Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 265: Being too clever may lead to mistakes


The corners of the middle-aged man's mouth twitched crazily: "Little brother, what do you mean! It's easy to tell that this painting is a fake! Don't talk nonsense!"

"That's right, I testify that my money is used to open an antique shop, and I will be his guarantee. You are so young, and you want to show off when you first enter the industry? I have been looking at antiques for decades! Haha, your eyesight, Can you be stronger than me?"

Boss Qian sneered.

Ye Yang glanced at Boss Qian and chuckled: "Are you a guarantee for him? A partnership to defraud people. A liar guarantees a liar?"

"You are so slanderous!"

After Boss Qian was exposed, veins popped out: "Young man, you don't follow the rules and you dare to question me, an old store manager!"

"Wow, is it true?"

"If this is true, this boss is really evil!"

"so bad!"

"It's actually a trap, I didn't even notice it just now! Can Ye Shenhao actually know how to identify treasures? He's too strong!"

The live broadcast room was also lively.

People who eat melons always maintain the strongest energy.

"You see that he is an outsider who is easy to bully and fool, so he directly calls this authentic painting a fake painting and deliberately drives it out. At this time, your accomplices appear by chance, and you can 'imitate it well' for The reason is to defraud this painting at a very low price. Afterwards, you will resell the painting and use the difference to divide the stolen money. I said that, right?"

Ye Yang sneered.


Boss Qian's face turned dark. This was considered an unspoken rule in the industry. This guy actually dared to say it so openly. Where could he put his old face?

"You're talking nonsense!"

The middle-aged man's face was even darker than Boss Qian's. The young man looked to be in his twenties, and he looked like an old man. Not only could he spot the trap they made at a glance, but he also exposed it in public.

Obviously the other party's purpose is not to cut off the bullshit, but purely to cause bad things.

"I told you that my grandfather would never lie to me!"

The young man selling the paintings frowned and said, "You two are liars!"


Seeing that the tens of millions he had received were about to fly away, Boss Qian was furious: "I said he was a fake, he is a fake! Do you dare to bet with me?"

He was confident that the other party was just a young man who happened to have seen Xu Beihong's picture of cows herding under the willows and was trying to fight him with the courage of a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers.

As long as you are tough enough, you can use your qualifications to overwhelm Ye Yang and make the other party doubt your own judgment, so they will naturally give in.

"What bet?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"If you lose, you have to pay me 100 million in compensation. If I lose, this store will collect 100 million treasures to compensate you. How about that?"

Boss Qian thinks that he is very powerful and should be able to frighten Ye Yang. Moreover, this is just a verbal bet. Even if he really loses, what if he is a deadbeat and refuses to pay?

Calling it a bet, it was actually just cheating Ye Yang out of his cleverness.

If an ordinary young man faced such a bet, he would naturally be frightened and doubt his own reasoning, and would not dare to continue for a while.

But, unfortunately, he met Ye Yang.

Others Ye Yang may not believe it, but the skill of identifying antiques is given by the system and cannot be wrong.

"I think, let's play bigger. I'll bet one billion. If you lose, I can just give this antique store to me."

Ye Yang said calmly.

"Haha... One billion, the little boy is talking really arrogantly now."

Boss Qian sneered and felt completely relieved. There was basically no rich second generation in Chuncheng who could spend one billion in cash just for a bet.

He recognized only those few.

He was convinced that this was just Ye Yang trying to deceive him.

But he is a veteran who has been involved in the antique industry for decades! How could he be intimidated by a young man?

After thinking about it, Boss Qian nodded confidently: "Okay!"

As long as Ye Yang is allowed to doubt himself and leave in despair, this picture of cattle herding under the willows will still be his!

"Did everyone hear it too?"

Ye Yang smiled and turned to look at the camera.

"I heard it!"

"We will testify for Ye Shenhao!"

"Hey, the results will come out soon. If this is really a lie, we will put this boss on the trending search and make him popular!"



Boss Qian glared, his heart trembled, and he thought to himself that he had miscalculated: "Are you doing a live broadcast!?"

"Yeah, there aren't many people watching, only a few hundred thousand."

Lin Xueer shook her phone.


Boss Qian's face turned completely pale and he was sweating profusely. These young people had come prepared! It seems that I have stepped into this trap today.

"Now that the bet has been agreed, I don't think there is any need to argue anymore. Isn't there always a Chinese national expert team in Huayan Antique City? Whether it is true or false, we will know after taking it for identification."

Yu Mo said calmly.


Boss Qian stared blankly, and secretly thought that he had done something stupid, and that he was so smart that he cost his own life...

"Why, are you scared now?"

Ye Yang looked at Boss Qian who was hesitant to speak.

"Ahem, we are all in business, why should we be in trouble when we are colleagues? You said..."

Boss Qian rubbed his hands and rolled his eyes. This group of young people was really not easy to mess with. Today, he was being smart and kicked the iron plate. He could only find a way to lose money and avoid disaster.

Thinking about it, he also came up and whispered: "Little brother, you are so noble. If you let me go today, I will give you this amount of reward afterwards!"

Boss Qian stretched out a finger.

"Ten billion?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and asked.


Boss Qian almost memorized it in one breath. His antique store would only be worth a billion or so if he sold it!

"Don't you just want to get some benefits by exposing me today? Don't be too greedy! In this way, we will work together to get this kid's painting, and the profits will be shared equally among the three of us!"

Boss Qian said with pain.

Ye Yang smiled: "Do you think I am in need of that little money?"

He took action today for no other reason than simply because he couldn't stand it.

He is not a good person, but he has his own likes and dislikes. If you see such a disgusting person, you should give him a lesson.


Boss Qian was at a loss for words and couldn't understand Ye Yang's thoughts at all. Is there anyone in the world who does things not for money?


Ye Yang sneered and waved his hand: "Fulfill your promise? This antique shop is mine now."

"Haha, it was just a verbal contract, it can't be taken seriously at all!"

Boss Qian clenched his fists and said coldly.

"Really? But when this verbal agreement was heard by hundreds of thousands of people at the same time and recorded on video, do you still think that it has no legal effect?"

Ye Yang smiled lightly.

(Second update)

Thanks to book friend Yu Shiming for the seven likes!

Thanks to Yang Qianqian, a book friend who loves eating fish-flavored loofah~

Thanks to book friends Jun and Chen for a love letter~

Thanks to book friend Su Su, 2107/0980, Love, 1097/2369, God of War Skeleton, Monica for the likes~

Thanks to book friend Shi Youchaomu for your love letter~

Thanks to book friend 5180/1322, Fenghuo Opera Princes for their praise~

Thanks to Book Friend Nine for a love letter~

Thanks to book friends, young people don’t talk about martial ethics, high praise~

Thanks to book friend FGH-1, a love letter from 1931/1297

Thanks to book friend Xiao T for sending me the razor blade and a love letter!

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