Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 245 Private plane, trial results

For her, prison life was simply unacceptable.

It was already humiliating for her to kneel down and beg for mercy from a man who was mad with hatred and jealousy in the past, but now he actually dared to refuse her plea!

Damn it!

This kind of twisted resentment made her completely crazy. Without thinking about anything, she just rushed forward with a makeup knife.


Ye Yang sneered and launched a sneak attack in front of him.

There just happened to be no reason to really beat up this stupid, mentally retarded girl, so I got close to her face.

With a fierce charged forward kick, Gu Zhiman, who rushed forward, turned into a reflection and flew back quickly.


This kick directly kicked the opponent ten meters away, and his internal organs were displaced. Blood continued to pour out of his nose and mouth, and he fainted from the pain.

He is completely different from those stubborn dogs who believe that hitting women is not enough.

Since we are human beings, we must suffer the consequences if we make mistakes.

It’s the first time for both women and men. What’s the difference between women and men?

Those who say, "No matter what a woman does, it's wrong to hit a woman" are simply engaging in gender worship and forcing into people's minds the disgusting view that "women are born nobler than men." Such people, When he saw one, he wanted to kick him to death.

As long as they are human and make mistakes, they should be treated equally and fairly.

Instead of acting like a dog and licking like crazy.

"It's so refreshing!"

Yu Momo put down his raised foot and gave Ye Yang a thumbs up.

Ye Yang couldn't help but want to kick that disgusting pus-emitting thing.

This Gu Zhiman is simply the most disgusting type of villain I have seen in this period of time.

"I was kicked unconscious. It seems that this medicine is no longer needed."

Xiao Xiaozhu put the potion away silently, with a slightly regretful expression.


In contrast, these employees all gasped and trembled.

Kick someone ten meters away!

Is this really a power that humans can possess!

Is this chairman a martial arts master?

"Why don't you get out? Wait for me to clean you out one by one?"

Ye Yang turned around and took advantage of the remaining power of this kick to shout.

The employees who had just helped Gu Zhiman mock Ye Yang were so frightened that their knees went weak, and they went to their offices to pack their things and leave.

"There is a private airport at the foot of my mountain. You can transport the plane there and assign me a beautiful flight attendant."

Ye Yang ordered after swiping the Gulfstream G950's one billion.

Although he is the chairman, he still has to spend the money, otherwise the company's financial report will not look good.

Pretend not to know that the money will eventually return to your wallet...


The remaining senior executives nodded repeatedly. It was obvious that Ye Yang's fierce methods today completely shocked them.

"Guaranteed to be the best quality beautiful flight attendants!"

"Resolutely complete the tasks assigned to us by the new chairman!!!"

Many senior officials expressed their opinions one after another.


Ye Yang nodded slightly. Now he also bought a private jet, and then took Yu Momo and the Xiao sisters back to the Yundingshan Villa.

Even if he doesn't buy a private jet of his own, when he wants to use the jet, given his status, it is a matter of one sentence in any country with a Gulfstream branch in the world.

However, Ye Yang still wants to buy one and take it home to play with. Wouldn't it be nice to take the little maid in to play cosplay at night?

After eating, Ye Yang turned on his phone as usual to see if there was any new news.

"Huh? Xue'er?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and clicked on WeChat.

"Brother Ye, my dad has been discharged from the hospital and returned home safely last night. I want to go back to see him this National Day. Have you booked the ticket? Do you want to go home together?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

Last time, he said that he would accompany Lin Xueer to see his father, but he was delayed by some things and did not go to the capital in person. However, Director Li Qing still followed his request and saw her father.

Now her father should have recovered and been discharged from the hospital.

"I will go, but there is no need to buy extra tickets. If you haven't bought a ticket yet, you can go back with me."

Ye Yang replied with a smile.

On National Day, it is difficult to buy air tickets or bus tickets.

"Ah!? Brother Ye Yang, are you.../confused/surprised?"

"Don't ask, asking is the secret. When the time comes, you will understand everything when you come to my place."

Ye Yang sold it out.

"Yeah, that's great!/Be good"

After thinking about it, Ye Yang also sent a message to Ye Xiaozi.

Now that Ye Xiaozi has received the principal's scholarship, her parents talk about their daughter's future every day. This time, they happened to take Ye Xiaozi with them when they went back on November 1.

As for the inside story of Baoli High School, the old couple knew very little about it. As long as it made them happy, it was fine, so Ye Yang didn't say much.

A few days later, Ye Xiaozi and Lin Xueer both arrived at the private airport at the foot of the Yunding Mountain Villa.

This is shared by the wealthy people in the Yundingshan villa area, but after all, only a few actually have their own private jet.

Even if National Day is approaching, there are not many planes in the airport.

The six girls followed Ye Yang and arrived at the airport.

"Mr. Ye."

"Mr. Ye..."

The residents in the villa area are no strangers to Ye Yang, and now they all greet Ye Yang respectfully.

The villa king of Yundingshan Villa District, even if the two Ma competed with each other, they didn't make a deal in the end, but this young super boss won it.

It can be said that from the day when Villa No. 1 was sold, these big guys have been paying attention to Ye Yang.

Not to mention that things about Ye Yang were frequently reported later, one more bizarre than the other, and they also knew how awesome their neighbor was.

So, when they met Ye Yang at this time, they were all very respectful.

"Oh, I'm so lucky, why can't I meet so many beauties, all of them are top-notch!"

"Yes, they are much more beautiful than those stars, oh, I'm jealous!"

"Don't be blinded by lard and try to hit on Ye Shenhao's woman..."

"How dare I! Even if I have a hundred lives, I don't have the courage to provoke that great god! I'm just purely envious... hehe."

Everyone present sighed.

After boarding the plane, Ye Yang also received a message from Fang Han, which was the result of the trial of Gu Zhiman's case.

"As expected, the courts in the United States can issue verdicts very quickly as long as there is money."

"The defendant can only repay 10 million US dollars, and is unable to compensate the remaining 5 million US dollars. He is sentenced to three years in prison for intentionally causing a large amount of property loss to others..."

(Second update)

Thanks to the book friend Lao Shuchong for the likes~

Thanks to the book friend 1931/1297 for the likes~

Thanks to the book friend lovely you! for the update reminder!

Thanks to the book friend Su Jin for the Bobo milk tea!

Thanks to the book friend 1204/6716 for the likes~

Thanks to the book friend World I know a love letter~

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