Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 232: I got a meal for free and was considered a benefactor?

The food was served very quickly, as if the restaurant owner had known about this for a long time and was prepared.

However, according to the waiter, this is because the restaurant owner has unique insights into cooking and can make ten dishes at the same time.

In the Manchu-Han banquet, there are 54 southern dishes and 54 northern dishes, a total of 108 dishes.

Some small dishes, small bowls, and low-tech dishes are also directly supervised by the first-level chef supervisors.

According to ancient rules, there are various etiquettes for eating a Manchu-Han banquet, including offering incense when entering the table, washing hands and mouth, and following rules for serving sweet fruits on the table, and serving hot and cold salty and sweet dishes.

But now in modern times, there are no such rules as before. However, the owner still insists on the order of serving hot, cold, salty and sweet dishes, and he obviously still has feelings in it.

"This is the last dish."

The palace maid came up with the last dessert.

Ye Yang also nodded slightly.

This dish can be said to contain delicacies from both mountains and seas, making Ye Yang quite happy to eat it.

After all the dishes were served, the owner of Tanjia Cuisine came up.

"Mr. Ye, I've heard of him for a long time."

Boss Tan was dressed in a mandarin jacket from the Qing Dynasty, and his face was calm and composed. At least he looked more like an old man from the Qing Dynasty than the Ma Baye just now, with a certain ancient charm.

"I am Tan Sihai, the current successor of Tan's cuisine."

After Tan Sihai sat down, he also motioned to several palace ladies to serve a few bottles of royal wine in porcelain bottles.

"This is the secret palace jade wine of the Tan family. The production process is purely inherited from the royal family. Apart from the Tan family, there are probably not many people in the world who can brew this royal wine."

When talking about the inheritance of the Tan family's food and wine, even Tan Sihai, who has always been plain, felt a sense of pride in his eyebrows.

After a few polite words, Ye Yang also confirmed that the other party was so enthusiastic because he promoted Chuan Wu.

"China has been seriously invaded by Western culture in recent years. But most people who have the power to change this status quo are afraid of trouble and loss. After all, Western culture is ready-made, and you can buy it with money. Come and use it.”

"It costs a lot to develop our own traditional culture, so they just let it go."

"Mr. Ye is the first person I have seen in so many years who is willing to spend money and energy, and even willing to repay and lose money to promote tradition. Mr. Tan, I admire him!"

Tan Sihai clasped his fists, obviously feeling a lot of emotion.

Ye Yang waved his hands in shame, speaking as if he was very righteous. In fact, he seemed to have lost a lot of money while promoting the martial arts, but in fact, he made a lot of money all the way... …

Not counting the money given back by the system, the actual return of capital alone is at least tens to tens of billions.

Although his original intention was to support traditional martial arts, saying that he was purely doing charity would be too flattering to him.


While talking, Ye Yang came to his core purpose: "This Manchu-Han banquet impressed me deeply. Boss Tan's research and inheritance of traditional food culture are very profound. If I want to buy this restaurant, , how much do you think it will cost?”

"The restaurant will never be sold. It's not about money."

Tan Sihai waved his hands repeatedly and spoke righteously.

Ye Yang thought about it: "What if I pay 500 million?"

Although Tanjia Cuisine is expensive, it is not well-known. It is almost the same size as the original Ziguang Pavilion. The overall valuation is about 300 million, and 500 million is already a premium.


Tan Sihai paused for a moment: "Boss Ye, I'm sorry I can't agree."

"What about one billion?"

Ye Yang looked at Tan Sihai's hesitant expression, raised the corner of his mouth, and asked with a smile.

At this time, Tan Sihai hesitated.

"If you agree, I will invest another two billion yuan to promote traditional palace dishes. How about it?"

Ye Yang continued.


Tan Sihai's eyes lit up: "Are you serious?"


Ye Yang nodded lightly. After being a Shenhao for so long, he naturally has a bit of business acumen, and almost everything he wants to do seems to be a loss at first, but in the end he will make a lot of money inexplicably.

Now, he trusts his own heart and intuition more and more.

Follow your heart, no matter how outrageous it is, you can still make money!

Shenhao is so willful!

"I don't need the one billion acquisition fee, but... I have a condition!"

Tan Sihai stood up excitedly. He was not interested in one billion, he swore!

But this two billion promotion fund is a rare opportunity for him.

It's not like other bosses have told him about this before.

However, those bosses are all out for profit. Even if they give him a lot of money, there are many restrictions. They do not want to promote real palace cuisine at all.

But Ye Yang is different. He does show a completely different sentiment and mind from other big bosses in terms of martial arts. This also makes Tan Sihai think about the matter of promoting palace cuisine that he has been thinking about, maybe it can really be done. Follow his ideas and implement them!

"I hope that the operation of these two billion funds can be used according to my plan. I will provide you with a plan."

This plan had been planned in his early years, but he had never had a good partner, so it had been left in his hands.

Ye Yang waved his hand indifferently. He just wanted to eat a full banquet every time he came and spend some money.

It was only 2 billion. If the other party had planned how to spend it, he would not have to find someone to make a plan.

Why not?

Tan Sihai was so excited that he was afraid that Ye Yang would regret it, but he still asked responsibly: "Mr. Ye, why don't you take a look at the schedule first..."

"You did it, I'm assured."

Ye Yang patted the other party on the shoulder: "If there is no objection, I will ask the secretary to come and sign the contract later."


Tan Sihai could no longer remain calm. Boss Ye was simply the confidant he had been looking for for 20 years!

Seeing Tan Sihai was almost moved to tears, Ye Yang was also at a loss whether to laugh or cry.

If it was a plan made by others, he might not trust it.

But from the conversation, it was obvious that Tan Sihai came prepared, and he had his own passion for this industry and would not mess around.

As for the details of profit distribution and risk protection, Fang Han and Yu Momo will sort them out for him.

If an outsider like me were to interfere, it might have the opposite effect.

The most important thing is... he is too lazy to even look at the schedule.

After the meal, Tan Sihai changed his address to Ye Yang from Mr. Ye to Boss Ye.

Tan Sihai said with emotion: "Inviting the boss to eat this Manchu-Han banquet is the most correct choice Sihai has made in his life."

Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It seemed that he had gotten a meal for free and was considered a benefactor by others.

(First update)

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