Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 234: Yichaxuan, the jealous eldest lady

Ye Yang took a look around the luxury cigarette hotels in the Magic City.

After some thought.

Although his parents know that he is now rich, if he really brings back some millions and tens of millions of glasses of liquor and cigarette packs.

The two elders may not be able to accept it for a while.

There are many days to go back, so it would be a safer choice to bring some hundreds of thousands to let the two elders get used to it...

With Ye Yang's current mentality, hundreds of thousands is already a very common thing. He feels that his parents will accept it without any trouble!

"Hello, sir, this is the first-level sales point in Moutai Magic City. What price would you like a bottle of wine at? Are you giving it as a gift, honoring the elderly, or drinking it yourself?"

The sales lady is obviously very professional and has her own professional recommendations for every price range and purpose.

"There are Moutai products priced above RMB 10,000 and below RMB 100,000. You can get a bottle of each."

Ye Yang waved his hand casually in the Maotai sales area.

"First, sir...are you sure?"

The clerk thought the ear was broken at first.

"Pack it up."

Ye Yang smiled and nodded.

"real or fake!"

All the clerks came together and selected wines for Ye Yang.

In fact, it was said that there would be one bottle of each category, but after actually choosing, there were only twenty bottles of Moutai, which was enough for one person.

But who wouldn’t want to meet such a young, handsome and wealthy big client?

Who doesn’t want to be diligent and leave an impression in front of such a big customer?

"After installation, just send it to this address.\

,"Yu Momo watched these clerks look at Ye Yang fieryly from time to time, and subconsciously stood in front of Ye Yang, sending the address card to the young lady.

After paying a deposit of 10,000 yuan, Ye Yang walked to the smoke shop.

Drinks, tobacco, tea and cosmetics, these are the things that my parents liked the most.

After choosing for a while, Ye Yang also packed a pack of cigarettes worth several thousand yuan each.

Two thousand pieces of Soft China, 20,000 pieces of Fuchun Mountain Residence, and 30,000 pieces of Hetianxia. In the spirit of curiosity, I selected a few boxes of the best Cohiba Cuban cigars for my father.

In the end, even the store manager was alarmed.

Cohiba Cuban cigars cost several thousand US dollars each, and the Chinese currency is estimated to be close to 50,000 US dollars.

Even the high-end cigarette hotels in Shanghai don't have much inventory of this kind of high-end luxury goods.

And Ye Yang asked for a few big boxes as soon as he opened his mouth, and the transaction amounted to several million, which was enough to alarm the store manager.

After the ban on eating and drinking with public funds in recent years, such large orders for purchasing the most high-end tobacco and alcohol have become increasingly rare. She has not seen such a large and lavish purchase for a long time.

The still charming store manager looked at Ye Yang with light flowing in his eyes. If Yu Momo hadn't been guarding him, Ye Yang would have felt that the other party would pounce on him, press him down, and wouldn't let him leave at night.

My parents' generation had a lot of money to spend on favors. Even if I couldn't use them all, I could still use them to give gifts. It was also shameful to use this kind of cigarettes and alcohol to socialize back and forth.

After Yu Momo explained the delivery location, he took Ye Yang to the next destination.

"As for tea, I'm more particular about it."

Ye Yang asked Yu Momo: "Do you understand tea."

"Well, I took a tea class in college, so I know a little bit about it!"

Yu Mo smiled modestly.


Ye Yang nodded slightly and walked into the "Art Tea House" in front of him.

There are not many customers in Yichaxuan.

Because only the highest-end tea is sold here, and the cheapest Anxi Tieguanyin costs more than 600,000 yuan per kilogram.

There were only a few people in the hall.

The most conspicuous ones were the young people who were talking loudly and seemed very noisy.

"Xiao Xin, this should be the largest tea house in the Magic City. It is full of truly precious tea leaves. Don't you like tea tasting? Let's spend some money to go shopping with you today."

"That's right, just tell me what kind of tea you like!"

Several young people patted their chests and said with great pride.

The girl named Xiaoxin in the middle curled up her lips slightly. Being pursued by a poor loser didn't give her any sense of accomplishment at all. However, being chased by a group of rich young men was not a treatment that everyone had.

She has always been proud of this and believes that all her peers in the world are nothing but mediocre and must obey her obediently when they see her beauty.

"Let's take a look first..."

Although she was extremely proud in her heart, her face was cold and cold, as if the other men owed her hundreds of millions.

But the more this happens, the more excited these bitches next to them become, and they greet them even harder.

When she saw Ye Yang coming in with Yu Mo Mo, her face darkened.

She considered herself to be unparalleled in appearance, but when she saw Yu Momo, she felt a subconscious sense of crisis.

This woman may not be better than me purely in terms of appearance, but the mature and perfect temperament between her eyebrows is obviously not fake, she simply crushes me!

Her twisted jealousy instantly annoyed her.

Looking at the few wealthy lickers around, it was obvious that their eyes were attracted to each other, and the anger in their hearts became even more intense.

"Creak, creak, creak..."

When she was gritting her silver teeth, she discovered that there was a handsome guy of the same age standing next to the girl!

I have seen some handsome guys who have grown up so well and have both temperament and appearance.

But today is the first time I see someone as handsome as Ye Yang!


Although she was drooling inside, she couldn't reveal it first because of her proud nature. Men are all lickers. As long as she is cold and cold, the other party will abandon the woman who is obviously more perfect than herself and turn around to lick her without thinking.

This inexplicable confidence made her stand up straight, pretending to completely ignore Ye Yang's tilt of her head, with an extremely cold expression on her face.

Even so, from the corner of her eye, she kept looking forward to Ye Yang's expression of surprise when he discovered her.

Unfortunately, until Ye Yang walked past her, Ye Yang didn't even look at her.

"How can it be!!!"

She felt that her worldview was shattered. Ever since she was born, everything had not gone according to her own will!

Is there any boy in the world who dares to ignore his beauty and not lick him when he sees her?

This disbelief burned together with the jealousy just now, and she made up her mind instantly: "Have you seen that man? Today, whatever he buys, you buy me double! I have to let him You know, he’s nothing special! Don’t you dare to lick this princess!”

Several young people looked over confidently.

When he saw the person the girl was pointing to, his face instantly turned pale.

"Xiaoxin, are you sure it's that person..."

Several rich second generations confirmed with strange expressions.

"What? You just gave up?"

Xiaoxin sneered and raised her fair neck proudly: "I didn't expect you to be such a coward!"

(First update)

I hope everyone can take a look at the update reminder video when they click on it~

That has a lot to do with Joyoung’s income!

Thank you everyone! ! !

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