Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 273: Autumn fishing at Songhua Fishery?

"Fishing ground? What fishing ground?"

Ye Yang scratched his head, a little confused.

"It is said that this is your new property, boss..."

Yu silently blinked at him.

Ye Yang said oh, and then asked the system: "What's going on?"

"This is a gift given to the host by spending 20 million Chinese coins to purchase the "Picture of Shepherding Cows under the Willows". However, because its total value is less than one thousandth of the host's current total assets, the notification sound was ignored according to the system settings."


Ye Yang's mouth twitched, his feelings were now worth hundreds of millions, and he was no longer even qualified to be prompted.

"Do you want to change this default setting?"

The system's voice sounded again.


Ye Yang repeatedly said that his assets now must be in the trillions. If he doesn't remind him if he is less than one thousandth, wouldn't it mean that his assets worth billions will be automatically ignored!

Just like this fishing ground, if the other party hadn't taken the initiative to call me, I wouldn't have known that I had a fishing ground worth hundreds of millions under my name...

No matter how small an ant is, it is still meat, and no one will dislike having too much money.

"Settings have been modified."

The sound of the system came out again.


Ye Yang felt relieved and picked up the phone.

"Hello? I'm Ye Yang."

"Oh my god, boss! I have contacted you. The autumn fishing in Songhua Lake is about to begin recently. Boss, would you like to come and see us? You can also visually see our achievements this year!"

The voice over there was very rough, it should be the first-line manager of the fishery.

Fishing in autumn and winter in Songhua Lake.

The November wave is the fattest wave of the autumn fishing, and it is also the most unprecedented wave. After that, it is the winter fishing once a year.

Ye Yang thought for a while, the life of the rich was so boring, so going to see the big fish seemed to be a good choice.

Because Songhua Fishing Farm itself is outsourced, and the previous boss himself took time to see the harvest once a year, that's why he made this call.

After agreeing, Ye Yang told Yu Momo: "If you want to go see the fishing ground, you should buy a means of transportation on the lake."

Now that the weather is getting colder, if you are going fishing with a few girls, then a comfortable and powerful fishing boat is naturally indispensable.

"Okay, I'll contact you to buy it right away!"

Yu Mo smiled.


Ye Yang nodded.

After this trip, the fishing boat can be placed directly in the Songhua Fishing Ground, just as I, the boss, have purchased some new fishing tools for the fishing ground.

Yu Momo went to contact the fishing boat. Ye Yang was bored, so he started playing single-player games with sisters Xiao Qingxuan. He suddenly missed the cute little maids in the Yunding Mountain Villa.

Soon it was dinner time.

Ye Xiaozi came up with steaming dumplings.

"It's dumplings again..."

Ye Yang couldn't laugh or cry. The older generation always had a special feeling for dumplings and couldn't get enough of them.

"By the way, brother, Yang Haoshuo asked me to tell you something last night."

Ye Xiaozi ate dumplings and said casually.

"Huh? That guy is still harassing you?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, with a dangerous look in his eyes.

"Ahem, no, bro!"

Seeing that Ye Yang had misunderstood, Ye Xiaozi shook her head: "He is respectful to me now."

"Well, he knows what's going on."

Ye Yang nodded slightly: "What does he want to see me for?"

"He said that there is an autumn fishing event in Songhua Lake recently, and some powerful young people in Spring City will go there to play. He wants to invite you to go too."

Ye Xiaozi said.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. It was quite a coincidence. We were going to visit him anyway. Since we had caught up, we might as well go together.

"Brother, are you going?"

Ye Xiaozi's eyes shone brightly.

"What? You want to go too?"

Ye Yang asked with a smile.

"Emmm, making dumplings at home every day is so boring!"

Ye Xiaozi shook Ye Yang's arm and acted coquettishly.

"Okay, I'll take you there!"

Ye Yang smiled and flicked his sister's forehead.

