Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 248 This is not smoking, this is smoking gold

"Why are you talking! Our boss is..."

Yu Momo was carrying the cigarettes and wine that Ye Yang had purchased before when he heard Su's third daughter-in-law mocking Ye Yang for not being able to earn even 1.8 million yuan a year, and couldn't help but feel very angry.

Ye Yang smiled lightly and shook his head: "It doesn't matter how much I earn. Who made you think that it is natural for others to lend you money?"


Although Ye Xuanting felt that speaking like this would hurt the face of his relatives, it seemed like he was really happy like this!

Therefore, the move to stop Ye Yang stopped and acquiesced.

"Hey! Brother Ye, you don't care about your son! Your son is going to cause trouble! Even if you have some money, you can't be so rude and arrogant to your elders!"

"It's just that your son is really not good enough!"

Su Laosan and his wife both felt that they couldn't keep it off their faces, but they didn't dare to confront Ye Yang, who looked fierce and formidable, so they turned to confront Ye Xuanting.

"What my son said is correct."

Ye Xuanting did not remain silent this time. After taking a sip of tea, he said decisively.

After all, this was said by his son. As a father, there is no reason to turn his elbows outward. Of course, he must support his son.

"Oh, oh, this is incredible!"

"You really don't know how to be a good person! How dare you disgrace your relatives like this! Your family is really good at it!"

Su's third daughter-in-law seemed to have seen something unbelievable and started shouting.

Su Laosan twitched the corner of his mouth and couldn't help but said loudly: "I mean Shirley! Stop hiding in the kitchen! Although you are married to the Ye family, you are still from the Su family! Just look at these two Do father and son with a foreign surname bully your relatives like this?"

Ye's mother, Su Shirley, was still cooking. The noise in the hall also made her stunned. After turning off the gas valve, she wiped her hands and walked out of the kitchen: "What's wrong? We were all so peaceful just now, so why are we still noisy... Xiao Positive!!!"

Midway through her words, Su Shirley was stunned and came up to her again and again: "Xiaoyang, didn't you say you wouldn't come back on November 11! This..."

"Haha, I want to give you two elders a surprise!"

After seeing his mother, Ye Yang felt warm in his heart, and his thoughts of quarreling with Su Laosan and his wife have faded a lot. No matter how rogue the other party is, they are his mother's relatives after all. He cannot let his mother be scolded by her relatives when she returns home. .

Thinking of this, he also calmed down the anger in his chest. There are many ways to make people uncomfortable, and being harsh is just one of them. He has his own methods to deal with such rogue relatives.

"It'll be good to come back, it'll be good to come back..."

Su Shirley touched Ye Yang's face and nodded constantly.

"Haha, this is for your fun. I see that your son has obviously failed in business and has come back disgraced!"

Su Lao's third daughter-in-law said in a strange tone.

"What are you talking about!"

Su Laosan snorted: "Even if this is the case, you can't say it! Otherwise it will be embarrassing!"

Su Shirley was stunned by this chorus, and said repeatedly: "Xiaoyang, it's true that the business failed, right? It's okay! Mom has told you before that nothing can be done in one go. This time Don’t leave when you come back, stay at home for a few days!”

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head: "I just have time to come back this time and buy something to repay you, Mom and Dad."

"Oh, I've said it several times about returns. I just started a business, so don't spend money randomly! You still have to save money to buy a house and marry a wife!"

Mother Ye breathed a sigh of relief.

"Haha, I really want to see what good things a company that can't even make 1.8 million a year can bring you."

Su's third daughter-in-law pouted. She was afraid that she wouldn't be able to borrow the money today, so she just smashed the jar and ridiculed her before leaving, otherwise she would not be relieved.

"You old woman, why do you say things that others don't want to hear!"

Su Laosan pretended to scold, and then smiled at Ye Xuanting in a sinister voice: "That's what my wife said, don't take it to heart, Xiaoyang is here now, the things he got back must not be too valuable, after all, it's nothing Money!”

"It's not like that boy in my family who has been working for several years. Every time he comes back during the Chinese New Year, he brings several bottles of Erguotou, which cost thousands! Alas, but it can't be compared like this, kid! It's all about your heart!"


Ye Xuanting twitched the corner of his mouth and smiled kindly.

"Yes, yes, it's mainly about my heart."

Su Shirley nodded, and then she saw Yu Momo who was moving things. Just now, Yu Momo was putting things away, but he didn't see his face. Now when he raised his head, she was immediately startled, and she leaned into Ye Yang's ear: "Son, where did you kidnap a big star and bring him home! And let his girls do rough work! You!!! I really don't know what to say about you..."

Ye Yang shook his head dumbfounded: "Mom... this is not a big star, she is my secretary, her name is Yu Momo."


Su Shirley blinked, those with the secretary were all big shots only in TV series!

Moreover, such a beautiful lady serves as a secretary...

"Don't be careless. Although your intentions are important, we are also curious about what kind of gift your son brought back!"

After Su Lao's third wife saw Yu Momo's appearance and compared it with her son's girlfriend, she became even more jealous and dissatisfied. After much deliberation, she could only find some face in the gift.

"Ahem, there's nothing to see... I think I'd better forget it."

Ye Xuanting waved his hand, worried that his son would lose face in front of outsiders.

"Don't, Old Ye, maybe it's really something good! Are you afraid that I will ask for the gift from your son?"

Su Lao San smiled and approached.


Ye Xuanting was about to stop him, but saw Ye Yang waving his hand. Due to the tacit understanding between father and son for many years, he didn't say much.

"This is..."

As soon as the first hardcover package was opened, there were several cartons of high-end cigarettes and several boxes of Cohiba cigars.

"Hiss... This, this is soft Zhonghua! And Tianxia... Fuji Sanju... And they are all the most expensive ones."

Su Lao San was dumbfounded. He was an old smoker and alcoholic, otherwise he wouldn't have to borrow money every day. Although he couldn't afford expensive cigarettes and alcohol, it didn't mean that he didn't understand cigarettes and alcohol.

"This is the 95 commemorative gold thread model. A box costs thousands, and a cigarette costs tens of thousands!"

"This cigarette alone costs tens of thousands of yuan."

"And this cigar, a rare thing for foreigners, is very expensive. At least a thousand Chinese yuan per cigarette! These dozens of cigarettes are tens of thousands of yuan again."

Su Laosan was amazed.

"That's the Cohiba Spear, 50,000 yuan per cigarette. If you don't know it, don't embarrass yourself here."

Yu Momo snorted and added a knife on the side.


Su Laosan was so scared that his hands were shaking. He almost didn't hold the cigarette box in his hand. He carefully put it back to its original place and smiled angrily.

"50,000 yuan per cigarette! Burning money!? Xiaoyang, is this true or not!"

Not to mention Su Laosan and his wife, even Ye's father and mother were stunned.

This is not smoking, this is smoking gold...

(First update)

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