Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 268: Priceless Treasure

"Fuck him!"

Although Ye Yang made Zeng Haiping's nose bleed as soon as he met him, and he curled up on the ground, but after all, he only relied on sneak attacks to strike first.

They didn't believe that a young man with tender skin and tender flesh could really take care of them all.

As for the other girls, they looked extremely weak and were not taken seriously by them at all.


Just as they were about to rush up, they saw two girls standing in front of them, which made them a little confused: "You two little bitches, go aside, we don't hit women."

"Oh, you are quite principled?"

Xiao Qingxuan sneered, but showed no mercy in her hands and kicked him directly, sending him flying several meters away.

On the other side, Xiao Xiaozhu stretched out his hand slightly and pinched the shoulder of the person in front of him.


The man let out a faint moan, then fell to the ground foaming at the mouth, rolling his eyes, and his limbs were slumped on the ground in a mess.


The remaining two were extremely pale, obviously frightened.

Kicking someone several meters away and causing foaming at the mouth when touched, is this really something that ordinary humans can do?

The two looked at each other, obviously a little timid.

"Wasn't it fierce just now? Why are you so timid now?"

There was a hint of contempt in Xiao Qingxuan's eyes.


The two of them no longer dared to underestimate the two girls, so they directly picked up the stools on the side and rushed forward.

As a result, after hearing only two sounds, the two of them flew back and fell into pieces.

"You still say you don't hit women. What a bunch of liars."

Xiao Xiaozhu stuck out his tongue and smiled lightly.

Ye Yang looked at Xiao Xiaozhu's harmless appearance, and then looked at his brother on the ground who was foaming at the mouth, and he couldn't help but feel dumbfounded in his heart.


Zeng Haiping looked at the brothers lying around in various directions, and the horror in his heart could not be greater. These young people completely subverted his understanding of young people. This is too scary!

Zeng Niu was also dumbfounded. He only knew that Ye Yang was a big shot, but he didn't expect that he would actually be a martial arts master.

But come to think of it, how could such a big shot not be accompanied by two bodyguards?

However, what I didn't expect was that the bodyguards turned out to be two pretty and lovely girls.

"Get out of here!"

Xiao Qingxuan frowned and said coldly.

"Let's get out of here..."

Zeng Haiping couldn't even speak clearly and said vaguely.

So, the brothers supported each other and stumbled out of the house.

"Don't let me see these guys again!"

Xiao Qingxuan obviously didn't feel satisfied with the beating. She waved her fist and said fiercely.

This kind of person makes people hate him so much just looking at him.

"Mr. Ye, I've caused you trouble..."

Zeng Damin forced himself to sit up and wanted to reach out to pour Ye Yang a glass of water, but he ran out of energy.

"Old man, just take a good rest."

Ye Yang smiled lightly and sat down.

"When a guest comes to the host's house, he must be served a cup of tea..."

Zeng Damin obviously paid great attention to these etiquette.

Zeng Niu made a pot of hot tea for him and poured it to Ye Yang and others.

"To come to my place, you must be willing to pay more than 10 million to buy this picture of cattle herding under the willow?"

Zeng Damin asked in surprise.


Ye Yang explained: "Based on the reference of a previous painting that was similar, this painting is similar now and has this price."


A flash of touch flashed in Zeng Damin's eyes: "In this era, there are few people who can be as upright as Mr. Ye."

"Don't worry, old gentleman."

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head. He was not a person of noble character, he just had his own bottom line.

This kind of normal bottom line can actually be regarded as a noble character nowadays...

Of course, the most important thing is that he is not short of money.

You can even make money by spending money, so there is no habit of haggling at all.

"I'm afraid I won't die soon... Letting my grandson Zengniu sell paintings today is just a way to attract others."

Zeng Damin coughed twice: "I know very well the market situation in the antique industry. Newcomers like my grandson will inevitably be plotted in every possible way... I would like to find someone who understands painting and cherishes these treasures, and will be my best friend." Important treasures are entrusted to him.”


Ye Yang didn't speak, and smiled bitterly in his heart. He was afraid that the old gentleman had misunderstood something and thought of himself as too noble.

"So, I gave my grandson a bottom line, which is one million."

Zeng Damin obviously also knew the value of this painting: "This can also prevent him from being cheated too badly."


Ye Yang couldn't laugh or cry, good guy, your good grandson sold this painting for almost 50,000 yuan!

Zeng Niu's face turned rosy. He was anxious to save his grandfather and almost fell into a trap due to being fooled.

"If someone is willing to bid more than ten million, he must be someone who truly loves and understands painting. Entrusting my calligraphy treasure to such a person will not be considered as a disgrace to such a treasure."

Zeng Damin lamented: "I didn't expect that there are such righteous people as Mr. Ye in the world! His noble sentiments of being willing to pay his own price and not cheating my grandson just because he doesn't know the business moved me deeply."


Ye Yang couldn't laugh or cry, he didn't think so much...

Old sir, your imagination is really first-rate!

"Bring the painting!"

Zeng Damin said solemnly.


Zeng Niu slapped the mechanism of the bed board, and hid under the bed. After operating it for a while, he solemnly took out a framed and extremely solemn painting.

"What is this?"

Ye Yang unfolded the scroll, and a feeling of boldness and heaviness came to his face.

In the scroll, eight horses, with different expressions, running and unrestrained, unrestrained and free.

"What is this? Eight Horses?!"

Ye Yang sighed in surprise.

"Well, my father had a relationship with Master Xu Beihong in his early years. The master gave this calligraphy to my father before he said goodbye. We have been passing it down to this day."

Zeng Damin smiled faintly.

"Just this painting can guarantee that you will have no worries for generations... Why..."

Yu Momo was a little puzzled. Obviously, the Zeng family had declined a little. Now living in this small courtyard, life is very hard, and they can't even take out 200,000.

"There are some people in this world who live only for feelings."

Zeng Damin smiled faintly and shook his head.

Yu Momo felt a little incomprehensible, but he could only respect this attitude.

There are so many people in this world with various and strange ideas. As long as they don't harm others, there is no right or wrong.

It's normal not to understand.

"Today, this painting will be given to Mr. Ye."

Zeng Damin bowed and said solemnly.

(First update)

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