"Da Da Da..."

A full twenty or thirty elite bodyguards rushed in directly.

The faces of the students who gathered together showed fear. After all, there were still many people here before. The other side was the old man, and this side was instantly at a disadvantage.

Ye Yang's eyes flashed, and then he figured out the reason.

After all, he is the real power holder of the billion-dollar family. It is impossible for him to come here specially because of the jealousy of his grandson.

Even if Yang Shulin lost the case and was sent to prison, he would not let him go in person.

The only situation is that there is a person who is equal to him or even he must come to see. Think about it, he is the only one with this status.

Therefore, when Yang Delin arrived, Ye Yang became relaxed. He originally thought that he had to take action to calm the storm, but now it seems that he has saved a lot of trouble.

"Grandpa, why are you here!"

Yang Haoqiang was trembling with fear. This old man Yang was the one who had the final say in the Yang family. He was powerful and iron-fisted. No one dared to say no to him.

So, everyone in the Yang family respected and feared him, not to mention him, a young man in the Yang family.

"What's going on?"

Yang Delin frowned and looked at the situation in the room. His heart sank and he suddenly asked.


Yang Haoqiang was about to explain.

"Shut up."

Yang Delin waved his hand: "You, tell me everything."

After that, he casually pointed to a bodyguard beside him.

"Grandpa... I, I, I..."

The bodyguard's face was pale. He said he offended Yang Haoqiang, but not Yang Delin. He was still clear about the interests involved. After struggling, he told everything that happened today: "Grandpa Yang, all this is because of Young Master Yang..."


As he told the story, Yang Delin's face became more and more gloomy. He was frightened and sweaty when he heard the end. However, he couldn't show it on the surface, but his veins still couldn't help but surge.

He kicked Yang Haoqiang directly with a "bang".

Everyone present was stunned.

"Isn't this Grandpa Yang from Young Master Yang's family... How could it be..."

Wang Yibo muttered.

"Maybe Grandpa Yang is a good person?"

The girl next to him thought.

"The gang leader in the early years is still a good person. He is cruel and ruthless. He is the kind of person who looks good but has a black heart."

Several classmates who knew the inside story sneered and didn't believe it at all.


Not to mention the classmates, even the security guards on the side were also confused. What's going on?

Although the Yang family has been ordered to restrain their behavior in recent years, it's not that this little thing will make the old man so angry that he kicks Yang Haoqiang himself, right?

Yang Haoqiang is the young master of the Binyue Restaurant. In the Yang family, he is not a rubbish grandson like Yang Haoshuo who has no sense of existence...


The one who couldn't believe it the most was Yang Haoqiang. He had played with women a lot in recent years. This matter was also known to the family. He also knew that Yang Delin had always turned a blind eye to it.

Moreover, he has always been very sensible. He only attacked those ordinary families, and there would be no problem at all.

"You evil creature! I will beat you to death in a while!"

Yang Delin was in pain!

Originally, Yang Shulin had offended Ye Yang badly. He came here to apologize this time, but he saw this stupid grandson provoking Ye Yang... His luck was really amazing!

He sighed deeply in his heart and walked forward quickly.

The blue book given to him by Jincheng Law Firm contained Ye Yang's photo and relevant information. He knew too well the identity of the big boss in front of him.

If the other party returned to Ji Province with great fanfare, even the governor of Ji Province would have to meet him in person!

Compared with this giant crocodile, he was just a small fish fry, how dare he show off?


Seeing this, all the classmates couldn't help but take a few steps back. The big boss's power was not just talk, and a group of ordinary people subconsciously avoided him like a tiger.

This retreat immediately revealed Ye Yang.

Unlike the doubts on the faces of others, Ye Yang's face was always calm, as if all this was within his expectations.

"Mr. Ye! Delin is late. Did my evil grandson disturb you?"

Yang Delin walked in front of Ye Yang and bowed deeply, keeping his posture very low.


"This!? Old Master Yang bowed down to apologize in person?"

"Fuck! This, this, this..."

Everyone present felt their scalps tingling.

Yang Delin was a top-notch figure in Chuncheng. What kind of person could make him be so humble?

This person was their former classmate? Even some of them looked down upon him not long ago... a 'loser' who was unemployed right after graduation?

The rich second-generations who wanted to distance themselves from Ye Yang and didn't want to help Ye Yang at all trembled and fell to the ground, their faces pale. This was really too outrageous and too sensational!

Even they were like this, not to mention Yang Haoqiang. At this moment, he felt that the world was upside down!

"I... Damn..."

Yang Haoqiang covered his stomach. Yang Delin had been a gangster in his early years, so naturally he had some kung fu skills. A kick from him was simply a feeling of heartbreak...

But even this pain could not cover up his current horror: "This, this, this, this... what on earth is going on!?"

He glared hard at Lin Ningdan, who was now completely dumbfounded, and lowered his voice and said harshly: "Didn't you say that your classmates are all poor people who only have tens of millions at home? What's going on with this guy? ?”

Lin Ningdan's mouth twitched: "Don't ask me! I'm confused now too..."

"Are you the chairman of Sitong Steel, Yang Delin?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and asked casually.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Ye, you returned home in fine clothes. It is the glory of Ji Province. Why are you so low-key? I should have attended your welcome banquet, but in the end, you made such a fuss, you see..."

Yang Delin rubbed his hands and smiled awkwardly.

"How do I come back? Is that something you can control?"

Ye Yang snorted coldly.

"No, no, no, that's not what I meant..."

Yang Delin wiped the cold sweat from his head. The first article in the information calmed him down. Even the elders of Modutan and the boss Qian Boxian had to respectfully call this young man Mr. Ye!

How much influence Uncle Chambers has on the road now, the older people feel it, the deeper it is.

His status, placed in the Northeast, is that of a super boss on the same level as Mr. Zhao!

And Mr. Zhao, who had an overview of the underworld in the three provinces in his early years, was the boss of his boss Yang Delin! Although he has retired in recent years, his name is still famous.

"Yang Delin, you are not very capable, but you have given birth to a lot of good children and grandchildren!"

Ye Yang glanced at the surprised Yang Haoqiang and sneered.

"You, who exactly are you!"

Yang Haoqiang felt cold all over at Ye Yang's eyes, and fear suddenly exploded in his heart...

(First update)

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