Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 272 This restaurant is mine

Ye Yang had just put down his watch when there was a loud explosion outside.

"It finally begins."

Ye Yang also raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

At this time, everyone's attention was attracted.


"This is?"

"I'll go, what a gorgeous rain of fireworks!"

Through the transparent structure of the twenty-story all-glass curtain wall, everyone present could clearly see the shocking scene taking place outside!

"Boom! Boom!"

Gorgeous fireworks bloomed in the sky.

Looking down from the glass curtain wall, it looks like fireworks all over the city, which is extremely dazzling.

"Hey! There are so many fireworks, I'm afraid they cost at least 1.8 million, right?"

"Everywhere you look you see fireworks. It's so grand!"

“It’s really spectacular!”

Everyone in the auditorium was surprised.

The children were babbling and looking at everything outside with bright eyes.

"I don't know which family is so rich and what kind of life they live."

"Hey, maybe someone is celebrating his birthday at Binyue Restaurant today?"

"Well, it's really awesome!"


While everyone was sighing and marveling, the fireworks in the sky gradually condensed into ten large characters, standing vertically across the sky.

"Grandpa, live a long life and wish the Ye family longevity."

When these ten fireworks characters appeared in the sky, everyone's inner surprise and shock reached the extreme!

"This...this is specially prepared for us!"

"I'll go, how is it possible!"

If the previous fireworks were shocking enough, then the final customized fireworks will cost a lot of money. The price of this fireworks feast alone is probably not less than millions! ! !

And fireworks are just instant consumables!

In a short period of time, millions were burned just to watch a fireworks feast, creating a visual spectacle!

This kind of arrogance far exceeds spending 20 million to buy a family heirloom.

The impact and shocking feeling it brings is also extremely direct.

Everyone present looked at each other.

Who is it that has the ability, thought, and strength to create this fireworks feast? ?

Everyone's perspectives changed between Ye Xiu and Ye Yang.

Surprised and uncertain.

Just when Ye Zhili wanted to ask, the entire twenty-story glass curtain wall was illuminated in festive red, grand birthday music sounded, the door opened, and a group of senior executives from Binyue Restaurant poured in and bowed.

"On behalf of the owner of Binyue Restaurant, Mr. Ye Yangye, I would like to extend my birthday wishes to Mr. Ye!"

This sentence contained so much information that it blinded all the relatives present.

"The owner of Binyue Restaurant is Ye Yang!?"

"The fireworks feast just now was arranged by Ye Yang!?"

Everyone looked at Ye Yang in disbelief.

Ye Yang smiled slightly, obviously very accustomed to this kind of attention-grabbing occasion.

"This... what they said..."

Ye Zhili also stood up and looked at Ye Yang, his eyes filled with disbelief.

In fact, these people present are all senior executives of Binyue Restaurant, many of whom are worth millions or even tens of millions. So many big shots are bowing to make statements together.

He knew that it was basically impossible to be false, but no one dared to really believe it until Ye Yang admitted it himself.

"That's right."

Ye Yang smiled slightly and nodded generously in admission.


Ye Zhili's pupils shrank.

Binyue Restaurant is famous in Spring City! Almost everyone knows its name, and its rough valuation alone is more than 2 billion!

That’s 100 million!

For ordinary people like them, that is simply an unimaginable number!

Even the uncle whose family has 18 million is the most respected.

All of a sudden, he owned a restaurant worth more than 2 billion! ?

This is too dreamy!

"Ye Yang, amazing!"

Ye Zhili patted Ye Yang on the shoulder with mixed emotions and sighed: "I didn't expect that my Ye family would finally have a real dragon!!!"

Ye Yang scratched his hair. People of the older generation liked to describe it like this. Although it seemed a little too good to modern people, it was still expressing his inner excitement. It was hard for him to say anything.

"It's actually true!"

Many uncles and aunts were also stunned, looking at Ye Yang with eyes full of surprise and envy.

If the wealth gap is within three to five times, jealousy and sourness will arise in everyone's heart, thinking that they are almost the same, why should his family live better than ours?

But when the wealth gap exceeds a thousand times, all that remains is pure admiration and envy.

Billions of billions!

Whoever has such a relative will not be allowed to travel far away from home! ?

"Don't be surprised, everyone. If you need to hold a banquet or something at home in the future, you can come here to do it and I will reimburse the expenses."

Ye Yang smiled lightly.

"No, no, no, we definitely still have to pay!"

“It’s great to have the convenience of being able to reserve a spot at any time!”

All the relatives were filled with emotion, but a meal here would cost tens of thousands, and they would not be happy if Ye Yang had to reimburse them all.

Father Ye and Mother Ye were immersed in the praises of the relatives around them, and were a little confused. Didn't it mean that the owner of Binyue Restaurant was familiar with his son, so he got such good treatment?


It turns out that Ye Yang is actually the real boss of Binyue Restaurant! ?

His own son has assets worth several billion? !

This idea made them a little confused. They had lived a life of ordinary people and had only seen a few hundred thousand or a few billion. What kind of concept was that! ?

After the celebration, the executives left their small gifts and left.

As soon as the executives left, a group of relatives came up. Ye Xuanting's family was obviously the center of the venue, and it was very lively.

I don't know how many aunts and aunts proposed to introduce a partner to Ye Yang.

But after seeing the Yu Momo girls who were almost attached to Ye Yang, they stopped recommending after comparison.

After all, Yu Momo and the others, any one of them, was a national beauty, beautiful and charming. The girls they knew were really not good enough compared to them.

Considering that Ye Yang's assets were at least 2 billion now, it was unlikely that he would be interested in those ordinary girls, so they had to give up in the end.

The banquet ended with laughter and joy.

After saying goodbye to the reluctant relatives, Ye Yang took his family back to Jingyue Villa in a stretched Lincoln.

Even after returning home, Ye's father and mother couldn't help but get excited.

Although from Ye Yang's words and deeds after he came back, he could feel that his son had indeed made a fortune, but he didn't expect that he would become so rich!

After all, it was a physical restaurant worth more than 2 billion yuan!

As long as it was there, even if it was sold, the money would be more than enough for a lifetime!

For the older generation who were only looking for stability, it was simply the most ideal industry.

Ye Yang chatted and laughed with his parents casually, and Yu Momo handed over the phone: "Boss, there's a call from Songhua Lake Fishery..."


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows... Fishery?

(First update, please watch the video to urge the update~ If there is no video to urge the update, there are free gifts below to give Jiuyang popularity~)

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