Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 242 What a coincidence, I am really your chairman

With a thought, the hundred billion dollar company exchange coupons instantly brightened.

"The redemption voucher for the company worth 100 billion US dollars has been activated. Has the host confirmed the redemption for Gulfstream Airlines?"

The system prompt sound came, and Ye Yang nodded slightly and confirmed: "Exchange."

"Ding! Gulfstream Airlines has been redeemed. You have fully acquired and fully controlled Gulfstream Airlines."

After a few seconds, a prompt sound came from the system.

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, this speed is really fast.

This 100-billion-dollar company exchange certificate has been in his hands for a long time, and it will be in vain if he doesn't use it.

Gulfstream Airlines is also a world-famous super airline. Its market value is similar to this hundred-billion-dollar exchange coupon, and it will definitely not be a loss in redemption.

"Haha, sir, if you don't give me this explanation today, don't blame me for mocking you as a moron."

Gu Zhiman looked at Ye Yang with a sneer: "I am the head of Gulfstream's Magic City headquarters, and you tell me to get out with just one sentence? Who do you think you are? The chairman of Gulfstream Airlines? Even if the chairman fires me, you still have to It’s been discussed by the board of directors! You’re a fool!”


Although Yu Momo felt sad and angry, he didn't want Ye Yang to follow him and be ridiculed, so he also pulled Ye Yang at this time.

Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu both looked evil at this time, and it was obvious that they couldn't help but take action.

Ye Yang waved his hand and smiled slightly: "What you said makes sense."

"I know I'm still talking nonsense here, but I'm not afraid of embarrassment!"

When Gu Zhiman saw that Ye Yang had admitted her statement that only the chairman was qualified to fire her, Gu Zhiman sneered and became even more arrogant and emboldened: "Yu Momo, you really haven't made any progress in the past few years. I'm sorry. You fool, come and act with me! Hahaha..."

"Creak, creak, creak..."

Yu Momo was so angry that his teeth chattered.

"But what a coincidence, I am really your chairman."

Ye Yang spread his hands and smiled.


Gu Zhiman was stunned by these words and couldn't help laughing.

The few followers behind her also started laughing.

"Did you hear that? What is he talking about! Hahaha... or am I the chairman? Yu Momo, you really found a fool to embarrass yourself!"

Gu Zhiman mocked wantonly.

Of course she knew who the chairman of Gulfstream Airlines was.

The chairman of Gulfstream Airlines is named Mike, and he is American!

This is not some bullshit Mr. Ye!

"You are too funny. You want to scare our person in charge. You can find a decent excuse. Even if it is more reliable to say that you are the overseas relative of the chairman, you directly claim to be our chairman Mike... Do you think we are pigs? !”

"Haha, I can't do it anymore, I'm laughing so hard!"

The few idiots were all laughing and laughing. They also saw that Gu Zhiman was targeting Yu Momo. They were afraid that Ye Yang threatened to buy a billion G950 just now. He must be a super boss, so they didn't dare to offend him for a while. Now they saw Come on, this young man is probably not a fool, and he is also helping to laugh at this time.

Ye Yang sneered, looked around, and saw all the people laughing around him, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Okay, the farce should come to an end. Yu Momo, don't embarrass yourself here, get out of here with your idiots! You bought the G950, I think you are just here to laugh at me!"

Gu Zhiman raised his neck arrogantly and mocked as hard as he could.

"Don't be proud. Even if the boss doesn't have a Gulfstream, a humble person like you is not qualified to ridicule him!"

Yu Momo said with cold eyes.

"Why can't you mock me? I am a noble American citizen! A foreigner! I am also an executive of Gulfstream Airlines! What can even the richest man in China do to me? Just Wang Silin is here, and it can't stop me from saying this!"

Gu Zhiman was extremely arrogant and shrugged indifferently: "I can do whatever I want with you, this is my territory!"

"You are simply..."

Yu Momo wanted to say something else, but Ye Yang waved his hand.

For such an acquisition of a large company, it is impossible for the other party's senior management to fail to respond. The moment he has been waiting for is coming soon.

At the same time, Gulfstream Airlines headquarters in Nevada, United States.

The entire office building was in chaos.

"What did you say!"

On the top floor, Mike stood up speaking broken Chinese and opened his mouth in surprise: "You said the acquisition target has been changed hands?"

"That's right, Mr. Mike, I didn't expect you to speak Chinese."

Opposite, a middle-aged man with a Chinese character nodded: "I just received a notice that Mr. Wang's acquisition plan was seamlessly transferred to Mr. Ye. Anyway, the handover work has been completed. You only need to give this Mr. Ye just calls to confirm the handover and that’s it.”


Mike looked confused.

The acquisition plan had already started a month ago, but at that time, it was a mysterious Mr. Wang from China who wanted to acquire Gulfstream Airlines.

But when it came to the final process today, I was told that the contract had been transferred to Mr. Ye.

This was something he didn't expect.

"Okay, I'll call Mr. Ye now."

Nowadays, China is becoming the center of international trade, and learning Chinese is a craze around the world, so Mike can naturally speak a few words in Chinese.

"Then I'll take my leave first."

The man with the Chinese character stood up.

"Aren't you going to participate in the final signing of the contract?"

Mike asked.

"Now, the company belongs to Mr. Ye, so naturally his people will do the handover with you."

The square-faced man showed a strange smile at the corner of his mouth, and after looking at Mike, he turned and left.

"China is really a mysterious country..."

Mike shook his head, not knowing what happened in the end, but he only knew that his company would belong to Mr. Ye next.

Through the information left by the square-faced man, Mike quickly made an international call.

With Ye Yang's current status and Yu Momo's thoughtfulness, Ye Yang's phone naturally has an international roaming package.

"Become rich, I become rich~"

The ringtone rang, Ye Yang looked at the caller ID, raised his eyebrows, smiled at Gu Zhiman, and answered the phone.

Gu Zhiman saw this scene, and subconsciously had a bad premonition in her heart.

This kid seemed to have been waiting for this call from just now.


Ye Yang answered the phone.

"Are you, Mr. Ye Yang?"

The other side came with poor Chinese.

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, thinking that the other party could speak English. As a top student, he had no problem communicating in English, but it would be more convenient to communicate in Mandarin.

"I am."

"Hello... I am a director of Gulfstream Airlines... Oh, no, the former chairman Mike, I want to find you to formally confirm the acquisition and handover."

(First update)

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