Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 269 The boss is in a good mood today

"Give it as a gift?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

The largest painting recognized as the original work of Master Xu Beihong on the market today is the Six Horses, and there is no Eight Horses at all.

If the news that he once made an Eight Horses painting and circulated it in the world spread, it would definitely shock the whole society.

What tens of millions, one hundred million, it is difficult to describe its value. If you have to use one word to describe its preciousness, it can only be called: priceless treasure.

Such a template, given for nothing?

"I will pass away. Zeng Niu is kind by nature. With those poor and evil relatives staring at him, he will definitely not be able to protect such a calligraphy. It is better to give it to you. You have a noble character and will definitely treat such a treasure well."

Zeng Daming coughed a few times, his eyes deep.


Although it is difficult to fully understand Zeng Daming's feelings, it does not prevent Ye Yang from feeling that kind of nobility and purity.

"Mr. Ye, please don't refuse."

Zeng Daming said firmly.

The so-called 200,000 yuan can cure it, but it is just to fool Zeng Niu. He knows that his disease is probably incurable.

"I understand."

Ye Yang nodded slightly: "But if you want me to accept it, you have to agree to one condition."

Zeng Niu on the side was a little surprised. If it were someone else, he would definitely be eager to get this priceless calligraphy for free, but Mr. Ye still had to put forward conditions?

"You say."

Zeng Daming said frankly.

"Except for the 20 million yuan I just agreed to buy the painting of cattle herding under the willow, I will take care of the old man's disease."

Ye Yang could hear that Zeng Daming had given up on curing the disease.

"No need, Mr. Ye... I know my condition, so there is no need..."

Zeng Daming was about to refuse, but he saw Ye Yang's persistent eyes, and finally smiled bitterly: "It's all up to Mr. Ye."

Ye Yang nodded slightly. Although Zeng Daming was upright, he was out of touch with modern society.

In his eyes, the incurable disease does not mean that modern medicine cannot solve it.

The fact that hospitals in small places cannot cure diseases does not mean that the top medical standards cannot solve the problem.

After decades of development, modern medicine at the top level is already incredible enough, such as extending life in disguise and genetic level treatment. As long as you have money, except for a very few ultimate diseases that have not yet been conquered, such as malignant cancer, all other diseases can be cured.

It can be said that the current top medical care is no different from magic for people whose cognitive level is still decades ago.

Immediately, he called Liren Hospital. As the top hospital in China, it also represents the current cutting-edge medical level in China.

After setting the time, Ye Yang also told Zeng Niu about it and promised to reimburse all treatment expenses in full.

After agreeing, Ye Yang took the painting and returned to the villa with the girls.

Now, it is already night.

Ye Yang looked at the two paintings in front of him and pondered.

The Eight Horses Picture is a treasure entrusted to him by Zeng Damin. Its value is inestimable. If he takes this painting out tomorrow, it will be amazing enough.

But I'm afraid that the birthday gift will be too amazing and turn into a shock.

Grandpa is over 80 years old. Don't get too excited. If he passes out, the happy event will turn into a funeral.

"Thinking about it this way, it's better to keep a low profile with this painting of cattle herding under the willows. It's worth about 20 million yuan, which can be called a treasure, but it's not a treasure beyond imagination. It's not shameful to use it as a birthday gift."

Ye Yang nodded, silently gave a thumbs up to his own idea, and then made a decision.

The next day, in the business-class extended top-equipped Lincoln car that was urgently ordered and airlifted, Ye's father and mother were a little nervous and restless.

Originally, Ye's father and mother were still very happy. After getting in the car, they praised the large space inside the car and said it was much more comfortable than a small van.

But since they heard Yu Momo say that the car was purchased urgently at a price of nearly 40 million yuan, it became like this.

Ye Yang looked at Yu Momo with a smile.

Yu Momo scratched his head, indicating that he didn't mean it.

Next time when I quote to my parents, I should at least erase a zero before quoting.

Soon, Lincoln drove to Binyue Restaurant.

Everyone got off the car and came to the door.

The waiter at the door saw Ye Yang, his eyes lit up, and he bowed repeatedly and said: "Welcome, boss!"

Ye Yang nodded slightly, and then took his parents into Binyue Restaurant.

"Son, what did they say just now?"

"It seems to call you boss?"

Ye Xuanting and Su Xueli looked at Ye Yang strangely.

Simply saying how rich you are has no impact.

As a landmark of Chuncheng, Binyue Restaurant is a synonym for high-end and rich in the hearts of every Chuncheng person. This kind of thing that brings subjective impact to people is taken into Ye Yang's pocket, which is more impactful than Ye Yang saying that he has hundreds of billions.

Because, for ordinary people, they have never seen a hundred million, so they have no intuitive feeling about hundreds of billions or thousands of billions. No matter if they meet a billionaire or a 100 billionaire, they will probably just say: "Really rich."

Ye Yang laughed: "I know their current boss."

Although Binyue Restaurant has been transferred to him in name, the formal contract has not been signed and the handover has not been completed, so he cannot say that he is the boss in the legal sense.

"My son is amazing!"

This sentence has a greater impact on Ye's father and mother than buying a villa or a luxury car.

"Have you arranged what I told you?"

Looking at the hotel manager who came up, Yu Momo asked.

"Don't worry, we have arranged everything."

The manager bowed and said repeatedly: "Please follow us."


Ye Yang nodded slightly. Since Binyue Restaurant was his own and the birthday banquet happened to be held here, he naturally had to do something by the way, otherwise wouldn't it be a waste of this "coincidence"?

On the fifth floor, all the family guests of the Ye family were a little confused.

"Why didn't you come to the banquet? What time is it... and there is no movement?"

Someone asked with some confusion.

"Yeah, could it be that the host remembered which floor wrong? It can't be possible?"

"Although the kid from the old family is a little proud, he is still very reliable in doing things. This kind of big mistake should not be made."

Everyone was a little confused.

When Ye Yang's family came in, the manager of Binyue also came in.

"Xuan Ting and his family are here."

The Ye family exchanged a few words.

Then a young man in his twenties came out of the crowd. Obviously he knew the manager.

"Ahem, Manager Li, this banquet..."

Ye Yang looked at the young man, who should be the cousin Ye Xiu who is said to be doing well recently in his uncle's family.

"You are very lucky. Today, the boss specifically asked you to use the Evergreen Pavilion on the top floor for free."

The manager said with a smile.

"... Evergreen Pavilion!"

Ye Xiu stared, a little unbelievable...

(Second update)

Thanks to the book friend Lao Niu chewing tomatoes for the blade!

Thanks to the book friend Qu.0 for the update reminder!

Thanks to the book friend nickname review... for two likes!

Thanks to book friends 3614/7909 for Bobo milk tea!

Thanks to book friends 2955/0870, 1931/1297, Xiao Liangshu who likes net-patterned grass, 9803/6288 for the likes~

Thanks to book friend Uchiha Yidaqi for the update reminder!

Thanks to book friends 1191/4991, Gong Gong Changchang for the likes~

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