Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 244 The miserable Gu Zhiman

"Mr. Ye, it's unfair!"

"We were bewitched by this bitch, please forgive us!"

These fence-sitters who had just followed the mockery were so scared that their legs and feet became weak, and they all knelt on the ground.

Before, Gu Zhiman was the general manager of the branch, so of course they had to lick her, but now Gu Zhiman is nothing.

Of course they have to sacrifice her for their own safety.

"What are you talking about!"

Gu Zhiman looked at these lackeys who usually looked like slaves in disbelief.

These guys, when I fart, I can't wait to smell it carefully, and then praise it as fragrant.

Now they are actually calling me a bitch! ?

"Bitch, is there something wrong with your ears?! We, call you a bitch!"

"That's right, you are asking for trouble, and you want to drag us down with you, causing Director Ye to fire us!"

"We usually tolerate you, but you really think you are a piece of cake! You are just a bitch who gets promoted by selling your ass!"

"That's right, we tolerated you before because you were the head of the branch, but now you are nothing, haha, I have wanted to scold you for a long time!"

These fence-sitters cursed while looking at Ye Yang from the corner of their eyes.

As long as they licked Ye Yang, the new chairman, well, they might not be kicked out.

They have already developed a flattering character, and they subconsciously lick whoever has power, and they can't change it.

"You! Good! What a bunch of ungrateful wolves!!!"

Gu Zhiman usually thought that it was her beauty and temperament that convinced these lickers, but now it seems... everything seems so ridiculous.

"What a mean woman!"

"Don't be so arrogant here, get out of here!"

"Boss Ye has spoken!"

The ungrateful people shouted angrily.

Seeing this, Ye Yang also shook his head with amusement. These guys, when they heard that he was going to kick them out of the company, not only were they not angry with him, but they subconsciously licked him... They are really licking dogs, exposed.

"Okay, Yu Momo, you are awesome!"

Gu Zhiman pointed at Yu Momo: "Okay, I understand, I understand everything! You are such a vicious woman, what a conspiracy!"

"What are you talking about? Are you still dreaming?"

Yu Momo is in a very good mood now, and it's fun to watch her employees and Gu Zhiman fighting each other. It's really funny.

"You know what I'm talking about! You've already found out that I'm the general manager here, and you've also found out that this guy wants to acquire Gulfstream Airlines, so you hooked up with him in advance, became his lover, and then cooperated with him to play this drama here!"

"Everything, just to humiliate me! Haha, you really put a lot of thought into it!"

Gu Zhiman said hysterically.

"You think too highly of yourself. You have a twisted mind and think everyone is crazy. Do you deserve me to plot against you like this?"

Yu Momo sneered: "If you hadn't been so stupid today and jumped out to find trouble, I wouldn't know where you, a bitch, would be cleaning the toilet!"


Ye Yang couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth. He didn't notice it on weekdays, but when he met his enemy, Yu Momo's mouth was sharp enough.


Gu Zhiman's eyes were extremely complicated, with regret, jealousy, and resentment.

She regretted not really disfiguring Yu Momo, was jealous of Yu Momo for finding such a super boss as a backer, and resented Yu Momo for actually trying to harm her!

In short, she was only allowed to harm people in this world, and she was not allowed to allow those harmed by her to have the slightest dissatisfaction with her.

"Haha, okay, you wait, big bosses are fickle, I have money anyway, when this big boss gets tired of you and abandons you, I will definitely find you then! Torture you to death!"

Gu Zhiman swore fiercely, and turned around and wanted to walk out of the company.


Ye Yang said lightly.

"What? Do you really think you are invincible just because you have two dollars? My parents are the two senior CEOs of Modutong Domestic and Foreign Trade Group! You still want to use force against me in broad daylight!"

Gu Zhiman looked like a rogue.

"You forgot one thing."

Ye Yang pointed at the phone that fell to the ground: "You should compensate me for intentionally damaging other people's property."

"Hehe, how much can a broken phone be worth?"

Gu Zhiman laughed. He is a big boss? He still cares about the price of a phone!

"Not much, just 100 million."

Ye Yang shrugged and said casually.

"100 million? Your phone is inlaid with diamonds!?"

Gu Zhiman was confused.

"You really guessed it right."

Ye Yang nodded slightly: "This phone is not valuable, but the tempered film and phone case used in it are made of extremely precious gems and diamond raw materials. Now you broke it. I will charge you the cost price, 100 million, not much, right?"

"You are blackmailing me!"

Gu Zhiman is fierce on the outside but weak on the inside. The so-called rich is only compared with ordinary people. Her parents are just two company managers who rely on their salaries to make a living. In these years, their salaries plus gray income have only made 50 or 60 million. Add the more than 10 million she saved, and it is far from 100 million.

If it is really 100 million, I am afraid she can't afford the compensation at all!

Legally speaking, if she couldn't pay the compensation, she would have to go to jail to pay off her debts.

Even if she was an American citizen, according to the fundamental principle that American law only protects the rich, she would be sentenced to more years...

Thinking of this, she couldn't hold on any longer.

She showed her strong cards one by one, but found that in front of Ye Yang, these were not worth mentioning at all!

Whether it was foreign nationality or parental status, or even the argument that only the board of directors was qualified to remove her, they were all ruthlessly crushed in just a few minutes!

"If you don't believe me, I'll ask the police to verify it now."

Ye Yang took out his mobile phone: "If I make this call, it will go directly to the chief of the Magic City Police Station."

When she heard this, she finally couldn't hold it anymore, her heart broke, and she almost fainted on the spot. She knelt on the ground and sobbed: "Boss Ye, please forgive me! I was wrong!"

She has always lived a princess-like life. If she wants to go to jail, she might as well die.

"Apologize to me? You just scolded Momo."

Ye Yang sneered.

"Momo, please help me, we are classmates after all! Have pity on me!"

Gu Zhiman woke up and hurriedly ran to Yu Momo's feet, hugging her thighs and begging.

Yu Momo kicked him away in annoyance: "When you were targeting me, did you ever think of letting me go? You caused all this! You should bear it yourself!"

"No! No no no! You can't be so heartless!"

Gu Zhiman has already lost his mind and shook his head frantically.


Yu Momo looked at Gu Zhiman's appearance, his mouth trembled, but he finally turned his head away coldly. She was not the heroine of a romantic drama, a silly and sweet saint. This kind of woman was not worthy of sympathy at all.

"You forced me to do this!"

Gu Zhiman's eyes suddenly became hysterical and crazy, and she pulled out a sharp makeup knife from her waist bag and rushed towards Yu Momo...

(First update)

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