It was obviously the first time for Fang Sijin to see people talking about business like this. After following Ye Yang out of Tan's Kitchen, she didn't even close her mouth.

This is too generous!

Talking about a two-billion-dollar deal without blinking an eye!

As expected of a man who owns the entire Linjiang community at such a young age!

"Okay, don't be so surprised. This is how I always do things."

Ye Yang smiled and rubbed Fang Sijin's little face.

"Oh...Boss, I originally promised to invite you, but it turns out..."

Fang Sijin said dumbfounded: "There are too many people in this world who want to treat you to dinner!"

Ye Yang shrugged: "This must be the trouble of rich people!"

Fang Sijin rolled his eyes, shook his head helplessly and said, "The boss really can't help but praise..."

Ye Yang finally returned to Linjiang Community with Fang Sijin. All the apartments rented out in Linjiang Community were ordinary units, and several large flats were temporarily unrented.

It's not that the wealthy people in Shanghai can't afford it, but Ye Yang has no intention of renting out these large flats.

In the large flat floor of Building C.

Building A gave away my sister, and Building B gave away Lin Xueer.

Now that Fang Sijin has made great achievements and directly helped him solve all the problems of the tenants in Linjiang Community, he was in a good mood and naturally threw away a key.

"Boss, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, can't be done..."

Fang Sijin waved his hands repeatedly, obviously a little scared.

A large flat floor can be sold for hundreds of millions!

"Just take it."

Ye Yang pinched the other person's face, and his face was full of the aura of a domineering president: "I, Ye Yang, gave it to me, do you dare to refuse it?"


Fang Sijin blinked and immediately understood that Ye Yang wanted to play role-playing, and his whole face turned red.


Before Fang Sijin could say anything, his mouth was blocked, and then he was pressed onto the big bed at the back.

"Woman, you are playing with fire!"

Ye Yang lifted Fang Sijin's chin. Although this kind of role-playing was a bit shameful, but occasionally playing it, it had a different kind of excitement.

That's it, after half a day's work.

Fang Sijin also became the hostess of the flat floor of Building C inexplicably.


Ye Yang breathed out a comfortable breath, wearing a bathrobe and lying in the balcony bath on the flat floor.


The water rippled, and Fang Sijin, who had been buried under the water, also showed his head. There were water drops and milk on his face, and he was extremely blushing.


Just when Ye Yang was about to think of some new tricks, his cell phone rang, and it was Yu Mo Mo.

In this afternoon, the contract with Tanjiacai has been negotiated.

The investment amount of 2 billion, the first batch of 300 million, has been transferred...

"Ding! It is detected that the host has spent 300 million on catering investment, and will be rewarded with the status of president of the Chinese Food Association!"

"President of the Chinese Food Association?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, a little surprised. Can the system unlock some special identities?

He originally thought that unlocking a special identity would be different from obtaining a company, but when he found the appointment letter for the president of the Food Association in his system space, he was sure that there was no difference at all compared to before.

He has no specific idea about this identity. Although he has several big restaurants under his name, after all, he doesn't know much about the food circle.

"This president's badge is quite nice."

Ye Yang looked at the golden badge consisting of a pot and chopsticks, played with it for a while, and then put it in his arms.

After being affectionate with Fang Sijin for a while, Ye Yang returned to Yundingshan Villa.

In the next few days, Ye Yang also took some time off.

I spent the most leisurely days since I became a god.

I spent time in the villa, playing various mini-games with the maid, and by the way, I bought all the AAA game masterpieces I wanted to play when I was in school but never had time to play.

Just buying games and copies, plus krypton gold equipment, it cost hundreds of thousands in a few days.

If he had been in college, this would have been an unimaginable amount of money.

But now, they are all as light as goose feathers.

"Oh, if I had known I would be so rich, why would I be so frugal in the first place!"

Ye Yang sighed, recalling the days when he spent half a semester struggling to buy a 300-yuan game.

My thoughts wandered, and I returned to the embarrassing life of my childhood...

When I was young, they were just an ordinary family. My father was unemployed for a while, and the family was very poor in those years.

When he was in elementary school, he had a habit of buying an ice cream cone to reward himself every day after school. At that time, an ice cream cone cost 50 cents.

Once, he wanted to try the ice cream that cost one yuan a piece. He stood next to the counter and hesitated for a long time. Finally, he bought the ice cream that cost five cents...

When people are free, many thoughts will come to their minds for no reason.

Things from the past are pouring in like a tide, playing like a slide show...

He put down the game console in his hand, took out his mobile phone, and looked at the various 'marketing account' messages sent by his mother on WeChat.

What: [How to become more and more self-disciplined? Three moves to subvert you! 】

[27-year-old man died of cerebral hemorrhage! The doctor lamented: It has nothing to do with tobacco and alcohol, it is all caused by the seasoning! 】

【Announcement of the most harmful drink! Please stop drinking! Especially the fifth type, holding back is the last word...]

Although the content of these marketing accounts is obviously fake, Ye Yang suddenly feels that the more this is the case, the more adorable his mother who keeps sending him these messages every day seems...

He suddenly misses home.

After getting the system to get rich quickly, things have been happening one after another. Now that he is suddenly free, it is time to go home and take a look.

He looked at the calendar: "It's almost the 11th."

As soon as he had this thought, WeChat vibrated.

"You have an unread message."

Swipe the screen and see the message from his mother.

"Xiaoyang, will you come back for the 11th this year? Mom will make dumplings for you! Don't tire yourself out when you start a business outside..."

Ye Yang's heart moved. As expected of his mother, she is really in tune with him.

However, he was also ready to give the two elders a surprise. He smiled wickedly in his heart: "Well, I'm busy with my business recently, so I won't go back for now."

After turning off the phone, Ye Yang jumped off the Becker sofa.

This time, I will be returning home in glory, so I have to pick some good gifts myself...

"I have to plan it well."

Ye Yang called Yu Momo and prepared to go to the tobacco, alcohol and tea market.

Yu Momo naturally knew Ye Yang's temper, so he planned a route to the tobacco, alcohol and tea market with the highest consumption.

Sitting in the Lamborghini Venom, Ye Yang started his shopping journey...

Today's tobacco, alcohol and tea market in the Magic City is destined to set off waves!

(Second update)

This chapter is written with some emotion, and some details also incorporate the empathy of the past.

(Thanks to book friends Chongchong Xiabuzhi, Uchiha obite, 1491/3509 for their love

Thanks to book friends Jiuyue Zhiqi, Fan, Doupeng Zhandi-Ma Baoguo, 1931/1297, 4361/9188, Qidiesu Lust for their praise~

Thanks to book friend Sin will know what is painful to urge update!

Thanks to book friend Yemofengshen for his praise, mountain climbing invitation, urge update talisman, inspiration capsule!!!)

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