"What's wrong?"

Yu Mo asked doubtfully.

Ye Yang smiled and told Yu Momo the verdict.

"Huh, this woman deserves it!"

Yu Momo waved her little hand in relief. Back then, Gu Zhiman relied on her family's money to bully her severely.

Jealous of her beauty and good grades, he would find every reason to cause trouble for her.

Now, finally, he was punished as he deserved.

"Boss...thank you."

Yu Momo's eyes were filled with tears. She knew very well that without Ye Yang, even if she knew that Gu Zhiman worked there, she would never be able to do anything to Gu Zhiman. After all, although she was a gold medal talent, she was still an ordinary person after all. people.

Without a family to commemorate, even if her annual salary is hundreds of thousands, she is at most as good as Gu Zhiman, so how can she do any harm to her.

"Okay, let's get on the plane."

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head, rubbing Yu Momo's forehead.

Put down the Xuanmen of G950.

The flight attendant lady has been waiting here for a long time to pick up Ye Yang and his party to get on the plane.

"Oh, the space inside is so big!"

“And it’s luxurious!”

Except for Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu, it was the first time for the other girls to fly on a private plane, and they were all amazed.

Lin Xueer was also shocked. Ye Yang said he didn't need to buy a ticket because he had a private jet!

This is so luxurious!

Ye Xiaozi sat down on the soft-seat sofa: "It's so comfortable! Brother, you actually bought a private jet!"

"This is a cold drink cabin. There are many expensive drinks in it. If you want to drink or eat something, you can tell us and the kitchen can make it fresh."

Flight attendant team leader Yuan Yuanyuan laughed.

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and looked at Yuan Yuanyuan. She can become the flight attendant leader of a private flight. Her appearance and temperament are impeccable.

The figure should be convex and curvy, and it should be pleasing to the eye.

"This is a projection screen TV, so you can enjoy the ultimate look and feel of a private theater."

"On the left hand side is the book list, ranging from classical literature to modern online novels."

"On the right side is the bathroom, where you can take a shower. There are two bathrooms, one is a public crew bathroom, and the other is the master bathroom in the bedroom."

"Further forward, there is an entertainment room where you can play games specially developed for air travel."

"There is also a private bedroom after entering here. If you don't want to use the bedroom and enjoy the wonderful scenery outside the plane at night, you can adjust the seat to sleep mode, and the seat can be transformed into the most comfortable small bed."

"The air conditioning is voice-controlled. Every member of our flight attendant team is a professional masseur. If you want comprehensive care, they are always on call."

Yuan Yuanyuan narrowed her beautiful eyes and looked at Ye Yang with a smile.

Ye Yang nodded knowingly: "I understand."

"Okay, then I'll go prepare meals for you bosses~"

Yuan Yuanyuan showed a perfect smile, turned around and left. Now this G950 is a private jet bought by Ye Yang.

Naturally, they are Ye Yang's exclusive crew.

Serving Ye Yang well is the core of all their goals.

"Ah, it is indeed a private jet, with this service and facilities! It is so considerate!"

Ye Xiaozi exclaimed and kept switching the seat from sleep mode to seat mode. She was addicted to it.

"Sit tight, it's about to take off, I'll throw it out for you in a moment."

Ye Yang looked funny and scolded with a smile.


Ye Xiaozi now sat down and put on the smart seat belt.


The plane took off soon, flying steadily among the clouds.

Ye Yang looked out the window.

In fact, it was also his first time to fly. Before, he had only taken high-speed rail at most, and he was reluctant to buy a first-class seat.

I just didn’t expect that the first time I flew, I would get on my own private jet.

And it’s the crown jewel among private jets, the Gulfstream G950 worth billions. It’s amazing to think about it...

Ye Yang felt a little emotional.

Looking down from the airplane window, you can see the endless sea of ​​clouds.

The cascading clouds mix together, and this feeling of walking in the sky is very shocking.

The so-called flying in the clouds and driving the mist is nothing more than that.

After passing through the clouds, we came to a cloud-free area. Looking below, we saw another scene.

The huge magic city came into his sight.

The torrent of steel is overflowing with light. At this height, it is almost impossible to distinguish ordinary pedestrians.

The shock of truly overlooking a huge modern international city from such a high perspective is beyond words.

"Is this what flying feels like..."

Ye Yang turned his head and saw Ye Xiaozi lying on the window looking down and Lin Xueer looking down with full eyes.

It was also their first time to fly.

As for Yu Mo Mo, although he had never flown on a private jet before, he had flown on a flight after all. At this time, he had enough time to take a book from the bookshelf next to him and read it.

As for Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu, they have been flying around on international missions all year round, so they have long been accustomed to this. After discussing it in a low voice, they all got up and ran away.

"What are you doing?"

Ye Yang asked subconsciously.

"Of course we want to go to a SPA! We have never tried to do a SPA in the sky!"

Xiao Qingxuan chuckled and took Xiao Xiaozhu to the rest area.


Ye Yang shook his head helplessly. He hadn't even enjoyed the full body massage yet, but the two little girls were quite positive.

The lunch prepared by the flight crew was very sumptuous.

"Sigh, compared to the flights I've taken before, those in-flight meals are simply too ordinary!"

Yu silently ate the plump and tender Wagyu steak, immersed in happiness.

For the average person, flying means sleep and cramped space.

This is the first time she has seen what a flying villa is.

Ye Yang did not see anyone else and directly asked the beauties on the crew to enjoy lunch with him.

The ladies on the crew were obviously very interested in this affable, handsome and wealthy boss, and they were laughing and joking throughout the meal.

The Gulfstream G950 is fast.

In the evening, we landed in Ye Yang's hometown.

His hometown is an ordinary urban area in Chuncheng, Jilin Province in the north.

There is only one airport in the entire urban area. After getting off the plane, Lin Xueer took a taxi back to her home. Ye Yang called two more Didi taxis before actually embarking on the way home.

"As bodyguards, let's each get into a car."

Xiao Xiaozhu suggested.

"Then I'll take the boss's car!"

Xiao Qingxuan said immediately.

"What a beautiful idea! Guess the game!"

Xiao Xiaozhu snorted.

Ye Yang couldn't laugh or cry. Two top international beauty killers had been hanging out with him for a long time. How could they become so cute without realizing it...

"But this time I miscalculated."

Ye Yang shook his head: "It would be nice to buy a few luxury cars in advance and keep them at home for backup. You also have to spend money on Didi. What a waste!"

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