Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 264: Selling paintings? It’s a trap

"How about it?"

Ye Yang was fanning his folding fan and wearing sunglasses as he walked in the market coolly. Just looking at his outfit, one would have thought he was a veteran who has been in this industry for a long time.

"Pfft... I just need a coat."

Lin Xueer said with a smile.

"Well, I won't buy a coat."

Ye Yang waved his hand. A three-dimensional look is enough to scare people. If he really wants to dress up like a fortune teller, it would be too much.

On the outside of Huayan Antique City, there are only small items, but inside there are fixed shops and merchants. The reputation and the items sold are relatively guaranteed and of high quality.

After finishing getting dressed, I walked towards the antique city.

Lin Xueer also started her own live broadcast and filmed everywhere.

She was originally a street photography anchor, but now that she came to Antique City, she naturally started live broadcasting subconsciously.

"Eh? Xue'er is actually on the air. It hasn't been on air for the past two days!"

“Where have you gone, surrounded by antiques?”

"It's not easy! Hey... the guy next to me looks a bit cool, but somehow he looks familiar..."

"Wow, these ladies are in love! They're so pretty!"

"Are they anchors? They are so beautiful, there is no reason why they should not be famous!"


The audience came in one after another and asked questions when they saw the scene around Lin Xueer.

As the number of people increased, some people also recognized Xiao Qingxuan.

"Isn't this the Kung Fu Heroine who was so popular some time ago? I've always been curious about her and have been paying attention to her for a long time."

"It's really her!"

"Cher actually teamed up with Kung Fu Girl! It's so dreamy!"

"Emmm, I remember that Goddess Xiao always appeared with Ye Shenhao... I'll go, this guy with sunglasses next to me..."

Ye Yang glanced at the barrage, smiled and raised his sunglasses: "It's me."

"Wow! Ye Shenhao smiled at me! Ah, I'm dead!"

"It's actually Ye Shenhao!"

"My father has not been on the air for a long time. I miss you very much! Dad Ye!!!"

"Ye Shenhao! Ye Shenhao!"

Ye Yang has not officially appeared on the scene for a long time. When he appeared now, it immediately caused a craze and the number of people in the live broadcast room skyrocketed.

It was originally Lin Xueer's live broadcast room, but now everyone in the comments started calling Ye Shenhao...

Ye Yang took back his sunglasses with some embarrassment: "The response is too enthusiastic."

"I can't help it, brother Ye Yang, you are too hot!"

Lin Xueer doesn't care. The more popular the person you like is, the happier you will naturally be!

"Ye Shenhao is still so handsome wearing sunglasses!"

"So handsome, so handsome! I have that kind of dream every night, and the protagonist is you!!!"


The corner of Xiao Qingxuan's mouth twitched: "It's so straightforward!"

Xiao Xiaozhu also covered his mouth and laughed.

"Three of my favorite people appeared together, it was so unexpected!"

"Yes, this is in the Antique City..."

"It looks familiar. It should be the largest antique city in Spring City. I've been there."


Lin Xueer also smiled and explained: "Yes, this is Huayan Antique City in Spring City."

"Wow! Ye Shenhao wants to convince people again and spend a lot of money to buy antiques?"

"Insert your eyes, hehe, I'm going to open my eyes today."


"Yucheng Antique Shop?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. Seeing that the shop in front of him was obviously bigger than the others, he walked into the shop with a few girls.

"Your painting is no good! It's fake!"

As soon as I entered the store, I saw a young man standing in front of the counter awkwardly.

Behind the counter, there was an old man with big gold teeth, fiddling with his abacus. Behind the half-hung sunglasses, there was a treacherous light in his eyes.

"However, this painting is passed down from my family and has been collected by my grandfather's generation. It cannot be fake! It is really Master Xu's painting!"

The young man said anxiously.

"Oh, you young man~ you really don't understand antiques. What's the use of telling those stories! I can tell you eighteen hundred stories like this. Who can't make up stories?"

The boss rolled his eyes. He didn't know where he learned Cantonese Mandarin. He was quite happy when he heard it: "Your painting is fake at first glance! Even if you don't have common sense, you can still know that Master Xu Beihong has always been You’re good at drawing horses! How have you ever painted a cow? It’s so fake!”


The young man's face turned red: "My grandpa won't lie to me... be kind to me. My grandpa is seriously ill now and urgently needs this money to save his life. Just accept it!"

"Okay, okay, the door is at the back. Please walk slowly without seeing me off. A new customer is here!"

The boss pressed his nose and waved his hand impatiently.

"All right……"

The young man felt a little sad, carefully put away the painting, and was about to leave.

A middle-aged man came up from behind: "Hey, young man, although your painting is an imitation, it is very charming! Boss Qian only accepts genuine products here. As for me, I personally prefer Master Xu Beihong. If you're short of money, I'll pay you 50,000 yuan for this imitation, how about it?"

A glimmer of light suddenly appeared in the young man's eyes, followed by some hesitation.

The middle-aged man raised a weird smile at the corner of his mouth: "Don't hesitate, my price is very conscientious! Ask others, for this fake product that can be seen as a fake at a glance, someone can pay 20,000 to 30,000 yuan. Not bad.”


The young man was a little confused. Grandpa still had more than 200,000 yuan left to save his life. Although 50,000 yuan was not enough, it was better than nothing...


Just when he was about to agree, a somewhat casual voice came.


Boss Qian and the middle-aged man at the counter looked over suddenly, with a hint of fierceness in their eyes that could not be concealed for a while.

"Can you show me this painting?"

Ye Yang opened his hand and smiled lightly.

"This... okay..."

The young man had lost hope. If one person said it was fake, he might still have doubts. If two people said it was fake, they were both old people in the antique circle... He subconsciously felt that his painting was really fake.


Ye Yang unfolded the scroll, which was well framed. In the picture, under the willows, shepherds rested and cattle ate grass. A sense of leisure and strength came to his face.

"My friend, what do you mean by this? Do you understand the rules? I was the first to "stare" at this."

The middle-aged man said gloomily.

Ye Yang touched the scroll, and the information in his mind came out as if it had come out of nowhere.

"Master Xu Beihong's painting of cattle herding under a willow tree, a similar work at Zurich Auction House in 2009, was sold for 9.8 million yuan. If it were worth at least 20 million yuan now, you are so generous that you would give it to him for 50,000 yuan?"

Ye Yang sneered.

This young man was obviously tricked into being a fool, which is also a common method in the antique business.

But this young man was obviously eager to save his grandfather, and he was confused for a while...

(First update)

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