Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 243 You are fired! Get out!

"Yeah, no problem."

The final confirmation procedure is very simple, just say a few words. Even though Ye Yang is a hands-off shopkeeper, he has learned some things through his eyes and ears during this period.

The confirmation was completed soon.

"Mr. Ye, I have no problem here. Look, do you have any requirements?"

Mike asked.

Of course, he didn't think Ye Yang had any other requirements, he just wanted to learn the Chinese way of doing things and be polite.

Now that China has more and more say, they have also learned a lot of Chinese business etiquette.

"Request? There is indeed one."

Ye Yang said with a faint smile.


Mike was confused. Wasn't it just a courtesy? "Mr. Ye, does he have any questions about the details of the contract..."

"No, there is nothing wrong with the contract. The actual docking should take three days to be completed. I want you to do something now."

Ye Yang said calmly.

"Ah... please tell me."

As long as it's not a contract-related issue, it's all a trivial matter, and Mike breathed a sigh of relief.

"The person in charge of your Huaxia Magic City Division has personally attacked me. I want you to fire him immediately."

Ye Yang said without any hesitation.

"The person in charge of the Magic City Division...ah!"

After thinking about it, Mike remembered Gu Zhiman, and he had an in-depth communication with her at night.

If not for this, Gu Zhiman would not have been able to become the head of the Magic City branch so quickly.

Not only with him, but also with Mike, Gu Zhiman knew that Gu Zhiman had at least had in-depth exchanges with seven or eight directors on the board of directors. Otherwise, how could he have such confidence that even a chairman could not fire her?

However, that is all in the past tense.

Now Mr. Ye, it is a wholly-owned acquisition, he controls 100% of the equity, and he has a bullshit board of directors!

"I will immediately go through the relevant procedures and fire the person in charge!"

Mike repeatedly promised that he would be leaving his job soon anyway, and it would not be a bad idea to enjoy some rights and happiness before leaving.

Moreover, Boss Ye has the strength to fully acquire the company at a young age. He may not be able to rely on the other party to start his own business in the future. It is natural that he wants to sell Ye Yang to save face before leaving.

"The procedure will be done later. I want you to tell her directly now."

Ye Yang directly threw the phone to Gu Zhiman who subconsciously took it.

This woman is really arrogant, and he doesn't want her to step down safely. His own creed is very clear, and he has made it clear before.

Those who are kind will repay each other with springs.

Those who have a grudge will retaliate with fists!

And you have to report it on the spot, immediately! Hearty reward!

"Listen to it."

Ye Yang spread his hands casually.


Although Gu Zhiman was frightened by Ye Yang's momentum, after all, Ye Yang had communicated in Chinese just now. Even if he found some kind of relationship, it was still a relationship with China after all, and there was no way it could affect her.

"Hello? Who are you?"

Gu Zhiman asked coldly.

"This is make," (I am Mike, Miss Gu)

The voice from the other side made Gu Zhiman's eyes widen in an instant, and she looked at Ye Yang in disbelief, her expression worse than eating a fly.

After hearing that he was the chairman, Gu Zhiman's previously arrogant cold face and arrogance melted away, and his whole body twisted unconsciously. The kneeling and licking energy made Ye Yang feel sick.

"BOSS, what..."

"you are fired!!!" (You are fired!)

Just as he was about to kneel down and say a few words, a cold voice came from over there, completely confusing Gu Zhiman.


Why were you fired?

Really fired?

Unbelievable, unreasonable, ridiculous and dreamy, all kinds of feelings flooded into her heart, just like a fucking dream!

"Why? Mr. Ye is the new chairman of Gulfstream. Is this reason enough?"

Mike asked coldly.

"No, that's impossible!"

Gu Zhiman roared.

"I'm not in the mood to joke with a bitch like you, oh, my God! You must have shit in your eyes! It's not good to annoy anyone, you have to annoy Mr. Ye!"

There was no joking in Mike's cold tone.


Gu Zhiman was stunned for a moment, and her eyes suddenly turned red: "So what! So what if he is the chairman! If you want to fire me, the board of directors must unanimously agree!"

"Mr. Ye is a wholly-owned acquisition and controls 100% of the shares. He can decide all matters concerning Gulfstream with just one word. Stop struggling, pack your things and get out!"

After Mike finished speaking, he turned off the phone.

"...Wholly-owned acquisition..."

Gu Zhiman felt as if his brain had been struck by lightning, and then he was so angry that he threw his cell phone to pieces: "You old gangsters! You want to take my body, but you are so unloyal! Ahhhh!!!"

Yu Mo looked at Gu Zhiman in surprise.

The employees who had followed Gu Zhiman into causing trouble just now also looked at Gu Zhiman in confusion, secretly thinking that something bad was going on.

"How is it? Are you satisfied now?"

Ye Yang asked with a sneer.

"How is this possible! I went to a meeting last month and the company was still fine. How is this possible!!! When did you acquire it!"

Gu Zhiman still felt as if she was in a dream, fear and confusion surrounded her, making her feel uncomfortable all over.

"Just now."

Ye Yang shrugged.

Yu Momo stared at him with wide eyes. Even though she had been with Ye Yang for a long time and was used to seeing the boss's tricks, she couldn't help but be stunned at this moment.

Even she was like this, not to mention the Gulfstream employees next to her.

At this time, they all opened their mouths wide and couldn't make any sound.


This time it was Gu Zhiman's turn to be so angry that she couldn't speak.

The followers behind her who followed her to mock Ye Yang were also trembling at this time. From Gu Zhiman's words, they could completely guess the inside story!

This Mr. Ye Yang is the new chairman of Gulfstream!

Moreover, it was a full acquisition!

This is simply fatal!

I just didn't have eyes and helped this stupid and brain-dead Gu Zhiman to scold the new chairman of the entire Gulfstream company! ?

It is completely foreseeable that I will definitely be finished!

"And the rest of you, pack up and get out right now!"

As expected, Ye Yang pointed at the pale-faced Gu Zhiman lackeys and spoke in a calm voice.

He had memorized these guys a long time ago. These people who took advantage of others' misfortunes were even more disgusting than Gu Zhiman.

If Gu Zhiman's taunting was due to her feud with Yu Momo,

These guys were just disgusting others just to lick Gu Zhiman!

He, Ye Yang, couldn't stand such people the most.

(Second update)

Thanks to Lao Shuchong for the mountain climbing invitation and likes!

Thanks to you for being that little cookie, 9055/9347,1931/1297 for the likes~

Thanks to 1160/6754 for the mountain climbing invitation and likes!

Thanks to Xiaosha Rensheng 1314 for the inspiration capsule and likes!

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