Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 270: Proud Father Ye

"Are you sure it's Changqing Pavilion?"

This is the top floor of Binyue Restaurant, where the public dining consumption in Spring City is the highest!

If so many people from the clan had a meal there, it would probably eat up his entire family...

Although the family factory made some money, in fact, the total family wealth was only about ten million.

The available cash is naturally only two to three million, and holding a birthday banquet here is already the limit of what can be afforded.

"Don't worry about money. The boss said that he will cover all the expenses for Evergreen Pavilion today."

Manager Li smiled and nodded, looking at Ye Yang by the way.

I am not in a hurry to reveal my identity as the boss of Binyue. It will not be too late to reveal the surprise arranged later.


Even the grandpa in the main seat was shocked.

Father Ye and Mother Ye were thoughtful. Manager Li was so polite to Ye Yang just now. The boss's arrangement may be because of his own son...

Not long after, the Ye family all came to the banquet hall on the top floor.

Soon, they were seated according to their order.

Ye Yang's great-grandfather Ye Zhili sat at the main table, and there were several uncles on the table.

Below are the middle-aged generation of Ye Yang's father. As for Ye Yang and the others, they sit at the same table with their father.

The atmosphere was also very festive.

As the dishes arrived, the steaming heat heated up the atmosphere even more.

Each family is discussing with each other.

Although they are all relatives, there are not many opportunities to meet each other normally.

Now we finally have the opportunity to chat together, and of course we will discuss our respective situations back and forth.

"Alas, this kid in my family has failed to live up to expectations. After graduation, he has been looking for a job and has not found one yet."

"That boy of mine is doing quite well. He's a vice president. Why don't you give him a hand and introduce him to a job?"

"Oh, no need..."

"Haha, the daughters of the third family are all married off, how fast! I even peed on her when she was a child!"


The air was suddenly filled with joy.

"By the way, Xuanting, how is your Xiaoyang doing lately?"

Su Ziyan is a relative of Ye's mother, and the Ye family does not yet know that Ye Yang has 'opened an investment company'.

"It's not bad. Alas, I don't understand what's going on with children now. Let them make their own way!"

Ye Xuanting said with a proud smile.

"Xuan Ting is an honest man. He can say a good thing. He must be doing very well! Has he become a senior executive? His annual salary is now hundreds of thousands?"

The other relatives became more energetic and looked over.

After all, they are all a family, and there must be a desire to compare, but in their hearts they still hope that there will be more capable people in their family.

"It's not like he became an executive."

Ye Xuanting scratched his head.

Others suddenly became less interested: "That should be a promotion and salary increase, but Xiaoyang is still young and can always become a senior executive in the future! I am optimistic about him!"

"That's right!"

Seeing everyone's misunderstanding, Ye Xuanting waved his hand quickly: "Actually, Xiaoyang resigned from the company and opened a company of his own to become the boss."

"Start your own business?"

"That's a magical city! It costs a lot of money to open a company!"

"Is the market value now in the millions? If the prospects are good, my boy will be counting on you to arrange work, hehe..."

The relatives at several tables around me suddenly became interested.

Ye Xuanting looked at Ye Yang and asked his son if it was convenient to tell him.

Ye Yang spread his hands and expressed his casualness. There was nothing to hide about his achievements. He didn't tell his parents completely. It was just because his true wealth was too outrageous now. They wouldn't believe it if he told them, so he could only let it go in a subtle way. They accept.

As for making their parents proud, it is a wish that every child has in their heart, and Ye Yang is no exception.

"Oh! That's true!"

After receiving his son's permission, Ye Xuanting suddenly became interested and sat upright, with joy written on his face: "My son is doing great now. It is said that he has opened an investment company. When he came back this time, he even bought us a market." I live in the Jingyue Villa in the district! But I really don’t know about the market value.”

"Hiss! Live in a villa!"

Relatives at several tables around me widened their eyes in surprise.

Living in a villa, in the eyes of normal people, is a sign of being rich!

Even if the housing prices in Spring City are not too outrageous, why shouldn’t the price of a better villa cost several million?

Only Uncle Ye Yang's family can afford to live in a villa in the city.

"Amazing, amazing! Xiaoyang is not only promising, but also filial! Having a son like this makes me laugh out loud in my dreams!"

"I envy you Xuanting so much! You are so blessed!"

The other uncles were all full of praise, and their eyes looking at Ye Yang were much brighter than before.

"Now that Xiaoyang is so rich, I must have prepared a good item for this birthday gift!"

Fourth uncle asked.

“I was short of time and didn’t have time to pick out any great gifts, but it’s still acceptable!”

Ye Yang scratched his head and smiled sheepishly.

"Ah, it is true that we have neglected this. Xiaoyang said before that he would not come back until Eleven, so we never had time to tell him about it when he came back. We only remembered to tell him yesterday."

Father Ye repeatedly rescued Ye Yang.

"Ah, it's okay, it's just a birthday gift! Thoughts are the most important!"

"Yes, yes, our uncle won't care about this."

Several uncles were joking and trying to help Ye Yang smooth things over. They probably thought that Ye Yang really didn't get a shocking enough birthday gift.

"Hey, hey..."

The sound of the microphone came and everyone looked over.

I saw my uncle's son Ye Xiu already standing on the stage: "Today is our great grandfather's eightieth birthday! It's a great joy for the four generations of the Ye family to live together..."

Next, there was the host's welcome speech. The content was relatively ordinary, but Ye Xiu obviously participated in such occasions. His mood and tone were very well grasped, making everyone cheer.

As for some relatives who knew that Ye Yang started a company, they were subconsciously comparing Ye Yang and Ye Xiu together.

After all, he is the best among the younger members of the Ye family.

"That's right! Today is Grandpa's birthday. I have prepared a golden blessing character for him. I wish him good fortune like the East China Sea and longevity as long as the Southern Mountains!"

The third uncle stood up and presented a copybook. It was nothing unusual, but the words on it were written with gold powder. It was estimated that this copybook was worth tens of thousands of yuan.

Grandpa Ye Zhili also smiled and gave birthday gifts with both hands. For the old man,

For ordinary people, it is already considered a great gift.

This is where the birthday gift-giving process officially begins.


Every time a birthday gift is given, the venue becomes lively.

Gifts range from a few thousand yuan to tens of thousands of yuan.

Soon, Ye Xiu and Ye Yang were the only families in the field who had not given birthday gifts...

(First update)

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