Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 247 Poor Relatives, Rich Relatives

"Here you go, sir, fifteen dollars."

The taxi driver showed a generous smile and took out his QR code.

After paying and getting off.

Ye Yang looked at the familiar things around him and felt a little emotional.

I am used to living in a high-consumption city in a magical city. When I came back, I immediately felt the prices that were unique to my hometown.

On the way home from the airport, if you take Didi in Shanghai, it will cost you at least dozens of yuan, but here in your hometown it only costs more than a dozen yuan.


In Leyuan Community, Ye’s mother, Su Shirley, was busy in the kitchen.

Ye's father, Ye Xuanting, was accompanying the guests in the living room, with a forced smile on his face.

"I said, brother, we are all real relatives. Didn't we hear that our Xiaoyang was doing business outside and was successful? Otherwise, I wouldn't have come to borrow money from you! We are decent people! You are not disrespectful either. You know me, I never take the initiative to borrow money from others!”

Opposite Ye Xuanting, there sat a middle-aged man with a mole on his chin and a middle-aged woman wearing a floral skirt. They looked like a couple at first glance.


Ye Xuanting just smiled awkwardly and complained in his heart: "You know what the hell, why don't you borrow money from relatives like us!"

Every family has some poor relatives who look at their rich relatives to borrow money, as if these rich relatives owe them money.

Originally, Ye Yang's family didn't have much money and they were just ordinary working-class people. In the past few years, they could barely live a well-off life. Most of the money was spent on Ye Yang and Ye Xiaozi's education.

I don't have any spare money at all.

Therefore, there are naturally no poor relatives keeping an eye on them on weekdays.

But since the last time Su Ziyan came back from the devil's capital, and Ye Yang's uncle came to his house every now and then to give him gifts, the news that Ye Yang was making a fortune outside also spread to Ye's mother's relatives.

This Su Laosan is one of them.

On weekdays, I go around looking for money from relatives, and when I borrow it, I don't pay it back.

Now he is eyeing Ye Yang's family, coming over every now and then and borrowing money blatantly.

The Ye Yang family has never encountered this kind of thing before, so naturally they have no experience in dealing with it. Although the other party failed to borrow money every time, they always got a free meal.

"My family really doesn't have much money. Xiaoyang is starting a business outside. The business has just started to pick up. We don't want the money we make. We plan to let him save it to buy a house in Shanghai. It's not like you don't know that the houses in Shanghai now are all full of money. The price is sky-high, it’s not easy to buy a set!”

Ye Xuanting explained.

"That's not something we have to worry about. Your family doesn't have to worry about food and clothing, and your children are promising. We don't borrow much, just a few hundred thousand. It's good to be a relative, right?"

Su Lao's third daughter-in-law said with a wink.


Ye Xuanting was an authentic northern man who wanted to save face. When he was told this, he could only giggle. Although he knew that if he lent the money, he would never get it back, he was too embarrassed to refuse openly, so he could only say: "Drink tea, drink tea. "

"What kind of tea are you drinking! You make us drink tea every time we come here! We are not tea-drinking machines!"

"Give me a sweet word! Do you want to borrow it or not? If you don't want to borrow it, just say so! It seems like all we can do is beg you... Sigh... relatives are just unreliable! Once you have money, forget your roots!"

Su's third daughter-in-law glanced at the kitchen and said, "Look at that relative of yours. People are hiding in the kitchen and don't want to see you!"

Su Laosan rolled his eyes and then said, "Old Ye! Do you think we are relatives after all!? You can't watch my wife hurt me like this... Borrow some money, or I'll look like this when you get home." Lost everything!"


Ye Xuanting spread his hands helplessly and pretended to be confused: "Ye Yang's mother is in charge of the bankbook and other things at home. I don't even know where the card is, so I can't make the decision."

"Oh, why are we all a family? If you agree to borrow money, Shirley will agree to it! Why don't you make a statement first, do you want to lend me the money?"

Su's third daughter-in-law said impatiently.


Ye Xuanting scratched his head in embarrassment.

"No borrowing!"

Just when he was about to say something about borrowing money, a young but confident voice came from outside the door.

"Dad, why didn't you close the door tightly and let two big mice into the house?"

It was Ye Yang who entered the door. At this time, he glanced at Su Laosan and his wife, and said in a meaningful way. With his hearing, he could clearly hear the conversation between the two parties just now. At this time, he also felt something in his heart. A bit dissatisfied.

This person who borrowed money actually acted like a debt collector, and he felt confident.

"You brat, who are you calling the big rat?"

Su's third daughter-in-law suddenly became unhappy and stood up to argue.

"When a stone is thrown into a pig pen, the one that screams the loudest is always the one that was hit."

Ye Yang looked at the other party as a matter of course.

"You little brat, how dare you call me a pig!!!"

Su's third daughter-in-law suddenly turned red with anger.


Ye Xuanting stood up in surprise.

"Is he Xiaoyang?"

Su Laosan grabbed his daughter-in-law and said in her ear: "He has money now. We have to see if he agrees to borrow money. You tiger bitch, please calm down."


Hearing this, Su's third daughter-in-law turned off the engine angrily and did not continue to get angry.

"Dad, where did these two big rats come from?"

Ye Yang pointed at Su Laosan and his wife, frowned and asked.

"Ahem, Xiaoyang, this is a relative of your third uncle's family. It's not good to talk to elders like this."

Although Ye Xuanting said this, he came up with surprises: "Didn't you say you won't come back on October 1? Your business has just started, coming back won't delay your business, right?"

"No, don't worry, Dad."

Ye Yang smiled and nodded.

"That's good, that's good."

Ye Xuanting nodded repeatedly and felt relieved.

"This is Xiaoyang. I heard that you have become successful recently!"

"You've already opened a company! Don't tell me you're going to make 1.8 million a year!?"

"Hey, I told you when you were little that you wanted to make a career, isn't this the moment you become a successful person! I must have been right!"

Su Laosan and his wife encouraged them.

In fact, before the news of Ye Yang opening a company spread, they had rarely been to Ye Yang's house. The last time they came was several years ago when Ye Yang was still in high school.

Therefore, I didn't recognize Ye Yang just now.

"One million and eight hundred thousand?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"Huh? Not even 1.8 million?"

Su's third daughter-in-law obviously misunderstood and pursed her lips: "No wonder your father is not willing to lend us even hundreds of thousands..."


(Second update)

Thanks to book friend 1044/4924 for the update reminder!

Thanks to book friend 3685/2182 for the two likes~

Thanks to the book friend National Protected Object for the like!

Thanks to Meng Meng for the Bobo milk tea! Long time no see, cutie~

Thanks to book friend Maple Leaf for the update reminder!

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