"That's great! Thank you, Onii-chan!"

Ye Xiaozi chuckled.

"Ahem, as a personal secretary, I will definitely go too. After all, I also need to check the financial report of Songhua Fishing Farm this time."

Yu Momo put on a righteous expression.

"Then our sister bodyguard team is of course duty-bound! Maybe there will be a mutated big fish in the lake, and we will protect the boss's safety!"

Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu said in unison.

"Okay, everyone goes, everyone goes."

Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and then looked at Ye's father and Ye's mother.

Father Ye and Mother Ye waved their hands repeatedly: "Forget it, we old guys won't join in the fun. You young people should have fun!"

After saying that, Su Shirley kept winking at Ye Yang.

Ye Yang nodded dumbfounded.

Several days passed quickly.

The day of autumn fishing has arrived.


At the entrance of the villa area, the more outstanding members of the Yang family have been waiting here for a long time.

Ye Yang also walked out casually.

"Mr. Ye! The old man asked us to take care of you all the way. We can still talk to each other in this area near Spring City."

The leader, Yang Haoming, said with a smile.

Ye Yang looked at the young men of the Yang family. Compared with the wretched and wretched man Yang Haoshuo and the sex maniac Yang Haoqiang, the young men in front of him were really eye-catching.

They had a very humble and elegant feeling.

They were also a family, but the difference was really big.

"We have arranged the itinerary. Please come with us, Mr. Ye."

Yang Haoming smiled confidently, very graceful.


Ye Yang nodded slightly, and then stopped talking nonsense, and directly took the women into the car.

Yang Haoming looked at the beautiful women around Ye Yang, and he was quite envious.

However, he also knew that Ye Yang's identity and the women around him were not what he was qualified to touch.

Not long after, they arrived at the Songhua Fishery.

Because the autumn fishing was about to start, the fishery was very lively, and many tourists came here to witness the lively scene of the autumn fishing.

But Ye Yang didn't have to squeeze in this chaotic crowd. He directly followed Yang Haoming and others through the VIP channel and came to the most core VIP VIP room.

There were already many young people sitting in the VIP room. They were chatting and laughing with each other. Judging from their clothes, they were obviously from wealthy families.

"Hey, Young Master Yang is here."

Seeing Yang Haoming coming in, many young men looked over. The Yang family had a high status in Chuncheng, so naturally people would pay attention to them wherever they went.

"Brothers, this is Mr. Ye I told you about."

Yang Haoming introduced with a smile.

"Hello, Mr. Ye."

These young men had obviously heard of Ye Yang's reputation from Yang Haoming, and they were a little in awe of him, and they were very kind at this time.

"Hehe, it seems that the Yang family is getting worse and worse every year. Where did this kid come from, and he was also surrounded and praised?"

At this time, an inappropriate sneer came in...

(Second update)

Thanks to the book friend Yihen who loves to read novels for the Bobo milk tea!

Thanks to the book friends Haoran and Gurobiwa who is full of evil for their praise~

Thanks to the book friend Zhucheng for the update reminder!

Thanks to the book friends, 1931/1297, a love letter from Wan Hongxia of Cangmang City~

Thanks to the book friend National Daughter Nagisa Mitsuki for the update reminder!

Thanks to the book friend He told her to eat its razor blade!

Thanks to the book friend Pangu is my brother, 1248/6565, 9909/2596, 3632/3850, 1987/5231 for the likes~

Thanks to the book friends Yang Dianfeng, Yunhai's Bobo milk tea!

Thanks to the book friends 1091/7591, 3878/7300, SCP-166 himself for the update reminder!

Thanks to the book friends Young people do not talk about martial ethics, struggling young people, 6121/5795, 4248/1599, 2066/6774 for the likes~

Thanks to the book friend Huan for sending the razor blade!

Thanks to the book friend Chuan for sending the razor blade and the likes!

Thanks to the book friend Yangge for the update reminder!

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