Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 251: Fighting for favor? The licking dog comes to the door

"Don't pay attention to him."

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head, cut the roast chicken into pieces and put them on plates: "Okay, serve the dishes!"

"Well, brother, I'll help you."

Ye Xiaozi smiled and nodded, and then helped Ye Yang to serve the dishes and rice.

"It looks pretty good."

Ye's mother raised her eyebrows: "It seems that my son's cooking skills have really improved. Let me try it..."

She scooped a spoonful of soup, took a sip, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

"This is too delicious!"

"You don't have to praise your son like this!"

Ye's father smiled and shook his head, and took a sip of the soup cooked by Ye Yang in disbelief: "Okay... I was wrong, this is really a delicious taste I have never tasted in my life! If I had known that my son had such a strong talent for cooking, it would have been nice to send him to be a chef."

"Come on!"

Ye's mother smiled and shook her head: "If our son had become a chef, how could he have achieved what he has now?"

Both of them smiled very satisfied.

The better the child is, the prouder the parents are.

Ye Yang also smiled. Getting thousands of compliments from others was not as good as the wonderful feeling brought by the pride of parents from the bottom of their hearts.

If there were top-notch kitchen utensils and ingredients, the deliciousness of his meal could be increased several times, but even so, Ye's father and mother were very happy to eat.

Whether it was their satisfaction with their son or the actual taste of the meal, they were extremely surprised.

"I now have my own house in Shanghai. If you two want to move there, I will buy you a property next to my house, so that it will be convenient to take care of you two."

Ye Yang suggested.

"No... You are just starting a business, and I am afraid you don't have much money. Houses in Shanghai are so expensive..."

Su Shirley said with some concern.

"Don't worry about the money, just buy a house."

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head.

Su Xueli and Ye Xuanting looked at each other, then shook their heads in tacit understanding: "I'm old, and it's hard to leave my hometown..."

"Everything is indeed more convenient and more modern in the Magic City."

Ye Yang advised.


Both of them were silent.

Ye Yang nodded: "In that case, let's respect your ideas, Dad and Mom. It only takes a few hours for me to go back and forth, which is actually quite convenient."

The concept of hometown and hometown is very important in the hearts of the older generation. Here, there are their past and relatives and friends they have known for so many years.

Leaving their hometown and living in other places is not something that everyone can accept.

Ye Yang also respects his parents' ideas. Anyway, from the Magic City to Spring City, there is the most advanced G950, and it only takes an afternoon to go back.

"Come on, boss, eat meat!"

Yu Momo picked up a piece of boiled beef for Ye Yang.

Seeing this, Xiao Qingxuan on the side was not to be outdone. She directly picked up a pig's trotter and stuffed it into Ye Yang's bowl. Seeing that the other party looked at her strangely, she could only mutter: "Eat!"


Seeing that the other two were so attentive, Xiao Xiaozhu picked up a chicken leg and stuffed it into Ye Yang's already overflowing bowl: "Boss, enjoy~"

The old couple looked at each other and saw the smiles in each other's eyes.

This kid is still a hot commodity...

Ye Yang looked at the three women who were looking at him expectantly with a smile: "You guys eat too... You guys eat too..."

"Brother, I'll come too."

Ye Xiaozi watched the fun and didn't mind the trouble. She picked up a piece of pork belly and was about to stuff it into Ye Yang's bowl.

"No more room!"

Ye Yang glared at Ye Xiaozi and quickly picked up his bowl to prevent anyone from adding meat to it.

Yu Momo shrugged his nose and looked at Xiao Qingxuan.

Xiao Qingxuan turned her head away and didn't look at him.

Now that he met his future mother-in-law, of course he had to perform well.

Just as the two women were staring at each other, preparing for the next wave of attack, there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?"

Ye Xiaozi was closest to the door, walked to the door, and looked through the doorway.

"Xiao Zi, what's wrong?"

Seeing that the door had not been opened for such a long time, Ye Yang couldn't help but ask.

"It's that Yang Haoshuo..."

Ye Xiaozi turned around and didn't want to open the door.

"Da Da Da..."

But she couldn't stand the other party knocking, so she had to open the door: "Didn't I say I won't... I don't accept you either, I don't like you at all, I've said it dozens of times! Don't come to me again in the future!!!"


Yang Haoshuo showed an inexplicable smile on his face, and then walked into the house by himself.


Originally, he was extremely confident and was about to take out a gift to convince Ye Xiaozi's parents, but he saw Ye Yang and others sitting around the big table in the living room eating: "Your family today... There are quite a lot of people..."

"What does it have to do with you! What are you doing in here!"

Ye Xiaozi frowned.

"Da Da Da..."

Before she finished, some strong men in black clothes appeared at the door, looking ferocious.

"Oh, my brother-in-law is here too."

Yang Haoshuo smiled shamelessly, looked around, and couldn't help but be amazed. The three beauties present were all stunning!

When did stunning beauties become so common?

"Who is your brother-in-law? Get out."

Ye Yang frowned, glanced at the unfriendly black-clad men at the door, and raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Don't be so absolute..."

The men in black separated from each other, and a man with gold teeth walked out of them, grinning: "To put it bluntly, my little nephew has fallen in love with your girl, and he will give you a gift of one million, plus three buildings in the city, and an Audi A8. I am here to propose marriage on behalf of my little nephew."

"Refuse, get out."

Ye Yang waved his hand, obviously not paying attention to the other party at all.

This bluffing little gangster was able to talk to him because his nephew was his sister's classmate.

In the Magic City, even a super boss like Qian Boxian has to talk to him respectfully. A little guy who appears out of nowhere is naturally not worthy of being treated by him.


Su Shirley tugged on Ye Yang's sleeve and whispered: "This group of people is not a good person at first glance. If the strong dragon does not overwhelm the local snake, it is better to be cautious..."

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head, turned to look at the gold-toothed man, and shouted: "Why are you still standing here? I told you to get out."

"Tsk, tsk, you have such a strong tone!"

The big man with gold teeth slapped the table, his eyes widened, and he seemed a bit imposing.

Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu both stood up suddenly.

The two of them join forces, and on the international battlefield, with a hail of bullets and bullets, hundreds of special forces are no match for them, let alone a few gangsters?

(Second update)

Thanks to book friend 1077/0185 for a love letter~

Thank you book friends for the soaring inspiration capsule!

Thanks to the book friends for listening to Qie Feng Yin~

Thanks to book friend Ye Mo Feng Shen, Lord and Minister, Cold Wine Cools the Heart, Seven Deadly Sins~A Love Letter from Lust~

Thanks to book friend Long Ge who loves spicy chicken neck, 3628/0303 likes~

Thanks to book friend 3377/3249 for a love letter~

Thanks to book friend Evergreen for your praise~

Thanks to the book friend who likes the beautiful jade of wild osmanthus for sending me the blade!

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