Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 241: Talking doesn't work? Then I'll just become the chairman.

Ye Yang looked at Xiao Qingxuan's arrogant expression and smiled slightly.

"Okay, that's settled then."

Ye Yang nodded slightly: "You three, just go back to your hometown with me."


The three girls were very happy.

"By the way, boss, how do we get home? Take the high-speed rail or fly?"

Xiao Xiaozhu asked.


Ye Yang rolled his eyes, Xiaozhu looked at Roumei, but he didn't realize that he was still an experienced driver.

"Given the current status of the owner, these modes of transportation are too inconsistent with his status."

Yu Momo nodded his chin: "Master, it's time for you to buy a private jet."


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "Private plane?"

When he was a child, he also thought about buying a private jet when he got rich in the future, but since he had money, he had nothing that required traveling far away, so this matter has been delayed.

"Anyway, I have time now, let's go see the plane together."

Ye Yang smiled and waved.

Naturally, it was Yu Momo who contacted me about the procedures for selling the private jet.

The next day, Ye Yang took the three girls to the Gulfstream Company in the Magic City.

"Are you the lady who I contacted before to choose a private jet?"

After explaining their intention, a professional private consultant team was transferred to serve Ye Yang and his party.

"This Gulfstream g500 can be purchased for only 370 million Chinese dollars. Its performance and space are very comfortable and superior. It also comes with a 47-inch LCD full-sense TV and an ice rose thermostatic wine cabinet. ...and other facilities.”

"This Gulfstream G650, known as a milestone in private jets, is now at a special price and can be purchased for only 400 million Chinese coins. Compared with the G500, its range has been greatly improved. In addition, there are... "


After walking around all morning, Ye Yang also opened his eyes.

Even though I have gradually become accustomed to being a rich person, I still can’t help but sigh, it’s great to be rich!

Ordinary people feel distressed if they want to buy a ticket to heaven.

But rich people can not only go to heaven, but also have a villa that truly belongs to them in heaven!

Nowadays, Gulfstream’s latest G950 model is more like an airplane than a villa in the sky!

Although the sky-high price of one billion is prohibitive, the ultimate experience it brings is indeed fascinating.

The three girls knew Ye Yang's temper all too well, so of course they directly chose the most expensive G950.

Hearing that the new VIP wanted to buy a plane on the spot, Gu Zhiman, the head of the Gulfstream Magic City branch, was so alarmed that he walked out.

With a selling price of one billion, he can get at least several million or even tens of millions in commission, which is a huge bonus!

However, the moment he saw Yu Momo, his face darkened.

"I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence."

"It's quite a coincidence."

Yu Momo was obviously unhappy with the woman in front of him: "If I had known it was you, I would have bought it from another company."

"Haha, when you become a rich man's bitch, you have to be tough when you talk."

Gu Zhiman sneered, crossed her arms and mocked.

"what happened?"

Ye Yang frowned.

"Boss... we have some personal grudges. Instead of letting her make our money, let's buy it from another company."

Yu pursed her lips silently.

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head: "Since I have fallen in love with this thing, it is already mine."

Gu Zhiman sneered: "Did you see that you are just a bitch? Do you really think you are a dishonest person? Do you really think the big boss cares about your opinion?"

Yu silently gritted his teeth, itching with hatred.

Gu Zhiman and she were classmates in college. She had always resented that she was better than her in every aspect and had been secretly playing tricks on her. One time, she was almost disfigured. How could she forget this kind of deep hatred so easily.

But at that time, Gu Zhiman's family was rich, and she had no choice but to swallow her anger.

I didn’t expect that I would meet here a few years later.

Ye Yang obviously saw what Yu Momo was thinking. Yu Momo was a very sensible girl. Gu Zhiman could make the always sensible Yu Momo take the initiative to ask her to change companies and buy airplanes. There must be a great relationship between the two. Big holiday.

In this case, he would help Yu Momo vent whatever he said.

"Mr. Ye, it is Gu Zhiman's honor that you choose to buy your own private jet from me. Today I will make the decision and give you a 50% discount."

Gu Zhiman swayed, showing off her mature figure.

"No need, it's only 50 million, I don't care."

Ye Yang smiled faintly: "There is a condition for me to buy this plane."

"I wonder what the conditions are? If Xiao Gu can satisfy them, he will do his best to fight for you?"

As long as he could humiliate his enemy, Gu Zhiman was ready to pay for it.

"This condition is quite simple."

Ye Yang's voice became colder: "I want you to get out of Gulfstream Aerospace Company."


Yu Momo had already lowered his head in great disappointment, but now he looked at Ye Yang in disbelief.

The eyes of the two sisters Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu were also shining, this is the boss they know!

"Haha... Mr. Ye, I don't understand what you are talking about."

The smile on Gu Zhiman's face also slowly dissipated: "It's not funny to make such a joke for such a stinky bitch."

Ye Yang sneered: "I always keep my word. If you know what's good for you, get out now."


Gu Zhiman laughed: "Boss Ye, I don't think you are a fool. Where do you get the confidence to fire me, the general manager of Gulfstream Airlines in China? Hmm? You may have some prestige in China, but my backer is Gulfstream! International Airlines!"

"I am not a Chinese national, but an American national! What dare you do to me?"

"Want to support this bitch? I'm afraid you don't have the ability to do it!"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "Really?"

"Isn't it?"

Gu Zhiman sneered disdainfully: "Are you really a fool?"

The few confidants and followers following behind her laughed.

Ye Yang shook his head: "You really don't know how to promote yourself..."

The reason why he dared to be so tough was because he still had a $100 billion company exchange voucher in his hand that he hadn't used.

It's too easy to get Gu Zhiman out of the airline. Just buy the entire Gulfstream Airlines and become the boss of Gulfstream. Isn't that enough?

(Second update)

Thanks to book friends Wuyanyidui, Bi'an, and Sky Demon King for their praise~

Thanks to book friends 1062/4207 for their inspiration capsules!

Thanks to book friends 2459/1758, Li Haiye, and 1371/7893 for their praise~

Thanks to book friends 5142/1715 for their mountain climbing invitation!

Thanks to book friends 1931/1297 and Youshuang for their praise~

Thanks to book friends 1053/3177 for their mountain climbing invitation!

Thanks to book friends 4218/1546 and the old horseman who likes Hotan dates for their praise~

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