Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 267: Strike first to gain the upper hand

Driving all the way, the speed was very fast.

Soon we drove from downtown Chuncheng to the urban-rural fringe. There are no high-rise buildings here, and I instantly felt like I was back at the end of the last century.

Coupled with the unique winter wilderness feeling in the Northeast, it is refreshing and refreshing.

On November 1, light snowflakes have begun to fall, and various two-story buildings and neighboring rural huts are vaguely emerging among the small snowflakes.

"My home is not far ahead."

Zeng Niu took Ye Yang and his party to a small courtyard.

As soon as I arrived at the door of the small courtyard, I heard the noise inside.

Zeng Niu's expression changed. When he saw the open door, he secretly said something bad and ran into the yard.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and stepped into the yard.

The courtyard is neatly decorated, but it has been neglected recently, but it can be vaguely seen that the owner's previous pastoral life was very comfortable and comfortable.

"Hey! Old guy, where are those paintings of yours! You usually protect them like treasures and don't give them to us, but now that you're dying, you won't leave them to us either! Don't you think of us as relatives anymore!"

"That's right, I think you have already asked you to sell the painting. If you sell it, that's fine. The money must be divided between us! I will leave you two hundred thousand for medical treatment."

"Say it!"

"What are you doing?"

Zeng Niu saw a group of people gathered in front of his grandfather's hospital bed, making noisy noises, and eagerly pushed them away to protect Zeng Damin.

Zeng Damin closed his eyes slightly, and it seemed that he couldn't see these relatives who came to ask for money, but his face was pale, and he was obviously very ill.

"Haha, you little brat are back?! Are you selling paintings?"

The leading strong man shouted angrily.

"So what!"

Zeng Niu frowned and said, "What does it have to do with you?! My grandfather is seriously ill and you don't even pay a penny. Now you are selling paintings and you come here to share the money?"

"Little boy, we are all your uncles and elders, why are you talking to us!"

Several middle-aged men frowned and said coldly.

"Get the money out as soon as you sell it!"

"No, you won't get a penny from it!"

A hint of stubbornness flashed in Zeng Niu's eyes.

"Haha, boy, it seems that we elders have to repair you for your deceased biological father!"

Several middle-aged men were gearing up and sneered.

"Pah, pah..."

The sudden applause made everyone a little confused. They turned their heads and saw Ye Yang and his party walking in.

"Where are you from!"

"This is the Zeng family!"

"Get out!"

A few middle-aged people drove people away one after another, but when they saw the girls behind Ye Yang, they were all stunned. They were all country folk, and they were also small gangsters in their early years. How had I ever seen such angel-like people? Girls.

Moreover, there are four of them as soon as they appear!

For a moment, I even forgot to drive people away.

"What a show."

Ye Yang clapped his hands and sneered. He had seen a lot of this kind of drama on the Internet. Unexpectedly, he saw it with his own eyes today.

"Where did you come from, bastard? This is my Zeng family's own business. What does it have to do with you?"

Zeng Haiping, the leader, frowned.

"Mr. Ye, don't listen to their nonsense. I don't know them at all. They suddenly appeared after my grandfather became seriously ill. They said they were relatives who were beyond our reach, but who knows? I think they are just a bunch of ruffians. !”

Zeng Niu kept saying, fearing that Ye Yang would believe the lies of these fools.


Zeng Haiping looked around and said, "Looking at the way you are dressed, with a beautiful woman behind you, you are probably a young man, right? If I guessed correctly, you are buying paintings."

"Although I have no conscience, I still have some brains."

Ye Yang smiled lightly.


Several other middle-aged people rolled up their sleeves and stared.

But he was stopped by the leader Zeng Haiping. He changed his arrogance and said with a smile: "Brother, I don't think you should be fooled by this kid. We are the Zeng family. You are with me." It’s much cheaper to buy paintings here than with this old man.”

"Oh? The painting is in your hands?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"Well, it's not there yet, but you can wait outside for a moment. It will be ours in a while."

Several middle-aged people rubbed their hands together.


Ye Yang shook his head, there are still people in this world who can be so shameless! ?

What is the difference between these gangs and bandits?

"But Mr. Zeng said that this painting is going to be given to me. This painting is already mine. If I don't sell it, you can get out."

Ye Yang waved his hand casually.

"What!? Old guy! You!?"

Several middle-aged people stared at Zeng Damin fiercely: "Is what he said true or false!?"

Zeng Damin finally reacted. He opened his eyes with difficulty and glanced at Zeng Niu. When Zeng Niu nodded in confirmation, he smiled feebly and looked at the middle-aged people coldly: "That's right."

"you dare!"

"Okay, you old man, even if you give it away, you won't leave it to us!"

"How ridiculous!"

Several middle-aged people looked at Ye Yang fiercely: "That painting is worth hundreds of millions! I'll give it to you if you say so! Even if this damn old man agrees, our Zeng family doesn't agree!"

"You relatives who are beyond our reach should go and cool off."

Ye Yang waved his hand and said calmly: "Look, you have lost all your family ties just for some money. You didn't show up when someone was in crisis, and now you come here to ask for money. How can you show your face!"


The faces of several big men showed anger and disbelief: "I suspect you have a problem with your brain! That's hundreds of millions!!! Hundreds of millions! Just that little money?"

Ye Yang was completely convinced. It has come to this point, and he has no remorse at all. He is still entangled in money. There is no hope.

"In this case, we don't agree, you get out! Don't blame us for not reminding you! You guys are so delicate, I'm afraid you can't stand our punches!"

Several big men are ready to fight.

"The painting was given to my grandfather by the old man. What does it have to do with you!"

Zeng Niu shouted angrily.

"Shut up, little bastard!"

Several big men looked at Ye Yang fiercely: "If you don't get out, we won't be polite."

"Cough cough..."

Zeng Damin on the bed coughed angrily.

Ye Yang raised a slight arc at the corner of his mouth: "You're welcome... Just you?"

"It seems that he won't cry until he sees the coffin."

Zeng Haiping sneered and came up directly, ready to intimidate Ye Yang.

Unexpectedly, Ye Yang was in no mood to talk nonsense, and punched him in the face.

Although Ye Yang knew that with his level, it was more than enough to deal with a few thugs, but it was better to be cautious. The first to strike is the strongest, and the last to strike will suffer. Since a fight is inevitable, then I will do it myself first!

"You kid dared to sneak attack!!!"

Zeng Haiping's nose was collapsed and his face was covered with blood. He shouted angrily: "Fuck him!!!"

(Second update)

Thanks to the book friend Chu Nian for a love letter~

Thanks to the book friend Peace Elite official account for the inspiration capsule and a love letter!

Thanks to the book friend What I use to keep you~

Thanks to the book friend Gong Lao who loves Valentine's Day breakfast for the Bobo milk tea!

Thanks to my friend Nan Siyin who loves Mandarin fish noodles~

Thanks to my friend Ye Li Liu Xiang for the likes and a love letter~

Thanks to my friend Zi Autistic Soul for Bobo Milk Tea!

Thanks to my friend Ren and Gentle Angel for two love letters!

Thanks to my friend Lu Yi Shi Qi Er for the reminder!

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