Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 252 You'd better take care of yourself

"What? You want to take action? These little girls are quite courageous."

The big man with gold teeth sneered, obviously not paying attention to these people in the room. After all, they were all pretty girls, and they didn't have much fighting ability at first glance.

"Is it?"

Xiao Qingxuan raised the corner of her mouth and moved her wrist: "Follow the boss, I haven't exercised properly for a long time, I'm afraid you won't resist the beating."

"Humph, my nephew looks up to you, don't be ignorant!"

Yang Shulin, a man with gold teeth, shouted angrily: "My family is in the steel business, and the general manager of Spring City is a guest of our family! I have checked your family, but they are just two ordinary employees. Marrying into our family, that is Go high!”

"One million as a gift. I'm afraid you have never seen so much money in your life, right? Haha... I come here with full sincerity."

"Courtesy first, then attack. If you don't accept this gift... humph..."

The man with gold teeth glanced at the men in black behind him seemingly unintentionally, and sneered: "I'm afraid your family will have a hard time in the future!"

"What? How dare you hit someone in broad daylight?"

Ye Xiaozi clenched her fists and shouted angrily.

"Hitting people? Who still uses such low means nowadays. There are many ways for disgusting people to do it without breaking the law."

Yang Shulin sneered. The law only stipulates a legal bottom line, but the moral bottom line is far above this bottom line. Between the moral bottom line and the legal bottom line is the space where people with malicious intentions can roam at will: "I see you have also read As a scholar, you can think about the problem and figure out whether you should accept this heavy betrothal gift and marry your daughter now, or you should be forced to give your daughter away later..."

Yang Shulin sneered, and as he spoke, he seemed to have decided on Ye Xiaozi.

"You're looking for death."

Ye Yang's eyes suddenly turned cold.

"Don't be impulsive... We can call the police to resolve this matter..."

Ye Xuanting also wanted to stand up.

Although it seems that there are many people in his family now, after all, he and Ye Yang are the only two men. If there is a conflict, he will definitely suffer.

"Don't worry, Dad..."

Ye Yang smiled lightly and said calmly.

With Fang Han's ability, now the other party directly broke into his house and made a wave of personal threats, which was enough to sentence them to several years.

But calling the police now was not in his nature.

If the other party can still walk out of his house without threatening his sister, then he will no longer be Ye Yang.

Ye Xuanting looked at the ferocious gold-toothed man, and at the calm Ye Yang, and finally sat down: "Now that Xiaoyang is also the boss of a big company, he should not be too impulsive..."

Before Ye Xuanting finished thinking, he heard a loud bang.

When he came back to his senses, the fierce-looking middle-aged man with gold teeth had his entire face pressed directly onto the dining table by Ye Yang with one hand. His gold teeth were knocked off, and the corners of his twisted mouth kept making gasping sounds.


This sudden change made Ye's father and Ye's mother stunned. Not only them, but also the group of black-clothed gangsters behind them were confused.

So decisive?

Shouldn't we just have a few words of quarrel first, and then be too frightened by the eldest brother's background to dare to take action, and have no choice but to agree to the marriage...

Why did you suddenly take action! ?

Ye Yang sneered and looked at the group of gangsters behind him who were about to make a move: "If you do anything again, I'll slap his head to pieces."


A group of boys looked left and right, all stunned. Who is the gangster? This kid looks even darker than a gangster...

"You, what are you going to do! Do you know who my uncle is? How dare you do it? You..."

"shut up."

Ye Yang glanced at Yang Haoshuo and said coldly.


Although Yang Haoshuo's uncle was a member of the gang, he was only a high school student. Ye Yang's aura now made him afraid to speak when he drank deeply.

Father Ye and Mother Ye were also looking at this scene in confusion at this time. It had to be said that the aura and sharpness of Ye Yang could not be achieved by bluffing.

"Illegal intrusion, personal threats, just these few, the team of lawyers I have can make you stay in jail for ten years, but..."

Ye Yang picked up the middle-aged Jin Ya with one hand, kicked him away, and rolled out of the door.

"I'm still going to beat you up first."

"Stop bluffing and give back to the legal team. A newly graduated college student can..."

Yang Shulin's gold teeth were knocked out and his speech was leaky.

Before he could get up, Ye Yang stepped on him again, slamming him directly into the wall.


This time, the force was so strong that several bones in his chest were crushed, and a mouthful of blood flowed out of the corner of his mouth.

The little gangsters around were trembling with fear.

The most they usually do is fight on the streets to make ends meet and work as foreigners to make some money. To be honest, Ye Yang's ferocity is even worse than any of them.

"What are you waiting for! Fuck him for me!"

Yang Shulin shouted angrily in embarrassment.

"Ah this..."

The few gangsters looked at Yang Shulin's miserable state and hesitated.

"Damn it, he held me hostage, why don't you hold a few women hostage? You are so damn stupid!"

Yang Shulin was so angry that he almost fainted.


Ye Yang was fierce, so they didn't dare to provoke him. But those girls were so delicate and beautiful, so they wanted to rush up and hold one or two hostages. At this time, they rushed forward one after another, fearing that they would fall behind.

Ye Yang sneered and didn't care at all.

"What are you going to do!"

Ye Xuanting couldn't sit still anymore, so he stood up at level 2. Now he was the only man left in the room, and he couldn't let the girls protect him, right?

But before he could do anything, he saw Xiao Qingxuan's agile figure rushing out directly.

He kicked the guy in front of him, and directly broke his happiness in the second half of his life, and he fell to the ground in pain.

He kicked one person down with one kick, and then he did a 180-degree high kick, which directly hit the left ear of the second young man.


I just felt a buzz in my head, and the whole person flew up, and hit the wall next to him, and fainted directly.


The remaining two saw that the situation was not good and turned to run, but were caught up by Xiao Qingxuan. One of them kicked them down the stairs, and they fell and fell, with blood on their heads and covered with wounds.


Father and mother Ye were stunned. When Ye Yang just came back and said that this little girl was a bodyguard, they didn't believe it. Now seeing such a fierce Xiao Qingxuan, they had to believe it.

Yang Shulin's eyes also showed disbelief: "Waste! All waste! Four people can't beat a woman!!!!"

"You'd better pray for yourself!"

Ye Yang said lightly with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

(First update)

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