Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 253: Bought a villa casually


Yang Shulin's face flushed. He understood the situation now. The young man in front of him was not a freshly graduated college student as described in the information. He was clearly a hungry wolf who would eat anyone he could!

"Heh, you should save this for the judge!"

Ye Yang sneered: "Do you want me to take you to the Security Bureau, or do you want to go there yourself?"

"You hit me, and you want to sue me?"

Yang Shulin was stunned.

"You broke into someone else's house without permission and threatened me. I was just defending myself appropriately."

Ye Yang spread his hands.


Yang Shulin rolled and crawled, covering his chest, and ran out of the house. When he walked into the corridor, he left a fierce sentence: "My Yang family has a few lawyer friends. You can accept the consequences of this matter today!"

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Qingxuan kicked him directly and kicked him down the stairs. He fell to the ground and broke several teeth.

Yang Haoshuo was so scared that he almost peed his pants at this time. Of course, he didn't dare to say anything else. He hurriedly ran down to help his uncle Broken Tooth.

"Brother, are you just letting them go?"

Ye Xiaozi said with some worry.

"Don't worry."

Ye Yang smiled and waved his hand, and then called Fang Han directly.

Jincheng Law Firm has connections up and down, so it is easy to deal with a few local bullies.

"Boss, don't worry."

After understanding the situation, Fang Han was also confident: "I will immediately file a lawsuit against them in your name. With our relationship, they will be summoned tonight. At most three days, I will give you a satisfactory result."

Ye Yang nodded. Fang Han has always been reliable in doing things.

"Okay, let's continue eating?"

Ye Yang spread his hands and smiled slightly, as if nothing had happened.

"Xiaoyang, I know a little about Yang Haoshuo's family. His uncle is the boss of Sitong Steel and has a great influence in Chuncheng. He disappeared in the past few years due to the crackdown on gangs and evil, but a lean camel is bigger than a horse! Will this happen..."

Ye Xuanting was a little worried.

Ye Xiaozi rubbed Ye Xuanting's shoulders: "Don't worry, Dad, trust your brother!"

"Well... But you have to be extremely careful, after all, it's hard to guard against villains."

Ye Xuanting nodded. He could see that Ye Yang's performance just now was obviously accustomed to the storms and handled things calmly. Compared with handling things, even he couldn't catch up.

Now facing a behemoth like Sitong Steel, he can only trust his son.

"I understand, Dad, let's continue eating."

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head.

He has heard about the evil forces of the Yang family. Sitong Steel is a big company in the eyes of his parents, but in his eyes, it is just a small shrimp.

The total market value is less than 2 billion.

This kind of small company, if placed in the Magic City, would never dare to provoke me even if he had a hundred guts.

But my parents are still ordinary people after all, and it is normal that they can't change their thinking for a while.

"If the Yang family is sensible, this matter will be over. If they insist on their own way, I don't mind changing the name of this company."

Ye Yang said lightly.

After dinner, Ye Yang accompanied his parents to eat melon seeds and chat, and watch TV, which was very warm.

"Our house is indeed a little small. So many people came suddenly. I'm afraid there will be no place to live in a while."

Ye's mother said a little worriedly.

"Ah, don't worry about this. I just asked Momo to buy a villa in the villa community close to our house. I will take them there to clean up first, and pick you up tomorrow."

Ye Yang said with a smile.


Father and mother Ye looked at each other and asked in disbelief: "Are you sure you bought a villa, not a pound of cabbage?"

Ye Yang nodded in confirmation: "It's not expensive anyway, haha..."

The house price here in my hometown is relatively low. A good villa is only seven or eight million. For him, it's just a few meals.

Just now, I asked Yu Momo to place an order.

The villa area next to my hometown is a new building, with fine decoration for sale, and there are many empty houses. You can move in and live directly.


Living in a villa, in the minds of the older generation, is a treatment that only the rich can have!

The old couple thought they would never have a chance to have a villa in their lifetime.

Knowing that Ye Yang had just bought a house, Ye's father and mother didn't know what to say...


"I know you must be reluctant to leave the old house here. I have ordered a Maybach online. It is estimated that it will arrive tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Don't you have a driver's license? When the time comes, drive the car and take mom to live wherever you want. It will take less than half an hour to go back and forth."

Ye Yang arranged it properly and said: "I am also looking for the aunt who cleans the house and the housekeeper. They should be in place in the next few days. Anyway, you two old people don't have to worry about it."


Father Ye was silent for a long time, and finally patted Ye Yang on the shoulder. He spoke earnestly with an indelible pride: "My son has really grown up..."

Seeing that Ye Yang had arranged everything first and then asked, it didn't make much sense to say anything at this time. Su Shirley could only accept it, but still asked: "I know you are filial, but don't spend money indiscriminately in the future."

"I know, mom..."

Ye Yang laughed and added in his heart: "But you have to spend it!"

In the evening, Ye Yang came to the new villa he bought for his parents and frowned slightly. Compared with his own Yundingshan villa, it was still a lot less impressive.

However, the best and closest villas in Chuncheng are almost like this, so he had to make do with it.

"It should be ready tonight."

Yu Momo looked at the busy hourly workers around him and reported.


Ye Yang nodded slightly. The house has been bought. It's just a matter of time before he moves in. He is not in a hurry.

Back to his hometown, a good night's sleep.

The next day, Lin Xueer asked Ye Yang out.

"When we were in high school, we took this road."

Lin Xueer's eyes also showed a look of nostalgia.

"Yes, you waited for me here every day after school, and insisted on going home with me."

Ye Yang laughed.

"Who made Brother Ye Yang so popular..."

Lin Xueer blushed and defended.


Ye Yang smiled and shook his head, looking at his old school, and ordered a cup of milk tea at the milk tea shop opposite the school, as if he had returned to his student days.

Seeing this group of handsome men and beautiful women on the road, they were all envious.

Just as the two were talking and laughing, a BMW stopped in front of them, the window rolled down, and a surprised voice came from inside: "Ye Yang, Lin Xueer, it's really you two!"

(Second update)

Thanks to book friends 3157/4269 for the likes~

Thanks to book friends Guifushengong for sending blades and Bobo milk tea!

Thanks to book friends 1807/2528 for the likes~

Thanks to book friends Nanjia-Nanzheng for the three love letters and blades!

Thanks to book friend Mi for the likes~

Thanks to book friends 4274/5224 for sending blades!

Thanks to book friend Yuxian for a love letter~

Thanks to book friends 4124/9972 for the likes~

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