Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 259 Today, you can’t take it away alone

"It's really 1982 Lafite! I've only seen this stuff online. It's a noble drink, and a bottle costs tens of thousands!"

All the classmates looked at the two bottles of red wine in amazement and exclaimed.

Ye Yang didn't feel anything about this, after all, he is the current owner of Lafite Winery.

Among the precious red wines, 1982 Lafite is just an entry-level one, similar to the collection-level red wine. I have drunk a lot of red wines that cost hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars a bottle, so naturally I don't have much desire for 1982 Lafite.

"Drink as much as you want, don't go home until you're drunk!"

After spending so much money, Yang Haoqiang didn't need to show anything, and naturally there were a bunch of licking dogs who regarded him as the protagonist and surrounded him to flatter him.

Yang Haoqiang was obviously familiar with all this. After three rounds of wine and five dishes, everyone was tipsy. He stood up pretending to be drunk and sat next to Liu Yao: "Classmate, do you want a drink?"

"Ahem, Brother Qiang, you are drunk."

Lin Ningdan, who was standing next to him, almost spit out a mouthful of wine. He was so scared that he ran over to help.

"I'm not drunk. Good wine goes with beautiful women!"

Yang Haoqiang smiled faintly and handed a full glass of red wine to Liu Yao's mouth.

Liu Yao was obviously a little panicked and looked at Lin Ningdan at a loss.


Lin Ningdan obviously also tasted that something was wrong with the situation. He kept saying: "Brother Qiang, this is my fiancée, you..."

"I just asked him to have a drink! What does it have to do with her being your fiancée!"

Yang Haoqiang shouted in a deep voice, which suddenly scared Lin Ningdan so much that he dared not say a word. He suddenly turned around and said abruptly: "Drink!"

Lin Ningdan didn't dare to provoke Yang Haoqiang, so he had to give Liu Yao a look for help.


Liu Yao showed a hint of disappointment in her eyes, so she had to take the wine glass, frowned, and drank the red wine in the glass.

"That's right!"

Yang Haoqiang smiled and turned around and patted Lin Ningdan's face: "So, don't be so ignorant. You are scared like this after drinking a glass of wine. If I take her out for a night, won't you turn against me?"

As soon as these words came out, all the classmates who were still smiling suddenly became silent. Even if they were thick-skinned, they could see that there was something wrong with the atmosphere.

"Brother Yang, you are really drunk. How dare I turn against you? But taking my fiancée out is such a joke..."

Lin Ningdan tried to figure out the words.

"Who the hell wants to joke with you!"

Yang Haoqiang glared and sneered: "Do you really think I'm giving you face for nothing? Giving you a chance to stay at Binyue Restaurant for nothing? Giving you a meal worth 300,000 yuan for nothing? Playing dumb? Don't be shameless!"

Looking at Yang Haoqiang's true colors, Lin Ningdan was completely panicked.

"Let's go?"

Yang Haoqiang pulled Liu Yao up with one hand.

Liu Yao struggled: "Ning Dan!!!"


Lin Ning Dan's eyes also showed a struggle. He wanted to raise his hands several times, but when he saw Yang Haoqiang's cold eyes, he gave up. In the end, he had to sigh and turned his back...


Liu Yao gritted her teeth: "I was really blind and misjudged you!"

"Haha, just accept your fate."

Yang Haoqiang laughed loudly: "And you! I spent hundreds of thousands to treat you to silence, don't be ungrateful, who dares to go out and say something behind my back, I guarantee that he will have no place to stand in Chuncheng!"

After that, he turned around and pointed at Lin Xueer: "And that girl, accompany this young master for a trip?"

All the classmates looked over in an instant. Even Lin Ning Dan, who had a family fortune of over 100 million, was scared. Ye Yang...

Although they felt it was a bit impossible, they could only hope that Ye Yang would dare to resist.

Anyway, they didn't dare to do it. It was a very realistic problem. The other party was too powerful, and they were too ordinary. If they cared about such things, they would be asking for trouble. They couldn't afford to offend them.

So, although they all condemned their cowardice in their hearts, most of them only dared to glare at each other and clench their fists.

"Brother Ye Yang..."

Lin Xueer was holding Ye Yang's hand, and she was also a little nervous. Although she knew that Ye Yang was different now, this was not Ye Yang's territory after all. A strong dragon couldn't suppress a local snake...

Ye Yang laughed. He had long seen that Yang Haoqiang had bad intentions, but he didn't expect that he would be so shameless and disgusting.

"What? You don't agree?"

Yang Haoqiang also saw that these classmates were holding back their anger, and they were waiting for someone to say the first word, and then the anger would burst out. Therefore, he had to suppress this tendency and directly scare Ye Yang so that he dared not speak. Today's matter was considered a success.

"I agree... Nima coin!"

Ye Yang sneered and said the second half of the sentence, which made the smug look on Yang Haoqiang's face suddenly disappear.

The students who were originally quite disappointed and about to sigh suddenly raised their heads, their eyes brightened.

"That's right! Do you think this is still the old society!"

"Strongly seize someone's girlfriend? Even if you have some money, you can't be so domineering!"


The students who still have some sense of justice in their hearts stepped forward and stood directly beside Ye Yang, aggressively.


Zheng Xian on the side was not so anxious, but looked at Yang Haoqiang with some sympathy in his heart. The boss was so awesome, he knew it better than Lin Xueer, and he still remembered the scene of dozens of chairmen coming out in full force.

The entire financial building belongs to Ye Yang! That's hundreds of billions of assets!

As long as this kind of big guy doesn't break the law, China can basically walk sideways. How dare a rich second-generation from a small place provoke Ye Yang? I'm afraid he doesn't know how to write the word death?

"Tsk... You kid is the only one who dares to show off to me in my territory."

Yang Haoqiang nodded with a sneer and pointed at Ye Yang: "I will remember you."

"No need to remember, you are not far from death anyway."

Ye Yang said lightly.


Yang Haoqiang smashed the wine glass directly on the ground: "Okay! Hero saves the beauty, pretending to be a tough guy here!"

With this crisp sound, more than a dozen fierce bodyguards with electric batons came in from outside and surrounded them. All the classmates had never seen such a scene before, and their faces turned pale.

"Your grandfather is not qualified to talk to me like this even if he is standing in front of me."

Ye Yang stared at Yang Haoqiang sternly: "Today, you are alone, don't even think about taking me away."

Liu Yao's eyes were shocked, and her eyes instantly turned red. Compared with Ye Yang, Lin Ningdan was just a pile of... no, not even as good as a pile of shit! He is not worthy of being called a man at all!

The classmates were also aroused by Ye Yang's words. Except for those rich second-generations and some people who had a wrong outlook on life, they all stood together spontaneously.

Ye Yang's side suddenly felt that there were more people and more power, and the situation was reversed instantly.


Yang Haoqiang's face suddenly darkened. The crackdown in recent years was not just talk. Although he was arrogant, he did not dare to make a big deal.

When the two sides were deadlocked, the door opened again.

When Yang Haoqiang saw the old man who looked like an old pine tree, he was stunned: "Grandpa, why are you here!?"

(Second update)

Thanks to book friend 4130/0703 for the likes~

Thanks to book friend 1931/1297 for the love letter~

Thanks to book friend 2084/3006 for the likes~

Thanks to book friend 2378/9693 for the love letter~

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