Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 249 I have 100 million in this card. If I lend it to you, would you dare to spend it?


Su Laosan swallowed, feeling that something seemed not right.

He opened the larger hardcover bag underneath, and his eyes suddenly widened: "I'll go! I'll choke you! This, this, this..."

"What's wrong? I'm so surprised!"

Su's third daughter-in-law is depressed at the moment. She didn't get the money she borrowed. Her son's girlfriend is not as beautiful as others, and the gift she gave her in the end seems to be not as good as others?

What happened to Su Laosan? Being so surprised doesn't encourage others to become presumptuous and destroy one's own ambition!

Su Laosan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He couldn't help but be surprised. He couldn't control himself at all!

"What's going on! What a ghost!"

Su's third daughter-in-law asked with a frown.

"Five-star Feitian Moutai! Guojiao Hanwang! No bottle sells for less than 10,000 yuan! Just the dozen bottles here alone cost more than 200,000 yuan!"

"These three bottles inside are even more amazing! This Guojiao 1573360, a bottle costs 350,000 yuan! And this Wuliangye 90th anniversary gold medal commemorative wine, a bottle of 880,000 yuan... This, this is 1958 Five Star Maotai!!! Oh my god...this bottle costs more than one million!"

When he saw the last bottle of 1958 Five Star Moutai, Su Laosan was so scared that he sat down on the ground, his body trembling.

These legendary tobacco and alcoholic beverages, which only appear in the news and statistics on the most expensive liquor lists, actually appeared in front of him today!

This... is just like daydreaming!

"Wife, slap me..."

Su Laosan muttered.


Without saying anything, Su Laosan's wife really slapped her in the face.

"Are you a tiger girl? You really slap me!"

Su Lao's three teeth were loosened by the slap, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding.


Su Laosan's wife was also frightened by the price. She did exactly what Su Laosan said just now. Only now did she react: "Are you sure you got it right..."

"Absolutely! I still have this bit of vision."

Su Laosan patted his chest and assured that as a combination of a super smoker and an alcoholic who had lost all his family property by smoking and drinking, his knowledge of tobacco and alcohol was second only in the town, but no one dared to call him first!

"...I'll go, if the total value of this tobacco and alcohol is sold, I can buy a big villa in Spring City!"

Su's third daughter-in-law marveled again and again and counted the accounts with her fingers.

As a northern city, Spring City's housing prices are not high. Even in the provincial capital, a cheaper villa can be purchased for three to four million. Compared with the villas in Shanghai that cost hundreds of millions, they seem to be much more friendly to the people.

When prices are low, wages will naturally be low.

In the eyes of ordinary residents in my hometown, thirty to fifty thousand is a lot of money.

With hundreds of thousands you can buy a car and marry a wife, with millions you can buy a house in full and reach the pinnacle of your life.

How many millions are used to buy some cigarettes and alcohol?

This is not even rich... It is simply an unimaginable shock!

"I never thought I would see such a luxury product costing millions a bottle in my lifetime!"

Su Laosan was amazed again and again. At this time, he no longer even had the heart to compare, only deeply shocked.

Only when the gap is almost the same will I be jealous.

The gap is too big, and all that's left is envy and reverence.

Who would be envious of Ma Yun and Wang Silin? There is no reason to be jealous...because they are so rich that they have nothing to do with ordinary life.


The old couple were completely stunned at this time, looking at the cigarettes and alcohol over there, and at the same time looking at their son.

Ye Yang smiled and nodded. He took out those bottles of wine from the villa's wine cellar, and it took him a long time to select them.

It took a lot of effort to pick out a few bottles of wine priced under RMB 1 million. I have to say that cheap wine is really hard to find...

"Oh my God, Xiaoyang, what kind of business are you doing..."

Su Shirley blinked: "Don't..."

"Don't worry, Mom, it's a serious financial company, investing money in stocks, controlling holdings and so on."

Ye Yang made random nonsense.

"Ah...stock trading does make money quickly, but the risk is high! Otherwise, if you can make some money, you can switch to something else. You will earn less, but it is safer."

Ye Xuanting nodded. As a middle-aged man, he knew something about stocks.

"Yeah, don't worry, Dad."

Ye Yang smiled and nodded, making a fool of himself.

This is not a lie!

Spending money, and then the system rewards you with money, is another type of investment!

Although I am definitely spending money without losing money...

"Ahem, my God, Lao Ye, this kid of yours has great potential..."

Su Laosan murmured.

"Yes, yes, that's so right, no wonder my second brother always comes to your house to give gifts..."

Su's third daughter-in-law suddenly realized that Su Ziyan's father said that his family's conditions were not bad and that he had millions at home, yet he rushed to the Ye family to give gifts. It turned out that the son of the Ye family was so successful. !

"Ahem... Look, the two of us actually said those ungrateful things just now. Lao Ye, please don't pay attention! We are leaving now..."

Su Laosan tugged at the corner of his wife's clothes and smiled repeatedly.

"Yes, yes, we're leaving now, we're leaving now..."

Su's third daughter-in-law also nodded and bowed, walking towards the door as she spoke.

The truth is so ridiculous.

When you have money, a group of poor relatives will come to collect money from you like a debt collector.

When you are rich beyond their understanding, they will instinctively fear you...

"Don't leave, don't you want to borrow money? I have 100 million in my card, don't you need it?"

Ye Yang sneered, took out a black card at random, and asked lightly.

"No, no, no, you're kidding me... You dare to borrow this money, but we don't dare to spend it!"

"Ahem, we have something to do tonight, so I won't bother you much, haha!"

The two of them, Su and Lao San, were scared to death and didn't dare to stay any longer.

Some people want to lend you a hundred thousand, maybe they are sincere, but some people want to lend you a hundred million, but everyone can taste the meaning. They are all common people, even if they are rogue, they are always aware of themselves.

Even if they had a hundred courages, they wouldn't dare to provoke such a super big shot.

"We won't stay for dinner! The rice is already stewed!"

Ye Xuanting also said dumbfounded.

"No, no, Xiaoyang finally came back, and I want you and your family to have a good gathering!"


As soon as they went out, they bumped into two sisters, Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu, who had just come up.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Su Laosan and his wife were obviously very frightened. They apologized when they saw others and almost fell down while walking up the stairs.

"These two uncles and aunties are so strange."

Xiao Xiaozhu shook his head and entered the door of Ye's house with Xiao Qingxuan.

"Hey...hey...look, those two beauties also entered the Ye family just now."

Su Laosan's wife looked back in fear and poked Su Laosan.

"Oh, big boss, don't talk about three beauties. Even if you raise three hundred to strengthen a company, we can't take care of it. You old ladies, stop causing trouble and go home! Don't ever come here again to rely on money. Well, if that young man gets angry and hires two bodyguards to throw us out, we won’t have anywhere to cry..."

"That's right..."

Su's third daughter-in-law nodded repeatedly.

(Second update)

Thanks to book friend Zha Tian Bang Se Sheng for his two love letters~

Thanks to book friend 3403/6958 for the like~

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