As expected of the palace secrets, this taste is really good."

Ye Yang felt that today's meal was much more delicious than most of the million-dollar meals he had eaten.

"How much does it cost to have a formal Manchu-Han banquet?"

"There is no price for this Man Han Banquet. The owner will only cook for those who are qualified to eat this dish."


Ye Yang nodded slightly, thinking about whether to find an opportunity to buy this Tan family dish...

Cooking for your boss should be a matter of course, right?

(Second update)

Thanks to the two likes of book friend Zhiyu uncle~~~

Thanks to book friend Xue Yuehua, 1931/1297, 8547/2319, 3043/0389, 9307/8614, Girls' Azure Lane, 1384/9814 for the likes~

Thanks to book friend... Uchiha Itachi..., Shadow...'s fear, 5054/0745, 4441/6395, 2919/9306, 1384/9814 for using love to generate electricity~

Thanks to...................................... for the reward!



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