Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 240: Hardworking sisters

"Leave me alone?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "You dare to say..."

Huang Hexing rolled his eyes and said repeatedly: "Mr. Ye, this matter is caused by my daughter being too pampered. Starting tomorrow, I will cut off all sources of income for her and let her live in a remote mountain village..."

Ye Yang glanced at Huang Hexing in surprise. Although Huang Hexing was arrogant towards his daughter before, he was decisive when it came to such a big thing.


Huang Xiaoxin was frightened for a moment, and he was a little confused.

Cut off financial resources? Sent to a remote mountainous area to play with those mud children?

Just thinking about it makes me feel worse than death. She is the daughter of a wealthy family!

Seeing that Ye Yang said nothing, Huang Hexing became cruel and added: "Three years! In these three years, I will never let her have any involvement or relationship with the Huang family!"

Ye Yang nodded slightly. After the other party knew about his energy, since he had made this promise, he should not dare to do anything in it.

It would be better to let this charming young lady who doesn't eat the fireworks of the world and shows off her power everywhere to suffer. This can be regarded as the best punishment for her.

"In addition, I will also give you one billion in compensation... as compensation for bumping into you, Mr. Ye..."

"You're sending beggars here!"

Zhang Jiutian kicked Huang Hexing to the ground.

The Huang family has a fortune of tens of billions, which is much richer than him. When he offended Ye Yang, he paid one billion in compensation. This guy wants to use one billion to get into trouble?

Not to mention Ye Yang's disapproval, Zhang Jiutian was the first to feel the imbalance.


When Ye Yang saw this, he couldn't laugh or cry in his heart. How could this Jiutian ask for money more actively than himself...

"Mr. Ye, you..."

Huang Hexing stood up tremblingly and asked humbly.

"Ten times."

Ye Yang said calmly: "After all, I am also a generous person."


Huang Hexing exploded on the spot. Although the Huang family's assets were tens of billions, they belonged to the family!

Although he has a high status in the Huang family, it is impossible for one person to obtain such a huge compensation. If he takes out 10 billion in cash, the Huang family is afraid that the funds will collapse.

"Ye, Mr. Ye, please spare me...these 10 billion...I..."

"What nonsense! I didn't ask you for 100 billion to give you face! Don't be shameless!"

Zhang Jiutian made up for it again, still feeling annoyed in his heart. This unlucky guy almost made himself offend Ye Yang again!

"This... this, this, this... we definitely can't come up with 10 billion in cash! Use shares and fixed assets as deductions, you see..."

Zhang Jiutian looked at Ye Yang pitifully.

If a boss of this level really takes action against them, it is normal for the entire Huang family to be brought down in the end. If they use shares and assets to offset the losses, although the losses will be huge, it will not lead to a direct collapse of the family.

"That's okay, but the assets and shares must be deducted at the lowest price in history."

Ye Yang nodded slightly.

"Thank you, Mr. Ye, for giving us the Huang family a chance! He Xing is so grateful and will never forget it!"

Huang Hexing apologized and expressed gratitude together.

"Okay, okay, don't spoil Mr. Ye's enjoyment of drinking tea here! Get out of here!"

Zhang Jiutian kicked Huang Hexing several meters away.

"Ahem, Mr. Ye, look, this is all a misunderstanding today! I..."

Zhang Jiutian rubbed his hands and looked at Ye Yang cautiously.

"It's none of your business."

Ye Yang waved his hand and said nonchalantly.

"Okay, okay, Boss Ye, if you need anything, just give me a call. Zhang will go through fire and water without hesitation!"

After Zhang Jiutian gave another assurance, he left one after another with his thugs...


When there were no outsiders, Yu Momo's name was changed back to the villa.

She looked at Ye Yang with full eyes. She could see that Ye Yang didn't care about this matter at all. The reason why he was so angry was because the stupid and proud woman scolded her.

It can be said that everything after that was Ye Yang venting his anger on her!

"Go back and say what you want to say."

Ye Yang raised his chin: "Buy me another ten pounds of tea."


Yu Mo was stunned.

"This tea is really delicious. I want to buy some for the villa."

Ye Yang explained with a smile.


Yu Mo nodded and turned to buy tea very happily.

In this way, after spending another 10,000 yuan at Yichaxuan, Ye Yang took Yu Momo to visit gold jewelry stores and other places.

Compared to my father’s diverse hobbies of tobacco, wine, and tea.

Mom's hobbies were relatively few. After thinking for a long time, Ye Yang decided to buy some gold and silver jewelry and spent several million.

After returning to the villa, things were piled up.

"Let's go back to see our family in the next few days. Just take turns leaving a few people to clean the villa."

Ye Yang also gave the maid group a holiday.

"Long live the master!"

"Hehe, Master is the best!"

"It just so happens that I haven't been back for a long time. Now that I have money, I can buy some good things back home!"

These maids were very excited, hugging Ye Yang and kissing him.

When Ye Yang squeezed out of the maids in a daze, his face was already covered with lipstick marks and turned into a big painted face.

Yu Momo also suppressed a smile thoughtfully and brought a wet towel up to wipe his face.

"Mo Mo, are you going home on November 1?"

Ye Yang asked, pretending not to see Yu Mo's suppressed smile.

"No, silently follow the boss."

Yu Momo smiled and said: "My home is in the magic city, not far from the villa. I usually go home every now and then, but I still want to be with my boss on November 11. What if there is any business emergency?"

Although Ye Yang's industry is huge now, to put it bluntly, it is just a one-stop shop. She handles many things from top to bottom. If she really wants to leave Ye Yang's side, she will still feel uneasy after all.


Ye Yang nodded slightly.

"And us!"

Xiao Xiaozhu and Xiao Qingxuan walked up together as if they had discussed it.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, we don't have parents or mothers, we are just sisters who depend on each other. And our mission is to protect you, boss, around the clock!"

Xiao Xiaozhu smiled sweetly.


Ye Yang couldn't laugh or cry. Although he knew that the two killer sisters were orphans adopted by the hurricane when they were young, it still felt weird to see Xiao Xiaozhu say sweetly: "No father or mother."

"Actually, you can put down your tasks and relax."

Ye Yang smiled.

"No!, I mean...Boss, you are so careless and have such a poor sense of safety. How can you do it without us protecting you! I am mainly worried about your safety!"

Xiao Qingxuan blushed, crossed her arms and said arrogantly.

(First update)

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